GGF4: French

Guys, I'm really sorry. I had to finish getting ready to go to Martha's Vineyard yestarday. But I promise, I'll be done today.
ARGH :wallbash:. We got caught in traffic yestarday, so I was in my car for 7 hours. I've spent the last two trying to install Civ3 on this piece of junk, and it's not working. I'll probably get it to work eventually though, but can I get a one-person delay?

Sorry about all of this. I hate dial up, and slow computers :(.
first, the 1000AD save

Preflight check: we’re spread out but that’s not unexpected. I see a lone sword is planned for the southern city, even though it has a pike. Move a sword to join him. I’m gonna take all the swords strung out in the eastern mountains and throw them at the Eastern Inca town. Need more lux. Move a couple of stationary units towards the front as well as the settler in Toulouse

IBT: Lose 3 knights, 2 AC’s, and a trebuchet. We need to be a little less exposed when attacking. imho, i usually consoldate and attack from strength rather than string out units to confuse the enemy.

T1: 910AD kill lots of stuff and consolidate the fronts.

IBT: Inca complete Compernicus

T2: 920AD Take Riobamba with no losses (3 retreats) and without the army (healing for gems town). Kill pikes and spears in the southern Inca city, losing 1 archer but not enough to take the town.

T3: 930AD kill 2 more spears in the southern city without losses but attack stalls. Will need to heal the wounded swords.

IBT: Lose 1 pike and 1 knight to MDI counters

T4: 940AD Very poor RNG only allows me to kill 3MDI and 2 spears in Vilcabamba, leaving a 1/3 pike on top. Position Knight army, 5 knights, 3 AC’s, and 6 Trebs to take Gems city next turn.
Get good RNG and capture Ollantaytambo + 2g + 2 cats + 2 workers with no losses. Silks are not hooked up yet due to cultural borders.

T5: 950AD @ Gemtown: Trebs go 5 for 8 and get a MGL from an elite Knight! Send back to Johnstown and form another Army. Use 2 elite AC’s and capture the city.
@ Vilcabamba: RNG is kinder and I kill a pike, spear, and MDI to take the city

IBT: lose 2 knight but defeat 1 MDI @ silktown.

T6: 960AD 1 sword dies but the other 2 win and we take Arequipa. May lose it IBT due to health reg archer outside of town.
Kill a healthy MDI outside of Silktown, letting 2 redlined MDI’s go. Getting ready to take the town SE of there next turn and getting into position to take southern Inca town. 2nd Knight Army loaded in Johnston and takes off.

IBT: As predicted, Arequipa lost to Archer.

T7: 970AD Damnit! 3 swords die against spears in southern town. At least the knight won :lol:

T8: 980AD Capture Sausa and rename Salsa. Capture Haunuco Pampa to connect the silks and rename Deadhill.
Adjust sci slider to gain 1 turn on gunpowder.

T9: 990AD Trades: With Sumeria: Spices and 20gpt for our Gems, Ivory, and Wines. Note, they know the Americans and the Vikings.
Seems we burned a deal with the Celts and our rep is tanished according to the Maya.
Meet the Vikings by moving our exploring galley 2 tiles. They are up everything as well and will give us Gunpowder for our WM but this only shaves 2T off our research so next player should check for something better from them.
With the added lux, I reduce the lux slider to 10% and bump up research to 70% so we get gunpowder in 1T.
Retake Arequipa losing 1 sword.

IBT: Republic -> Chemistry

T10: 1000AD Position treb’s and troops next to Machu Picchu.

Note: we can trade our WM to Maya for contact with the Americans. This will probably drive down the price of Chemistry as we are behind in techs and need to catch up. I turned off research while checking for trades and found that no one want our gpt. However, I forgot to turn it back on. You can get Chemistry in 10T or Theology in 5T. Sorry about that.

There’s a vet pike in Deadhill that can be upgraded next turn to a musket if we want to trigger our GA.

Inca citizens are unhappy but I don’t really care. Either taxstarve them till they cooperate or let them stew. Just don’t let them riot as they’ll break the furniture ;)

Inca archers keep sneaking up from the East. I was killing them with the lone sword out there but the RNG gods finally turned on me in Turn 9 and it died attacking. Move the knight in the area down to help out.


I lost track of who last played and I'm glad you figured it out before I went off and tried to punch out another 10 turns.

We (I) burned the deal with the Celts when attacking the Aztec. The sea route was cut.

Good job! :goodjob: We made the incursion up the middle and grabed the luxuries we desparately needed.

