Reiser said:
By the way, can we change our country names after a while (say, if I take over all of Africa instead of North Africa)?
A few others have done it.
I would like to claim land further south from Southern Thailand.

Japan, I'm not sure which is which. So....
You can change your name, and apparently, if you don't like your location, you can pack up and move your whole country without negative consequenses.

Oh, and welcome to the game. Good luck! :goodjob:
You can change your name, and apparently, if you don't like your location, you can pack up and move your whole country without negative consequenses.

Oh, and welcome to the game. Good luck! :goodjob:

Thanks. And yes, who did apparently pack up and leave carrying their whole country with them? I've only read the last 3 pages before posting.
You can change your name, and apparently, if you don't like your location, you can pack up and move your whole country without negative consequenses.

Oh, and welcome to the game. Good luck! :goodjob:

there are negative consequences. you have to modernize the country all over again.
_I thought it was in the last 3 pages. (See the post above mine)
there are negative consequences. you have to modernize the country all over again.

So you have none of your largest navy of the world at you beck and call right now? You also have limited arms, as well as weak infrastuce. We might need to run some more battles.:lol: Although, I'm a little mad that the fact that you are probably going to spend 3ish RL days, and your country probably will be on part with your old one.
So you have none of your largest navy of the world at you beck and call right now? You also have limited arms, as well as weak infrastuce. We might need to run some more battles.:lol: Although, I'm a little mad that the fact that you are probably going to spend 3ish RL days, and your country probably will be on part with your old one.

actually my navy is interned at French Guinea until i get a proper port city. and yes i did reassign most of the military to work as civilians for now.

once i get all the claims ready ill post my country. alright?
OK, I'm annoyed at the last 5 pages. I understand that those South American lands were ceded to the Marian Federation, but I don't think it's fair that he gets to double the size of his empire just because someone quit. And I am solidly against letting him into NADTA, in any form. And why is Math allowed to up and move because he decided he didn't like being cramped up in Europe??? At least he only took two starting territories, but then he tries to be the same country, but with different land. He even tried to keep the same military!!! He should never be allowed to be in NADTA, and I don't think we should even recognize him as existing.


/agree. QFT.


Visited. Thoughts posted.
I agree. NADTA is for American Americans, not European colonies or offshots in America. NEA defies allowing the Marian Federation into NADTA, and won't even recognize Byzantine Brazil's existence. Instead, we recognize, erm, the Venetian Republic. Yeah, that's right, the Venetian Republic as the sole heir to the former Byzantine Empire.
I agree. NADTA is for American Americans, not European colonies or offshots in America. NEA defies allowing the Marian Federation into NADTA, and won't even recognize Byzantine Brazil's existence. Instead, we recognize, erm, the Venetian Republic. Yeah, that's right, the Venetian Republic as the sole heir to the former Byzantine Empire.

Venice doesn't exist... and besides, Brazil is more... well, Brazilian than Byzantine. so we are the successor state.

we have no interest in joining the NADTA.
There's always room for more. :)
My claims. I want Buenos Aires and the surrouding area. Does Buenos Aires count as 1? (city-state/long distance) If it does, then I'd like to 2 areas indicated in Mexico. If it counts as 2, the red, inland one will be first priority.

I'd also like to formally start a petition to have something different done about the Neo-Incan Empire. I find it unfair and unbalancing to the whole game that one country can more than double in size after someone quits. I think the best option would be to make it a NPC. Can we start a UN vote on this?


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If the NCSA wishes to table a resolution, it may do so.
We recognize your rightful inheritance of The Andean provinces, and respectfully request that you keep to the wishes of NADTA.

We promise closer relations to Pacifistan for being reasonable about the acquisition.

We acknowledge that Neo-Inca wished to remain separate from NADTA, and he did have his reasons.

We will respect Canada, ATTACK, and Pacifistan's wishes, but not NEA or the NCSA's. So, indirectly, we will be supporting most of NADTA's policies.

However, given that Marian is on slightly warmer relations with at least some of the NADTA nations, we would like to ask how Marian feels about gaining at least partial membership within NADTA, and possibly keeping to the Monroe Doctrine within your American sphere.

We would happily sign non-aggression treaties and other cooperative agreements with the American states.

Partial membership of NADTA would of course be accepted; we are not warmongering bastards and want only peace. The fact we happened to peacefully acquire a nation means nothing; it only proves that peace is indeed the real king-maker.

Additionally, we request you make no more claims on the American Continent, at least until conditions regarding your membership within the Americas is hammered out.

We have decided to limit our expansion in the Americas; the only regions left open to expansion for us will be Peru and Colombia. The other borders will remain static, in accordance of the peace process. The case of Peru is its historical significance to the Incas, the case for Colombia being that it has Atlantic seaports we could use.

On that note, Pacifistan is calling for an NADTA conference to be held next month in the largest city in Pacifistan, Mexico City. Invitations have been sent to all NADTA members and observer nations, as well as the Marian president. The agenda is to deal with the two new nations in the Americas.

In the pursuance of international peace far beyond the borders of the Americas, and in the interests of the Marian and Neo-Incan peoples, we accept the invitation. As with all conferences, we hope it will be fruitful; we consider NADTA to have just as many - if not more - good apples as it does bad.

2)How isn't it imperialist? The Marian's are forcing their government upon a people whose government sold them out. Unless a majority of the people voted to be assimilated into the Marian Federation; but in this case it was just the leader's decision. So that means the people were forced to live in a country they don't want, i.e. the definition of imperialism.

"Democracy is for Chumps." - the Emperor of Japan in a previous exchange. Until you democratise, you have no right to talk about "forcing the will of the people on others."

Hmm. That's an interesting double standard... the will of the people only matters when it fits your agenda, it seems. You're a classic imperialist on par with Cold War America; your values only matter if they can coincide with your interests.

We are registering the valid Incan citizens to participate in our next election.

Indeed, President Infernius has just won re-election(he served the remainder of the five-year term, and now will serve the first six-year term of a Marian President). However, the Neo Incans have begun to send their own representatives to the Senate.

We will be able to publish a full report of just how many people they have once our provinces are re-organised.

Yes, but at least I acknowledge that I'm an imperialist of Asia. Though at least I'm not a global imperialists (I haven't claimed a single territory outside of Asia, unlike *cough* all the imperialists *cough*

OK, I'm annoyed at the last 5 pages. I understand that those South American lands were ceded to the Marian Federation, but I don't think it's fair that he gets to double the size of his empire just because someone quit. And I am solidly against letting him into NADTA, in any form.

Said territories are worth about as much as your territories in Spain, economically.

We must respect the wishes of the Neo Incas, who have entrusted us to look after them once their Emperor retired.

We will stand and fight to protect our new citizens.

Whether the agreements of the future are written in blood or ink is no matter to us; we leave the choice up to the American states of whether our new lands are worth a world war with likely tens of millions - if not hundreds of millions due to the deadly technologies of today - dead.
@Taniciusfox: Are you planning to expand your small North African claim downward? NATAR wishes not to interfere.
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