• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
All I addressed + Telangena, Tamil Nadu, North Ceylon, DPRS, Greater Sudan, NATA, and Democratic Arabia: Trade rights are offered to you all.

We would like that.
Sri Lanka asks if you could not look for trade rights from North Ceylon who we consider part of Sri Lanka and not a true country.

ooc: I have no freaking idea what happened on Ceylon between IOT 4 and now.

We would like that.


Oh, and please do not expand up the Nile. You have plenty of room to your east and south. Us... not so much.
It is fine.
The Independent City of Hong Kong

Ruler: Lord Ravanius

Political: Lord Ravanius Is the lord. He rules as a dictator. And the secret police are watching for anyone who says otherwise.

Economic: Close State supervision in provision of important goods and services, particularly food and weapons. Otherwise largely unregulated. At least 2.5% of the population are employed by the Secret police.

Religious policy: Free religion, but the secret police are watching it anyway.
Kaetif policy: Full citizenship rights, but the secret police are watching them too.

Infrastructure: Highly developed, but the secret police is watching.

Media freedom: None, the secret police ensures all media are controlled by the government. The only problem is a largely untouched internet.

Contamination: Contamination is at medium levels, closely monitored by the secret police government agencies.

History: Following the end of the world war, the city of Hong Kong was split between several warring factions, each of which claimed to be an independent nation. For 6 years this lasted, before the city was eventually conquered by Ravananian, who passed control over to his son 10 years later. During Ravananians reign he set up a state capable of surviving the contaminated environment, using large scale government control to do so. Ravanius later used this close state control to extend his own power across the city. The creation of the secret police network occurred only 2 years into his time as ruler, and has since grown to become a terrible force inside the city. Only Ravanius is safe from the secret police.


Hong Kong offers a trade agreement to every nation that will accept. We are particularly interested in securing a reliable food supply, since we dont produce any here.

Being Watched by the Secret Police :eek:
OOC: Myself and Link have moved discussion to PMs. Would like it if Joe, once he arrives would join us. :)

IC: Greetings Lord Ravanius,

I would be honored and, to be frank, would be your best choice to supply your country the food you desire. We are close, and we are cheap. The farmlands of our lands will supply you food. We can reach a pretty easy agreement. If it pleases you, I can begin the trading as soon as your men say so. We would also like to accept your trade agreement that you have offered.
To: Central South America We give you a one time offer, join the Republic and be eternally protected from outside imperialism,(The Marians) or stand alone and face the consequences.

To: República de Punta Arenas: Join the Republic of face the consequences.......
Central South America: Patagonia's reputation precedes it. We may entertain bilateral relations, but we are not so willing to turn over our sovereignty to the same nation that poisoned our lands.

Républica de Punta Arenas: Perhaps if you provided us with a convincing argument as to what consequences would be avoided, we may negotiate.

-The Federation of the Savanna is likely one of the most prosperous states in the world, and so, the Sombrist regime has approached them. Given their lack of encounters with the Kaetif, Sombra made sure first contact was made with a human representative to prevent awkwardness. Said representative also carried a message that it was up to them whether they'd prefer to speak with Sombra himself or a human representative in future meetings. The Marian Federation has attempted to hammer out some basic trade agreements between the states to foster friendship; this is important as the Savanna is a bit worried about the Marians'.

-The same policy was carried out towards the Kingdom of Konchasa, seeking to normalise relations as well as introduce the concept of the Kaetif to them. Increased trade agreements, the representative reasoned, would be mutually beneficial. The raw materials of Konchasa were of interest; they would allow the Marian Federation to industrialise much quicker.

-Venezuela has been approached, being one of the most prosperous nations in the world and also having a liberal Kaetif policy. Sombra cites them as an example of humanity and Kaetifkind living in harmony and peace together. Venezuela's energy exports would be of use to the Federation, though until the shipping lanes are fully operational, trade will be limited, due to the fact most of the Neo Incan provinces are a bloody mess.

