Imperium Offtopicum XIX

China will accept such a deal.
TV7 News

Presented by:

- Liu Wang

- Zhang Jiao

Liu Wang (LW): Welcome to TV7 News. As always, we will provide you with the latest news from China and around the world as well as analysis on every situation. Jiao, tell us what we shall see today.

Zhang Jiao (ZJ): Today we shall interview Mei Changsu, newly elected leader of the Social Democratic Party.

Interview with Mei Changsu

LW: Welcome to our TV show Mr. Changsu.

(Mei Changsu laughs)

Mei Changsu (MC): Just call me Mei. No need for such formality.

(Liu Wang too laughs)

LW: Good. Well, Mei, my first question has to do with your election as leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). You were an outsider in the leadership election and yet you won by 56% despite facing former Minister of Healthcare Jia Wei and prominent Social Democrat Hu Zheng. Why do you think the voters of the SDP chose to vote an outside for leader.

MC: The SPD needed change. It needed fresh air. We were beaten twice by the Conservatives and that's because the Conservative-Libertarian Party (CLP) has leadership which can inspire the people and motivate them. No one can argue that President Yang Sun-Te, despite his policy shortcomings, is charismatic. The SDP needed a leader who could once again inspire confidence to the people and motivate them. Without wanting to brag and with the danger of sounding overconfident, I believe that I am that leader. I am young and I represent new ideas. My policies are more radical than those of other contestants for leadership because I understand that China needs radical change.

ZJ: Care to elaborate more on what you mean by 'radical change'?

MC: I mean that we need to have a welfare state. We need to provide free healthcare and education to all. We need to have public transportation and we need to help the poor and unemployed. Neoliberalism only serves the rich and the corporations while it crushes the poor. My motto is "National Independence, Popular Sovereignty, Social Liberation and Democracy". We need to create a new society which values humans and not money.

LW: The government accuses you of being a populist who will bankrupt the state with your economic policies. It also accuses you of wanting to curtail the personal liberties by expanding the government. What do you reply?

MC: If I promised welfare and low taxation, the yes, I would be a populist. But I do not propose that. I propose raising taxes, especially for the corporations and the rich. I also propose raising the VAT. The plan I propose is a realistic one and will not increase the deficit. In fact I want to minimize the deficit, which can only be done through increase of state revenues. And state revenues can be increased with taxation. As for personal liberties, the SDP has always shown a strong commitment on human rights. But I guess by 'liberty' the government means allowing corporations to do whatever they want.

ZJ: Unlike most SDP high ranking members, you are somewhat supportive of gun rights. Why?

MC: I do believe that there should be some regulation, like not allowing suspected terrorists to buy guns, but I mostly support gun rights. I believe that they allow the people to defend their liberties and the constitution and make sure that no one attempts to become a tyrant.

LW: Last question; polls show that while the majority of SDP voters support you, the general electorate seems to distrust you. 87% of SDP voters support you, but 54% of the general electorate distrusts you and 36% of them believe that you are a dangerous radical. Will this change? If not, how will you win the next elections?

MC: I am a newly elected leader who has not had the chance yet to show a comprehensive plan aside from general policies. Plus it is only a few months since the CLP won and so it is understandable that the government enjoys widespread support. As time passes and the SDP shows a comprehensive and realistic program while the government fails, the numbers will change.

LW: Thank you for your interview. Next time, we will interview Kau Lang, leader of the Confucian Party.
The empire of central america would like to know if China accepts the stipulations postulated by our national legislatures.

OOC: I'm kind of surprised my budget is so low. I thought I implied a reasonably prosperous nation
China accepts your stipulations.
Russian Expansion

The Russian Republic has recognized the Plight of the Belorussians and the rest of the Eastern Slavic Peoples. While they have suffered under former Russian Administrations, the Russian Republic is committed to their protection, defense, and freedom. In this time of great unknowns and global destabilization, we must band together for the sake of all of us.
The Managed Democracy of Prussia-Poland Chile have long been sympathetic to the plight of the Polish Chileans and the citizens of Memel living without the loving embrace of freedom, liberty, and managed democracy offered by Danzig government. As such, the MDPPC is proud to announce the government's new expansion plans.

Corporations are encouraged to move into these areas, bringing new jobs and industries for our glorious state. Consume and purchase your happiness, citizens.

The Ministry of Foreign Affaris announces that the United Republic of India shall begin the process of reintegrating Goa, Karnataka, Puducherry and Kerala as states in the Union.

