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Comings, Goings and New Arrivals IX: Those Things Come And Go

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50k is a lot of posts.
Hey, maybe that's another possible explanation: He's seeing that he's nearing 50k and he wants to make his 50kth post a whopper. Like the Great Hellenic Novel, as has been speculated.

The Poster (formerly known as Gori) speculatz
When are you actually going to have your username changed to t.p.(f.k.a. Gori) then?
The Great Hellenic Novel is a rather silly concept. Not any more silly than thr Great American Novel. The Great Anything Novel is the dumbest idea since someone thought nation-states were a good idea.
So there isn't going to be a Great Catalan Novel then?
Moderator Action: This is not a conversation thread, no matter how many times people forget that.
I think we should open up a purely conversational thread. That would actually be fun! (I'm being serious)
So open up a thread then if you wish.
May be you could call it "Conversation about Comings, Goings and New Arrivals; what they didn't say" or something better.

If there is too much conversation in this thread you can not find who has actually come, gone or arrived.
We have TIL, Random Raves, Random Rants, Random Thoughts, questions-not-worth-their-own-questions, and a few other slightly less inespecific threads already.
but we do not have a Northern Macedonia is best thread yet:hug: so what is wrong.
I’ll still be posting in the nfl discussion threads but nothing else for the time being. I’ve had some discussions with other posters that are making me seriously reconsider my political standpoints, and I’d like some time off to think about it.
That probably includes me. If so, I remain available for consultation. :)
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