ImmacuNES VI: Dreams and Legends

I'm just not yet done Merciary. Everyone who posted shall have stats within 2-3 days.

Patchy, would you like me to just give you bonus stats above and beyond the mold everyone else has had to adhere to (seriously we can do that but you have to realize that you would be getting a special bonus no one else was)? Or would you like to play by the rules and accept that you picked an expensive unit trait? Or you can change your unit trait and use more 'perks' on your stats- (maybe they just turn invisible instead of actually travelling somewhere?). I'm fine with any of these options.
Honestly, though, I don't think anyone would burn down an entire forest to commit genocide. Your people are pacifists, and probably wouldn't mind if a couple settlements popped up.
Not sure if I've done this right, so if there are any mistakes let me know Immac. I'll add my perks later on.

Nation: Iwa-Saalit
Player: Ekolite

Race: Beast (Lizardmen)
Favored Climate: Subtropical

Spoiler :
Iwa-Saallit -

The Iwa-Saalit race are bipedal lizardmen, with sharp fangs, but somewhat delicate claws with opposable thumbs allowing for tool use. The Iwa-Saalit are scaly, cold blooded creatures which require at least a few hours spent in direct sunlight in order to properly function. As such their habitat is somewhat limited. Their scales are often brightly coloured, with vibrant reds, greens and oranges being common, and blue, purple and even black being somewhat rarer. The males generally have small horns on their heads, although these are somewhat of a genetic artifact and have shrunk over the millennia to the extent that they are no longer useful as natural weapons. Most Iwa also have small feathers which partially cover their heads and backs. The Iwa-Saallit civilization primarily inhabit a realm of subtropical mountains, plateaus and river sides.

The Iwa-Saalit are expert stone masons and are able to construct remarkably advanced structures considering the time period. The Iwa Blood Altars are particularly notable. Their preferred building materials are crude basalt and granite blocks which are quarried in the rocky uplands of their territory and often transported down river to construction sites on low-lying barges. Indeed the rivers and waterways of Iwa have long served as a vital network connecting their disparate settlements together and providing a sense of a common civilization. The Iwa have a strong affinity for their waterways and have sometimes been known to construct rudimentary canals to connect them.

The Iwa culture is very superstitious, and pleasing the Gods is considered of vital importance. The Iwa worship a pantheon of somewhat disturbing idols and deities, the most dominant one being Aerin. Aerin is the patron God of the Iwa people as a whole, and his priests command a great deal of respect throughout the realm. He is seen to be a temperamental and vengeful God, who must regularly be appeased by ritual sacrifice. Blood sacrifice is a common feature of Iwa civilization. Often, other sentient creatures are captured as slaves to serve this purpose, although sometimes Iwa blood itself is required. Cannibalism is another particularly unpleasant feature of Iwa civilization, which is particularly widespread amongst the ruling class. Perhaps as a result of their natural coldbloodedness, the Iwa are largely desensitised to violence and murder. Their religious zeal bloodlust makes Iwa society particularly brutal and their culture is largely incomprehensible to the other races.

Iwa males are required to serve their local ruler in the army for at least two years once they reach maturity. Their prefered weapons are short spears and javelins. Iwa priests do not accompany the army on expeditions, but are famed for their divination and magical rituals which can effect the outcome of military battles remotely.

Descriptor: Emperor/Conclave of Aerin
Esteems authority.
Respects centralised.

Cultural Strength:
Descriptor: Ritualistic and Blood-drenched.
Esteems Tradition.
Respects Glory

Gold Income:
Descriptor: Interconnected Waterways
Respects Autarchy
Respects Free Market


Descriptor: War Parties armed with spears and javelins.
Army Quality:
Navy Quality:
Airforce Quality:
Military Units:

Descriptor: Blood rituals


(Racial) Cold-blooded: the Iwa race are naturally desensitised to brutality. Murder is often considered a legitimate solution to social problems.

(Racial) Blood Ritual: The High Priests of Aerin are able to channel mystical powers by using ritualistic killing to please their Gods.

(Governance) Conclave of Aerin: A council of high priests which exert a great deal of influence over the Iwa nation.

(Cultural) Stone Masons: The Iwa are excellent stone masons, their settlements are unusually well constructed for the age, and they possess early engineering techniques which are unrivalled by any other.

(Cultural) Interconnected Waterways: The Iwa are reliant upon the interconnected waterways of their realm for trade and a sense of community. They help to connect sometimes disparate communities. The waterways are largely natural, with some early attempts at canal building.
Added my perks, and I'm going to rewrite the description of my nation at some point. I'm happy with all the concepts, just not the terrible writing.
Patchy, would you like me to just give you bonus stats above and beyond the mold everyone else has had to adhere to (seriously we can do that but you have to realize that you would be getting a special bonus no one else was)? Or would you like to play by the rules and accept that you picked an expensive unit trait? Or you can change your unit trait and use more 'perks' on your stats- (maybe they just turn invisible instead of actually travelling somewhere?). I'm fine with any of these options.

