Do changing avatars confuse you?

Lord Gay

May 21, 2009
New Haven, CT
I'm more of a face person than a name person. I can remember and recognize faces, but names are not my strong suit.

When I read posts in forums, I tend to associate a poster with their pic, not their name. When a poster changes the pic, I can sometimes get a bit confused:

"Hmm, who wrote this post? Huh, looks like we have a new poster here. Wait, what? 10,000 posts?? How the hell did a new poster get so many posts? Hmm, JohnRM. That name sounds KINDA familiar, but I'm not sure..."

When posters change their avatars and I forget who they are, I then try to remember what pic they had before in order to remember "who" they are.

It's kind of like having a phone number on speed dial. You get so used to using the shortcut that when it's gone, you can't remember the actual number. Similarly, I spend more time associating people with their pics instead of their names. So when people change their pics, it takes me a bit to reattune to their new image.

I like that Mob hasn't changed his pic since I came here, and I believe that Formal and Roger have kept the same type of image throughout. Other posters also have a certain stability in their pic choice.

So what do you think of posters who change their avatars? Do you care? Does it disorient you? Do you focus on their names and ignore the pics?
I wholeheartedly agree. For that reason, I try to keep my avatar changes as minimal as possible. And get mad when others don't abide by the same creed.
I have periodically changed my avatar (and even gone naked). You shouldn't even have to look at my user name or avatar to know it is me.
I used to have a revolving door of avatars. I still sort of do, but they're all avatars with the same subject (Korra) and have been for about two years. No real prospect of that changing anytime soon.

I don't usually rely on avatars to differentiate people, but sometimes - like with useless and flyingchicken using slightly different Shuckle avatars right now - it can get a little confusing.
All those Bald Eagle avatars with the same flamboyant posting style got a bit confusing back when it was all the rage. It was difficult to realize that it was more than one poster.
Roger, I must admit to a man-crush on you and your wit. It's only because I don't wish to spam that I don't post laughing responses to most of your comments.

And it's true, I recognize your style without looking at your... face. I believe you've stuck with pirate flags as long as I've been around (off and on).


@ Madviking

Who are you again?
Extraordinary circumstances. When your community is under attack, you have to circle the wagons. You got people out there trying to tell you who you are and what you are. They're trying to make you feel bad about yourself. They're trying to tell us that the culture at Penn State is the problem and that feeling bad about ourselves is the solution. I ain't goin' out like that. If all I got, at the end of the day, is my pride and a couple of degrees that won't get me a job, then so be it. We know who WE are, and that ain't got nothing to do with Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno, and what happened to those kids. That's why I changed my avatar.
Extraordinary circumstances. When your community is under attack, you have to circle the wagons. You got people out there trying to tell you who you are and what you are. They're trying to make you feel bad about yourself. They're trying to tell us that the culture (...) is the problem and that feeling bad about ourselves is the solution. I ain't goin' out like that. If all I got, at the end of the day, is my pride (...) then so be it. We know who WE are (...).
Can't relate to this at all.
I have all of your avatars turned off, so I never notice when one changes.
I don't really care. I'm well past trying to relate. Haters gon' hate.
It's a habit I acquired on another forum. Some people had a tendency to make animated avatars which could be a little hard on folk susceptible to migraines.
It's a habit I acquired on another forum. Some people had a tendency to make animated avatars which could be a little hard on folk susceptible to migraines.
Animated avatars are against CFC rules.
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