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COVID personal experiences

Thanks for the info.

If a person is having a panic attack for the 1st time and does not know what it is, holding their breath is counter-intuitive.

When my heart rate maxes out, holding my breath makes the heart sound even louder, causing even more worry.

Panic attacks are a horrible positive feedback loop of worry and more adrenaline.

Best cure was to give up caffeine and stay away from bagpipes.

An adult is not built for caffeine if drinking it makes them tired, not more energetic.
Kind of like the stimulant ritalin makes children tired because they are already far too energetic that stimulants have the opposite effect.

Gave up caffeine and have way more energy.
Alcohol makes me feel much more normal.
Guess I'm 1 or 2 on the knurd scale.
Yes, I noticed that having too much coffee makes me irritated.
But I got used to one cup in the morning and it feels fine if I don't drink more.
Never had panic attack myself, but remember having high anxiety state, which is much less acute but can last several weeks or months.
Went out for my sometimes daily, brisk ,1.5 mile, 30 minute walk today. Five times around the park (as seen in Breaking Bad) and then a final trip around the block. I took some pics. Sandia Peak ~10,500 feet, South Peak, a couple hundred feet less, and a long view shot of our park
Ssandia Peak.jpg South Peak.jpg park.jpg
I'm quitting my retail job over this. We're explicitly not allowed to wear masks or gloves, and the customers are being even more abusive toward us than normal. It's an opportunity.
I'm also going to try to start doing my 10 mile walk daily for stress relief.
I'm quitting my retail job over this. We're explicitly not allowed to wear masks or gloves, and the customers are being even more abusive toward us than normal. It's an opportunity.
I'm also going to try to start doing my 10 mile walk daily for stress relief.
Hello Spidernova! Welcome to our little community. Please post often. :)
I'm quitting my retail job over this. We're explicitly not allowed to wear masks or gloves, and the customers are being even more abusive toward us than normal. It's an opportunity.
I'm also going to try to start doing my 10 mile walk daily for stress relief.

Hiring here in WI. No customers to deal with, starting pay is $18-20/hour (im at 24.50) and get paid to walk several miles each day (and pick cases (weights)). Latex gloves may be a problem (haven't tried it, i wear cloth). Masks can be worn, but working out with a mask....I don't like that idea.

Fever scans everday starts today at my work and lasts at least the next 6 weeks.
I've stopped shaving.....it really didn't seem worth the effort now that I no longer have to go into the office for work!

Day 8 - and so far the wife likes it so that cant be a bad thing!

Mine regrets buying me a safety razor(a la the type grandpa used, very hipster) since I decided to take the opportunity to mess around with it. The Burnsides haven't filled in exactly as I hoped, but eh, near enough.
When I was at the grocery last time, all cashiers were wearing latex gloves. Although I doubt it will make much difference if they use the same gloves for the whole day.

Gloves: so, the thing about latex gloves is that they're amazing at combating exposure. BUT, 99% of their benefit is 'human factors' (how behaviour changes based on the tool you're using).
- gloves allow you to use cheaper cleaning solutions on your hands (our team uses a 2%+ bleach solution on their hands between activities). It's quick and effective and cheap. Your skin would be destroyed over the course of a workday.
- gloves allow you to notice when you touch your fact more easily (depending on the person).

But if you're not taking advantage of those two factors, then wearing the same gloves for the majority of a shift doesn't help much. There are strong odds your delivery driver doesn't know this.
What, people aren't in love with tanning their hands anymore? Makes the smartphone work way less well, but the workday usually hurts less. :lol:
See now, I've been wondering if a retail job would actually be an upgrade over never seeing anybody.
Even before this pandemic started. Working in retail is a sure fire way to loose faith in humanity, real fast.
Best cure was to give up caffeine and stay away from bagpipes.
What's wrong with bagpipes? As long as they're properly tuned and the player knows what they're doing, bagpipe music is a Good Thing.
What's wrong with bagpipes? As long as they're properly tuned and the player knows what they're doing, bagpipe music is a Good Thing.

There's a time an place for bagpipes.

That being at the front when you get to shoot at angry Germans.
There's a time an place for bagpipes.

That being at the front when you get to shoot at angry Germans.
:nope: Bagpipes are quite wonderful and their music delightful. I will admit they can be an acquired taste.
What about death metal bagpipes?
There's a time an place for bagpipes.
- in the annual parade

- at the Folk Festival

- at the Highland Games (though not all day; I once lived 3 blocks from the site where they were held and was hearing bagpipes even when they weren't playing)

- when the Legion pipe band is practicing; they used to do this at the Armouries, just up the block from where I used to live; I'd put the dog on the leash and we'd go over, sit on a log, and have a free concert

- on Remembrance Day

- at the symphony; one of the pieces was "Amazing Grace" played under a single spotlight by a lone piper. When he was finished, most of the audience was openly crying.

- for fun; one time I heard bagpipe music coming from the street across from my house and saw a guy standing outside, playing. I went outside and when I got over there, he expected to be yelled at. He was surprised when I thanked him and said I'd enjoyed his music.

*Of course, all the above is based on the supposition that the pipes are properly tuned and the player knows how to play.
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