-Central American Confederacy has been approached, primarily in the same manner as Konchasa and Savanna; a key topic was Marian use of the Panama Canal, for obvious reasons. "It is important that, while world trade is currently lacking, to lay the foundations for when it no longer is."

--A high profile trip was made to Central South America, where the Kaetif are on the brink of being discriminated against based on reports. President de Mar himself went. Sombra sought to improve relations with the dictatorship, both through trade, and trying to make it easier for Kaetif workers to migrate to the heavily-contaminated country, which would enable it to tap into its yellow zones somewhat more efficiently.
Federation of the Savanna: We will speak with Sombra before we give any thought to binding diplomatic agreements. His ambassador may be flattering, but we will judge for ourselves what the lion's intentions are.

Kingdom of Konchasa: It comes as no surprise to us that the imperialists now turn to Africa to lift them out of their self-made squalor. You are desperate for supplies; we are willing to provide. Our goods may come at a premium you are not used to, but this is a seller's market.

Kingdom of Venezuela: We would be interested in formalized trade relations.

Central American Confederacy: We are receptive to trade, but do not expect special privileges in regard to the canal. Given that international shipping is so limited, operational costs are proportionately higher than they were twenty years ago, and tariffs must naturally follow suit.

Goa: We would be happy to protect you from the Marathi Republic. If it comes to war, Macedonian troops would protect your lands as if they were our own.

Brcko: you do know we were talking about helping you fight the Abhorents in our homelands, right?

Hindustan: would you be interested in a defensive pact?

All I addressed + Telangena, Tamil Nadu, North Ceylon, DPRS, Greater Sudan, NATA, and Democratic Arabia: Trade rights are offered to you all.
Brčko: Again, the logistics would suggest that if the mutants were in a position to threaten us, Macedonia would not be able to respond in time. If, however, you had a permanent base closer to us, such an agreement might be of value. We will accept Macedonian trade, if a permanent route can be established.

Hindustan: <currently bickering with self>

Telangena: We accept the trade proposal.

Tamil Nadu: Exchange of goods and services would be mutually beneficial. Agreed.

North Ceylon: We do not have much, but we are willing to trade.

Also: I supose trying to be an oppressive dictatorship will mean a rebellion is more likely, but what happens to a city state in a rebellion?
Methinks... a single battle for it all. OFP all the way.
Central South America: Patagonia's reputation precedes it. We may entertain bilateral relations, but we are not so willing to turn over our sovereignty to the same nation that poisoned our lands.

Républica de Punta Arenas: Perhaps if you provided us with a convincing argument as to what consequences would be avoided, we may negotiate.

Central South America That can be agreeable........

Républica de Punta Arenas We can offer you autonomy in our Republic if you join us, but if you do not and we wish to invade and annex your nation you will not be granted autonomy but rather be placed under full martial law..... your choice .
7. West African Alliance
8. West Coast Commonwealth
9. Kingdom of Konchasa
10. Greater Sudan
11. Federation of the Savanna
12. Alliance of North African Independents
Other African Countries

We all know that other nations are lusting over our relatively unscathed lands. We should band together, secure our coasts and Keep Africa African. It can be a defense alliance against outsiders, or more if wished. What do you guys think?
West Coast Commonwealth

I see no reason why not.
Br&#269;ko: Airplanes! Look them up. They exist.

ZCOSD: Um... our current capital is Alexandria... so we were wondering... what the heck does that make us?
7. West African Alliance
8. West Coast Commonwealth
9. Kingdom of Konchasa
10. Greater Sudan
11. Federation of the Savanna
12. Alliance of North African Independents
Other African Countries

We all know that other nations are lusting over our relatively unscathed lands. We should band together, secure our coasts and Keep Africa African. It can be a defense alliance against outsiders, or more if wished. What do you guys think?

