~ MIA International Tribune ~

Interesting how your architects designed the statue to be a colossal sundial. ;)
Re-posted for ease of reference :)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the World…

We are proud to present, the Third Edition of
the worlds' first International newspaper…

Spoiler :

"The MIA International Tribune is published at the sole discretion of MIA citizen General_W. All opinions are his alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or positions of the MIA government. Heck, even the 'facts' in this paper are viewed through his personal lens and may or may not accurately reflect the real or perceived actual state of word and/or game affairs. This paper may frequently contain what is known as 'sarcasm' and should be taken as it is intended – in fun. Hate mail may be sent to General_W via PM if you wish. General_W reserves the right to laugh uproariously at any hate mail he receives. This paper is not designed to provide up-to-date news, cure any diseases, provide well balanced opinion, or relieve inflammation of the foot. MIA hereby absolves itself from any responsibility from any actions the reader does or does not take based on this 'news' paper."
congrats on the wonderous wonder. :worship:
Imitation may be the sincerest for of flattery but...

I will add a quote from my buddy Billy Shakes!

"He that is robbed, not wanting what is stol'n, Let him not know't, and he's not robbed at all."

The KISSIAN Press (tm) has changed it's format after this blatent theivery...

Editor and chief (me) can be quoted as "you can have our old style... that was so last week. Lookforward to a new style in the next edition of the Crazy Eye"
Mistfit said:
Editor and chief (me) can be quoted as "you can have our old style... that was so last week. Lookforward to a new style in the next edition of the Crazy Eye"
Did you look into my mind and steal another future idea?! :lol:


Seriously - thanks for raising the bar on the paper artwork here Mistfit. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
fe3333au said:
A psychic kiss :eek: ... now I've seen everything :lol:
Ahem...that would be a psykiss. Nice work Gen. W!!
Nice paper. I was going to send a gift to honor your new wonder, but what do you get to celebrate a giant naked dude? Not really my field of expertise...
At least now I know why our southern borders are crawling with crossdressing hoplites... you guys pack all your hotties off to convents!

Ah... Matilda my dear, I shall miss you. You blew such wonderful smoke rings with my cigar...I'm sorry I kept stepping on your toes when you tried to teach me how to dance...
Ladies and Gentlemen of the World…

We are proud to present, the Fourth Edition of
the worlds' first International newspaper…


Spoiler :

"The MIA International Tribune is published at the sole discretion of MIA citizen General_W. All opinions are his alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or positions of the MIA government. Heck, even the 'facts' in this paper are viewed through his personal lens and may or may not accurately reflect the real or perceived actual state of word and/or game affairs. This paper may frequently contain what is known as 'sarcasm' and should be taken as it is intended – in fun. Hate mail may be sent to General_W via PM if you wish. General_W reserves the right to laugh uproariously at any hate mail he receives. This paper is not designed to provide up-to-date news, cure any diseases, provide well balanced opinion, or relieve inflammation of the foot. MIA hereby absolves itself from any responsibility from any actions the reader does or does not take based on this 'news' paper."
I have the riddle's answer....

Spoiler :
you figure it out... cheater :lol:
Anyone who would like to PM their answers to me, (and is correct) will get mentioned in the "Hall of Fame" I'll post in this thread later. :)

So your prize (proze?) is bragging rights!
Just what you always wanted.

P.S. This is obviously on the honor system. You can peek at a spoiler or google the riddle… but then the honor of the "Hall of Fame" will forever eat at your soul.
:lol: Great edition. Quality work from our neigbors to the South.
I made a slight edit to my answer
G Dub you rock! Nice work though I'd suggest most of my teammates are more Dilbert like or Odee like than Garfield like. Garfield's too smart.
I'm a mix between Odie and the guy on Dilbert that just drinks coffee.
I'm more like Calvin


  • calvin-hobbes.gif
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...or maybe more like a cat with a substance abuse problem:

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