Firaxis Ripping us all off!

THARN said:
I don't see enough to the expansion that warrants me to spend $29.99 And I'm only guessing thats what it'll cost. If they ask for more they're nuts. civ 4 in its current state is good enough for me., I'll save my cash for medeival 2 total war.
It's gonna cost 30 € ??? (Euro, dollar, basically the same)
I'm sorry, I find this a very high sum of money for something that basically a large mod and little more. A rip off ... yes, but they'll ofcourse continue to do so as long as people are foolish enough to buy this which is the saddest thing, they get away with this...
If only Firaxis was like Stardock :(
But they adress issues with the game before thinking about an expansion, actually update the game while listening to complaints and ideas. How much the game has changed before the expansion comes out, is probably already worth the name "expansion" in Civ.
You pay 75 % of a full game for a handful or scenario's and some minor additions ? But then again they keep delaying the SDK, out of fear someone might actually make their expansion for free ?
at £17.99 for civ 4 on day of release i aint grumbling bring on the expansions
Stardock is the developer and the distributor, which solves a lot of the problems that Firaxis is having trying to get the patch released. I'm sure the next patch will come out for CivIV well before the proposed July release date of the expansion.

Even so, complaining about being "ripped off" by having an expansion being announced stretches my ability to understand that argument.
King Flevance said:
The fact that there already is concept art, screenshots of some of the new features, and scenario designs shows us that alot of their resources have been put into the expansion now and the patches to the core game put in the closet.
FWIW, artists don't typically work on bug fixes/patches; programmers do.
I like the fact that an add-on will be coming out some time, new content is always sweet. However, on the other hand if the new content is so marginal that shelving out another 30 bucks is a lot of money, I also do feel like I'm being ripped off. I used to be in a Soldier of Fortune 2 clan from the beginning and 3 patches came out, which all had a new gun or two, and two to four new levels to play in, completely free. Now that's service. If they piled the new content of 2 of those patches together and sold it as an expansion pack people would have bought it easily.
Dittos OP. The money is not an issue. Playing an inadequately tested, buggy game after 2 patches is getting just a slight tiresome. After Civ 3 at least I was smart enough to wait until the first patch of Civ 4 came out, because I was certain that the rush-to-get-it-out-before-Christmas version would be a mess. It should not have been released yet, in my opinion. I'd rather pay $100 to get a polished version than $40 or so for a trip into extended aggravation.
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