ISDG 2012 - Server Announcements, Connection Issues and Questions

Thank you for letting me know about that, 2metra. All the civstats has been restarted.

Also the game at 2059 has been reloaded, as it had crashed.
WPC played quickly this turn, and yet we needed to discuss something in our forum. To that end we requested that the German Team not play until we had concluded our discussion, which they graciously did. Thank you team.De.

Therefore, please be aware that any delay on their part this turn is WPC's fault.
CivStats has apparently crashed. It's posting some SQL-Error messages and stating:

The uploader is currently not connected, so stats might be out of date.
You have not finished setting up this game. Continue setup.
The official Team CFC position is that we are currently against a reduction in the turn timer. If another vote is held during peacetime (and after the holidays), our position may be different.
Since we only get new turns once every 72 hours or so anyways, we probably don't need a pause over the holidays.
The problem was a blown fuse. All the games are back up at the latest autosaves. :)
Um - we at WPC have a slight problem. Our site is down, and has been for over 3 days. Locutus has been away in India and out-of-touch for close to two months. (We think he has been kidnapped and is now working in a call center ;) )

I have email contact with a couple of our team mates, and will play the current turn shortly. But if this keeps up - or down as is the case - we may need to come up with a plan B.
I am sure something like private sub-forum on CFC can be arranged for you soon, so you keep the team discussion go and the team united.
Your desicion, but pause might be in order. Team haven't logged in for days and there is only 5h in the clock for current turn. I also think they didn't manage to make all the moves last turn. Their main turn player has been out of town and if I understood correctly is coming back today, but I don't know when.
Plako, thanks for stepping up and trying to organize things.
Can we please get a statement from any of their team members informing the rest of teams what the situation is?
Agreeing to a pause, when the game is already at such a slow speed and without knowing for how long we need to pause, seems not ideal.

I just noticed someone loged in for the Germans, but only for 2 minutes. What does that means?
His connection seemed to have a problem. I will now login and try to play the turn for; afterwards we will give an explanation.
His connection seemed to have a problem. I will now login and try to play the turn for; afterwards we will give an explanation.


We had an organisational problem here.
Flunky, our main turn player was away in his well earned holiday and we had such an shortcome of available players that we did notice that there was no substitute. Jerry was the only one available who could reliable login and finish our turn.

@Plako: thank you for your help and notification.

The team
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