Valkyria claims:

The Holy Federation of Manila asks the UN to recognize the control of Manila over:
•Western Visayas
•Central Visayas
•Eastern Visayas

(also it looks like I should have a few more of those islands in there, that maybe just didn't get colored, as part of my original 8)
Just a heads-up before you submit your final budget drafts, UN Member States will be expected to contribute funds to support daily operations and project fieldwork, so allocate a portion of your budget accordingly. It doesn't have to be much (~0.15–0.2% from all players would roughly match the real-world budget), but be advised that skimping out on dues can be grounds for suspension of membership.
My Budget stays the same. My arms purchases will use the normal military budget.
The 0.2 surplus of my Budget will be given to the UN.
Also I'm still looking for somebody to sell me ships.
The Dolphin Commonwealth votes

Asia: Australia and China
Africa: Angola and Egypt
Europe: Belgium and Prussia Chilean Berlin
North America: FSA and Québec
South America: Poland Polish Santiago and Central America
The Emperor through his not exactly constitutionally granted but rather established through dubious precedent decreases proposed social spending by 1 (unemployment subsidies slashed) to increase my expansion spending by 1, and spend .1 to pay UN dues.

UN nominees
Republic of China
United Republic of India

Kingdom of Belgium

United Kingdom of South Africa

North America:

These are the Empire's proposed new borders. Guatamela and Belize's petition to join our glorious empire has finally been accepted after intense negotiations, and the lack of a stable presence in Colombia has forced us to step in and take a hand in managing their affairs.
Just a heads-up before you submit your final budget drafts, UN Member States will be expected to contribute funds to support daily operations and project fieldwork, so allocate a portion of your budget accordingly. It doesn't have to be much (~0.15–0.2% from all players would roughly match the real-world budget), but be advised that skimping out on dues can be grounds for suspension of membership.

the Emperor mails a cheque of 780 million dollars (0.78 of the budget, out of a surplus of 2.78), to the UN headquarters, while grumbling about tribute for something that isn't even doing anything yet. bit arrogant of them, really.

maybe china has a point.
Ha, see the greedy capitalists coveting their cash.

They can't even fund the organisation protecting them.
From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

India would like to reopen or establish embassies with the following countries: Australia, Colombia, Quebec, Rome, UKSA, Belgium, Angola, China, Japan, Bulgaria and Cascadia. We also would like to discuss improving our trade relations and cultural exchanges with each country.
China would be most pleased to cooperate with India. We are also interested in free trade and lowering tariffs.
Turkish prime minister, leader of the conservative party introduces himself

Greetings. i am Ahmet Demir, Prime minister of the Roman Empire, and leader of the Conservative party.

my job, as prime minister is to be the voice of the people, or at least the senate, to the Emperor, and to run the senate in a calm and efficient manner. i also run the day to day affairs of the Government, leaving the Emperor to direct top level decisions that the senate may or may not agree on.

and, my second job is to make sure the Emperor doesn't let his power go to his head, or goes insane, or does something stupid that will greatly harm the the Roman Empire.

for example, he wrote a cheque to the UN, for 780 million dollars. i told him that it was greatly over funding the UN, but he decided that it will just enable them to prove how useful they are, sooner. i could not exactly disagree.

regardless, the senate is greatly divided about the UN. some, like the Nationalists, do not want a UN at all, and some, like the Liberals, want a powerful UN. the conservatives hold the middle ground.

the people are also divided, but most are waiting to see if they do anything useful.

when the Emperor, er, "suggested" that we create a crisis for the UN to resolve, i simply said no, and that his actions to the UN will be monitored to ensure that he doesnt make the Roman Empire as the new Nazi Germany, or something.

nonetheless, the Emperor may not be the best at diplomacy, he wants the Roman Empire to be glorious, but knows it could be a rough road there. he will be careful, and keep the stupid jokes to a minimum.

EDIT: the Roman Emperor, as well as the Prime minister, will gladly agree to an Indian embassy.
Hey guys, who's up for an


Take a shot every time a player cuts services to address the national debt, Mathalamus insults someone while trying to apologize to them, anyone negotiates a trade deal with nothing more than "free trade/lower tariffs", Ailed shoots his mouth off, a nation applies for the Security Council post in an obvious bid to obstruct the organization, and players scream "Duck the UN!" because they're expected to pay dues.

Last one to be admitted to emergency wins!!!
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