That is not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is that my race isn't well represented by the stats. The Kodama were supposed to be highly specialized towards arcana at the cost of everything else but economy. But instead of having the highest magic in the game we got races like Seon's who only spent two perks on magic related power ups and got not only a higher magic but higher technology, the highest army quality in the entire game, near equal resources, and near equal culture.

Take away the disappearing, take away the going into the spirit realm, just treat my perks as additions to my people's magical affinity and I'll be content. I'll still probably RP the fading away part but I know that it will have no effect.
On that note, Seon's race is ridiculously overpowered. They have the highest army quality in the game, yet their tactics are geared towards things that haven't even been invented yet? And they dominate at magic, military and economy? My race is geared towards military, already have what they need for tactics, and are built for war, yet Seon's people still outstrip them in that and every other category? I find it rather annoying, to say the least.
The stats are pretty imbalanced. The poor orcs have nothing going for them except culture which counts for little since as I understand it: high culture lets you have more unique unit designs but you can only have three unique units at once. Heck, they only got 3 more army quality than the bloody pacifists. That's messed up.

Culture is basically the obvious dump stat.
Patchy, i will take away your disappearing/spirit travel and put the stats into arcana as you request.

Please feel free to ignore your culture stat and we'll see what happens.

Arrow gamer: Your stats are balanced with seon's. Part of your advantages lie in the units you can hire. You start with racial unique units.

I really do need you all to sort of trust that i know what i am doing.
To clarify can you only have three unique units or only three unique types of units?

Either way my race circumvents that by just summoning in what help we need.
I really do need you all to sort of trust that i know what i am doing.

Considering that this is at least your 6th Nes, I'm inclined to believe you. :p
Spoiler :

Race: Kodama
Favored Climate: Temperate Forests (favors forest, little tolerance for non-forested climates, tolerant to wide temperature range)

Stability: 70
Descriptor: The Kodama live in a very tribal and decentralized society. They follow the guidance of the oldest spirit and when decisions need to be made they often come together to build a consensus before acting, this process may take years but to the Kodama it passes quickly. This style of government makes them slow to act but when they do act they do so with the full force of their entire nation.
Respects Liberty
Esteems Decentralized Command
- Consensus of the Wise ( 2.0 / 2 )

Cultural Strength: 17 ( 0 )
Respects Tradition
Esteems Cooperation
- Worhsip of the "Higher Spirits" ( 3.0 / 3 )

Gold Income: 0 ( 0 )
Resources: 16
Respects Autarky
Respects Regulation
- farming ( 2.0 / 2 )
- foraging ( 1.0 / 1 )

Innovation: 5
Base: Stone-age
Advances: farming, writing
- ancient traditions ( 1 )

Descriptor: The Kodama are a pacifistic people, they rely on forest gods and other forest spirits to protect them should they be attacked.
Army Quality: 2
Naval Quality: 0
Airforce Quality: 0
- knowledge of the forest ( 1 )

- 5 Kodama Watchers

Arcana: ( 43 / 0 )
Descriptor: The Kodama have a very strong connection with the spirit world, they can use their magic to keep their trees healthy, summon other spirits, and literally disappear into their trees. Every Kodama is by definition magical but the strength of that magic depends on their age.
- innate forest magic ( 3.0 )
- spirit travel ( 2.0 )

Now that is what I'm talking about! Thanks Immaculate :)
On that note, Seon's race is ridiculously overpowered. They have the highest army quality in the game, yet their tactics are geared towards things that haven't even been invented yet? And they dominate at magic, military and economy? My race is geared towards military, already have what they need for tactics, and are built for war, yet Seon's people still outstrip them in that and every other category? I find it rather annoying, to say the least.

I feel the need to address this.

First of all, my tactics are not geared to something not invented yet because they are notz They are cavemen like everyone else. You merely suggested one hypothetical army as being superior over all and I corrected your mistaken beliefs by devising a simple tactic that would counter it.

Second of all, look at the STATs of the units.

You would notice that your centaurs run at speed of 4. In fact, every single unit you will ever design will come with extra speed. If I wanted to match yours, I would have to pay extra gold to train horses to ride. You don't that's your advantage.

I have no advantage racially over other races, being a race of Men, but I did spend 2 whole perks on combat abilities. As I lack access to UUs to dump points to, they all go to my army quality. Only way to be balanced, I feel.
I don't see anything misleading about that statement, especially when taken with context.
Now that is what I'm talking about! Thanks Immaculate :)

I really think you are making a huge mistake on your part, patchy.

You are sacrificing what made your race truly unique for something that other races can easily get too. Your race used to be cool spirit forest people with magic. Now you are silly and ugly gnomes with absurd magical abilities living in some godforsaken forest.

I will revere the first. I will gladly burn the second.
I think what misled him was that archery is not an tech anyone has yet, nor is metal working (i think) which would be required for the large shields.

EDIT: It's all in the RP, they still got spirit travel as you can see but it does nothing mechanics wise beside give me a boost in arcana income. My race can still be perfectly unique without a useless ability that is circumvented by dropping a cigaret on dry leaves.

I'll still be the cool forest spirit I was before, the agreement was that I would still RP the disappearing part.
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