Ruler of WAA: I'm good with this.
7. West African Alliance
8. West Coast Commonwealth
9. Kingdom of Konchasa
10. Greater Sudan
11. Federation of the Savanna
12. Alliance of North African Independents
Other African Countries

We all know that other nations are lusting over our relatively unscathed lands. We should band together, secure our coasts and Keep Africa African. It can be a defense alliance against outsiders, or more if wished. What do you guys think?

Greater Sudan: I would accept.
@ the African Alliance:

While the President states every people has a right to security, forming alliances solely to combat some other demographic ("Keep Africa African") can only lead to ruin.

It was a European Alliance that gave rise to GUN, and engaged in a war for domination with an American and Asiatic Alliance. Which led to our current dire situation.

Those who don't know history...

Federation of the Savanna: We will speak with Sombra before we give any thought to binding diplomatic agreements. His ambassador may be flattering, but we will judge for ourselves what the lion's intentions are.

In response to the Federation of the Savanna's request, the President himself has journeyed to the country after a brief stall in talks. It is hoped that through trade, both nations can be enriched.

Kingdom of Konchasa: It comes as no surprise to us that the imperialists now turn to Africa to lift them out of their self-made squalor. You are desperate for supplies; we are willing to provide. Our goods may come at a premium you are not used to, but this is a seller's market.

If we do not buy the raw materials, someone else will. Their value to us will compensate for the increased price. Consider trade between our nations effective as soon as convenient.

Kingdom of Venezuela: We would be interested in formalized trade relations.

While our people lean fairly anti-industrialist, the value of oil cannot be disregarded. While we are doing our best to build a society around alternative fuels, petroleum must cover the shortfall if the Marian Federation is to remain a competent power.

As such, despite many radical environmentalists' protests... Sombra has declared trade relations between Venezuela and the Marian Federation open!

Central American Confederacy: We are receptive to trade, but do not expect special privileges in regard to the canal. Given that international shipping is so limited, operational costs are proportionately higher than they were twenty years ago, and tariffs must naturally follow suit.

The Sombra Administration understands of course; it is just eager to make sure it will be open should the need arise.
Do define "outsider." While our political roots are in Europe and our cultural in South America, we simply cannot be expected to not expand in Africa, where our most productive provinces and indeed, our capital of Kinshasa, are located.


Furthermore, the Sombrist Administration has made sure to clarify that Macedonia is still considered an ally of the Federation. A traditional ally, it would be foolish to cast them off. While their Kaetif policy is unknown (Double A has not made an official bio to my knowledge :p) their strategic position makes them of key interest to the Federation's future.
This alliance is to stop outsiders from crowding into Africa, forcing over-consumption of resources and lack of space.
We German Republicans cannot stand living in a nuclear wasteland. Especially with.... ...walking and talking animals. We may even move our capital there away from the nuclear hell grounds.
To the Alliance of North African States: Portugal would like to congratulate you on your independance. It is long overdue, but you see we have been busy at home lately.

We would like to officially offer you the protection of our military, in return for allowing some younger portugese citizens emigrating to your cities.

To the Cantabria Libre: We advise you to repair the kaetif rights issue in your country

To the Marian Empire: We request that kaetif from your country be given safe pasage to our country, to raise awareness among the humans of Portugal.

To the Kingdom of New England: We would like to know what problems you have with our legitimacy?
Oh right. Because my old bio was lost in the 104 pages of the old game. (I use 40 posts per page by the way).


Capital: Athens
Capital until we get Athens: Alexandria, Egypt
Economy: Capitalist (duh)
Government: Democracy?
Kaetif policy: No contact/don't care

All hail the sons of Alexander! Our actions have liberated all of India from communism's red grip, and although the Balkans and Libya experienced first hand the effects of uranium, this is only a minor setback of the glory that once was and will be again, Macedonia. Lands that were once ours are still ours: Macedon, Greece, Libya, Sicily, and the heel of Italy. So hands off, and go find your own nuclear wasteland.
We wave greetings to Macedonia and hope the German Republicans and the Macedonia would work togeather to decontaminate the lands in Europe.
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