This is the first game I have ever played w/ culture flips turned off. Totally new dynamic taking cities.
jb1964 said:

I lost track of who last played and I'm glad you figured it out before I went off and tried to punch out another 10 turns.

give gogf another 24hrs, then you should take it.

i'm building mines near Marsellies to free up mined hills near Orleans. That should allow both cities to increase spt. Don't be afraid to merge a native worker to Marsellies to get the spt and pop up if necessary. we have plenty of native workers atm.

Paris is up to a knight every 3T, most others are @ 5T. we need to see what we can do to get them to 4T (70/4=17.5 or 18spt after corruption).
grahamiam said:
give gogf another 24hrs, then you should take it.

Unless I hear otherwise I will be playing tonight.
back to ping-pong between jb and grahamiam :) well, looks like that's going to be the game from here on out. maybe we could merge this game with the gang of 4 redux game and actually get 4 players total :lol:
Pre-flight… not even going to bother.

IBT: We’re building another 7 or so knights and the Incans have been so kind to have built Magellan’s voyage for us. As a matter of fact they own 5 wonders. For now.

Turn 1, 1010
One of eight trebs hits the mark at Machu, Army kills off two muskets and a pike, elite AC’s kill off pike and LB and take the city.
Rushed a market in Cinci
Starving off the population in Victos
Courthouses and knights is the order of the day. FP in 3.
Kill off two spears in New Tiwanaku but our elite sword falls to a reg spear. Sending the knights to heal and will bring ‘em back for round 2.
Lux down to 0%, we’re backwards idiots and there are no real deals to be had since I torpedoed our reputation.

IBT: Zero
Turn 2, 1020 AD
Kill off another spear in New Tiwanaku only to reveal yet another.
Switch the builds in some of the larger cites to markets.

IBT: Iroquois and Inca sign a peace treaty. Inca MI pour into the area.
Turn 3, 1030 AD
Hit a spear in Tiwanaku, kill one and have a retreat on another. This little pain in our southern regions is crawling w/ spears and at least one LB.
Pike wandering around Muchu get’s bombed to 1hp and then almost takes out an elite AC.

IBT: Inca land an archer. Dispatched later w/ a knight. MI take out an archer and sword forted on a mountain. So much for the terrain advantage.
Turn 4, 1040 AD
Siege of Cuzco…
Knight army takes out two pikes and is taken down to 2hp. Yikes.
Elite knight drops to 3hp vet pike. Vet pike takes out pike. Vet knight drops to pike. Vet knight take out pike, elite AC kills 2hp musket, elite AC kills 2hp pike, regular AC kills off pike and Cuzco is ours. I rename it Costco. We have Copernicus’s.

IBT: Nothing
Turn 5, 1050 AD

IBT: Nothing
Turn 6, 1060 AD
Killed another spear in Tiwanaku.
Moving on new Incan capitol w/ long, stupid name.

IBT: Nothing but a few more kills
Turn 7, 1070 AD
We take the new Incan capitol and rename it Columbus. We own the MoM. It’s supposed to make three citizens happy but I have 11 in rebellion. I shall starve them.

IBT: Kill off a few very weak counter attacks.
Turn 8, 1080 AD
Reinforce cities and move forces for healing.
Victos has been starved down to 3 people and they have quit their whining.
We buy Theology from Smoke Jagoff for 1089g and WM.
Wines to Smoke for 14gpt.
Embassy w/ Sumeria, Ur has 12 pop, all happy, 19 spt.

IBT: Skirmishes
Turn 9, 1090 AD
More fighting. Nothing major. Gathering forces.

IBT: Nothing
Turn 10, 1100 AD
Forces moving on Huamanga (Please rename this Humongous)
reads good jb :thumbsup: i won't get to this till early next week as i'll be out of town fri and sat and i'm already committed to 2 more tomorrow night.

gogf, if you're out there, go ahead and take it.
This weekend will be busy w/ BNH02 and then my PTW SG. gogf, if you're out there, please take next.
sorry jb, i've been ignoring this game as well. i will try to fit it sometime soon but i'm falling way behind on my cotm3 submittal.
I could play this because I have both 1.15 and 1.22. It would seem that you're not getting any help here. I'm wondering why you are not triggering the GA yet?
M60A3TTS said:
I could play this because I have both 1.15 and 1.22. It would seem that you're not getting any help here. I'm wondering why you are not triggering the GA yet?
i guess because we're lazy :) seriously, we are not behind by much and we are ahead on this continent. the inca are rolling up like a cheap suit.

i have to look at the logs to see if we've finished gunpowder yet. maybe, but i'm not sure. i have no problem triggering it now (i think we discussed that before but i can't recall...)

if you would like to join, feel free to take the save and run with it :) thanks!
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