Imperium Offtopicum XIX

Bharat News Online

Union Government to focus on Environment

Minister of Environment Jagannath Patil addressed the National Assembly earlier today calling for all levels of government to assist the central government in environmental matters. "We can not afford to wait or let someone else do this work. Our nation belongs to every citizen in every village, town, city and state no matter what background or status. India should and shall lead in environmental technology which will not only improve the beauty of this country but bring economic benefits for all." The Environmental Ministry will agree with local governments across the country by providing technical experts and funding for various programs ranging from Perennial Wheat and Azolla to assist farmers to Bamboo and Bracken Fern to clean up former industrial sites and provide building materials.

Cities and Villages will be encouraged to plant Sedum to provide green roofing and clean the air in many areas. Algae fuels and electric batteries/engines will be used to replace many carbon based fuels such as natural gas and petroleum. Even chestnut trees will be planted in many dry infertile areas to provide a protein food source for the poorest people. A decentralized system of Renewable Power generation and distribution will also be encouraged.

While the Foreign Ministry has not issued any comments already news of environmental trade deals with Cascadia have been announced. Similar treaties with other countries may be proposed in the near future. A similar proposal has been suggested for the United Nations.
Indo-Cascadian Trade Agreement

1. Cascadia shall reduce tariffs on all Indian goods by 15%, except for goods that are considered illegal or dangerous under Cascadian or Indian law. India shall reduce tariffs on all Cascadian goods by 15%, except for goods considered illegal or dangerous under Cascadian or Indian law. Goods considered dangerous include radioactive material, fossil fuels and weapons.

2. Cascadian corporations both publicly and privately owned can be listed on the Mumbai Stock Exchange and shall obey Indian financial regulations. Indian public and private corporations can be listed on the Cascadia Stock Exchange and shall obey Cascadia financial regulations.

3. Indian corporations are prohibited from buying or owning, in full or part, corporations or assets deemed vital to Cascadian national security. Cascadian corporations are prohibited from buying or owning, in full or part, corporations or assets deemed vital to Indian national security.

4. Both India and Cascadia shall coordinate scientific research and engineering experience for the development of alternative energy production and storage and environmentally friendly industries. Blueprints and technical exchanges shall be freely made available between both sides.

5. This treaty shall be permanent, unless one party chooses to cancel or modify it. Modifications must be agreed upon by both parties.

President Jagdish Pradip Bachchan
Minister of Foreign Affairs Usha Bhattacharya

Daniel Goodman, Cascadian Minister of Foreign Affairs
I've addressed the concerns of players and myself in Argentina in reply to Crezth and Mosher if you'd like to put in your thoughts.
Note to all: I'm not killing the game, but obviously I need to reevaluate what kind of game it is we're running here

This last update really sucked the fun out of it for me, I realise now I was upset that a few people didn't like my game and I should rather have been focusing on the many people that did. The rule change wasn't well thought out and I do now regret it.

I'm going to try to think of a way to keep things rolling but in the meantime feel free to post your thoughts in Argentina
might not a bad idea to put this game on ice for a bit and "reboot" it in a week or so when you get everything set?
I'm all for this.

GM Note

Game will now be on a (hopefully very brief) break as I iron out some rule changes.
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