Firaxis Ripping us all off!

At least civ isn't like a MMORPG, charging you $15/month for a feature you should get for free (actually PLAYING the game)

I dunno, I think I got my 50 bucks worth in this game...and I doubt the expo will be another 50...probably just 35-49 :p

Despite myself, I'm increadibly excited about it....
I can understand both sides of the argument...

But I will aggree with the original poster... there are other games out there constantly releasing patches and mod for their base product...

how do they make money you say??? simple, more people buy the base product constantly... when they do finally move onto the next game, the first game gets bundled with the new one... (for those who have not guessed I'm talking of the Halflife/counterstike/teamfortress series)

now lets take a look at another game that is taking the model that fraxis is trying now... the Battlefield2 game... they are just about to release their 2nd 'patch' which all their patch does is make sure their next expansion will work... with each expansion the community gets divided... those who actually purchased the expansion ($10-$25)actually get to kick vanilia players in the nuts because they get to bring added weapons back into the base game! thats nice for the people who sould their soul for the expansion patch, but its spitting in the faces of your base set of players... with each expansion pack, more problems arrise that need patching but they are mostly ignored until the next expansion is announced...

I will not be buying an expansion... and if they keep this model intact for their next games, I will not purcase the base games... therefore the little gains they make on the expansions will not pay off in the long run as their base playerset is reduced...
I like the Civ games, but I do think that Civ4 was very buggy, and basically unfinished, when it was released. We all bought the game, because we assumed that a game that was released to be played would be a finished product.

Instead it still doesn't run properly on a significant minority of systems, and multiplayer (apparently: I don't play mp) is atrocious. If you're going to release a game early because you need the money, your priority once you've got the income to keep you afloat is to fix the game for all those people who've just bought it.

Since we all have to agree to ridiculous licenses that no other industry would get away with, we can't make any claims about not being fit for the purpose for which it was sold. So we wait and hope that a game that's barely worth £20 will be fixed so that it runs properly and becomes the best game of a popular series rather than a foolish investment.

I'm certainly not going to be buying any expansion pack until the game actually works, and even then I'll probably wait. I feel like I've been screwed once, and so I'll want to make sure that the expansion is worthwhile before I lose another lump of money.
As far as I'm concerned the current game is already fixed. Is it bugfree? No, only trivial programs are these days. Can I play it to my hearts content? Oh yes, sure thing.
With the knowledge that another patch seems already in testing I believe that Fireaxis more than lived up to its obligation.
Will CivIV work on all systems? No, an no amount of patching is going to fix that. It works on the fast majority though, and that is good enough.

So on with the expansion I would say and let the sales numbers decide who was right ;)
Actually Take2 need to make the money, since they lost a lot. Chuckle!
Although I feel that I got my moneys worth and then some.. I do think of CivIV as unfinished/rushed. And I can imagine that an alleged rushed release, caused more than the usual amount of content to be left on the drawing board. The selfish reactionist in me complains that this culled material should be given to me free because I payed for a complete game but got a rushed game. But reason triumphs as I remember that CivIV is waay more than I expected, and it was well worth the money I traded it for. The game is deep, it's fun, and it's taken the franchise of Civ to new heights. This games given me some real bang for my buck.. and I've barely blown the tip off the iceburg! The best is yet to come!!
I agree with you White Elk. The game is obviously unfinished and I have witnessed some minor bugs but I have enjoyed playing it tremendously. I look forward, with great anticipation, to more content.
I waited 2 years b4 buying CIV3 Gold, ie everything on one CD - it was torture (Although I did get some work done!).

Civ4 will Patch (for free) b4 the Expansion Pack, so Firaxis can head off performance probs with it!!

No, really!!
Well finally i got some people to see my point of view with Civ 4 being a rushed released game! AND It was worth every cent, but i just feel fustrated when they start talking about the new expansion pack when the game still has lots of bugs. i am not trying to say civ 4 is a bad game! Civ 4 is awesome, i just dont feel like firaxis is doing enough to support the original game atm!

Yes i will buy the expansion ( like civ 3 with conquests, how different and improved was that game after that expansion! ) , but give me my moneys worth atm!
All computer games released these days are in various states of unfinished-ness*. It's always best to wait a little while after the game is released for the first major patch to come out and then either purchase it or start playing. I just think it's sad, the Longbowman pic doesn't look any better than the custom longbowm in the custom section, it's really going to blow if the best the corporate guys can do doesn't live up to what the fans can do.

(*You know what I mean.)
White Elk said:
The selfish reactionist in me complains that this culled material should be given to me free because I payed for a complete game but got a rushed game. But reason triumphs as I remember that CivIV is waay more than I expected, and it was well worth the money I traded it for. The game is deep, it's fun, and it's taken the franchise of Civ to new heights.

ZIGACTLY! That's the crux of the biscuit, on the barrelhead, in a nutshell. If you get your money's worth, you've not been ripped off.

This games given me some real bang for my buck..

I thought male elk were called "bulls," not "bucks"... ;-)
Ha! You're complaining that the game isn't patched, and that they withheld all of this new content? Can you imagine how buggy or delayed this game would've been if they included it all?

Expansions make good business sense, just like making sequels do.

Come to think of it, I've never bought an expansion.
I too think it is easy to agree with both sides of this 'argument.' cIV is a great game, and expansions are just the way of computer games, does make one raise an eyebrow when one still has so many troubles with the original game (especially MP) and now there's an announcement about a new expansion pack. Save the announcement (it's not coming out for a while anyway, right?) and just get us the patches.
Nothing new here people. It has been a gaming industry standard for years now.

If you do not like it don't buy. If you do great it will be in stores soon.

In any case complaining about it will not change one bit the fact that it is going to happen. Just deal with it and move on...
JerichoHill said:
People need to learn economics

I do, usually from libiralism, so that I can pop the great merchant for something like replaceable parts :)
monkspider said:
Oh brother, this is one of the most absurd threads I have ever seen on here.

I'm starting to agree with you.
megalomaniac said:
I'm starting to agree with [monkspider].

It's nothing new though. For EVERY game fan site forum I've lurked/posted on, whenever an expansion pack is announced, lots of people get annoyed because the same thing happens: video game publishers and developers keep making and publishing expansions so they can get a profit. However, if the expansions didn't get sold, the developers wouldn't be able to keep developing... Plus, expansions usually turn out to be good, as long as the original game was.
I like Civ IV, even unpatched I didn't find a single bug until I went multiplayer.

I like Sid Meier, I think hes a great game designer, and there really are only a handful of them left. (Chris Taylor, Peter Molyneux, Tim Cain, Feargus Urquhart)

So, please, relax. These people need to eat. Of course they're going to keep patching the game and we should reserve judgement for the expansion until it comes out.

You all like Civilization enough to be in this forum. That must mean something.
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