ImmacuNES VI: Dreams and Legends

Sooo, gotten everyone's orders?
Also, will the winner of the Red Moon contest be announced after all the votes are tallied or in the next update?
In the update.

We have counted all the votes and the winner has been decided. We got orders from everyone except Hbar. Despite this, only 10 players voted. We felt this was enough and chose a winner based on the votes we received.

Everyone who wrote stories this turn gets bonus 'story bonus' however- just as an appreciation for your efforts- nothing mind-blowing or disproportionally powerful- but a small thank you none-the-less.
Well glad to see that it turned out all right. I really think that these special events are nice and keep everyone engaged with the game, just so long as they are varied and spaced out properly of course.
Any update on the Update?
Not great. I lack motivation. I guess, to be honest, i am taking a tiny break.
Can we get confirmation on whether this is dead or not?
Immac needs a break. When he is ready CPR will be performed on "Dreams and Legends"
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