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Orbis - the original thread

It worked :)

Merry Cristmas and may all problems seem less serious tomorrow.
Thanks Ahwaric, that did the trick. Units are healing properly now :D

Have a Merry Christmas all.
Thanks as always Ahwaric! great work with 2.0!!! Merry Christmas!
BTW could you plz post the FFH patch files required for Orbi, because Orbi requires patch f and FFH only has patch g available.
I recall seeing the lair glitch at two different Barrows and a Gorilla Shack , but it is possible I have forgotten other instances. (I'm playing Svaltafars and have Alazkan, a Fawn, and a Priest of Leaves running around popping all the Lairs. Works great: Priest summons a Tiger to do the dirty work while Alazkan and Fawn stand ready to kill/tame whatever comes out, Priest heals everyone afterward. I've got a pretty good collection of boss monsters working for me now.) Anyway, what happens is I get the initial 'You explore the Lair' message and then nothing else. There is no 'nothing happens' or any result. It might be possible there are results than don't work on animals and they are being discarded. However, I have had them given promotions that animals usually don't get, including totems, so it's hard to say that's the answer.

While I'm here, I gotta mention that in this game the seas have become quite perilous. You can't send out unescorted coastal ships because the Sea Serpents come out of the dark. And those things (and Turtles) are everywhere. Furthermore, the barbs seemed to start spawning Triremes about the time I got Sailing. The only way I've been able to move on the sea is with a Fawn that can Mesmerize the Sea Serpents. Once I got one working for me, it was able to take the hit (usually a loss) instead of my boat. Then the Fawn can Mesmerize the attacker. By the way, did you know the Sea Serpent can get a Woodsman promotion? Go figure.
BTW could you plz post the FFH patch files required for Orbi, because Orbi requires patch f and FFH only has patch g available.
I am sorry, but I do not think I will be able to post a file that big from the location I am. Also, I will probably skip patch g as h is on the way.
The good thing is, judging on the changes listed in g, it is probably possible to install Orbi using FfH updated to g. I can't guarantee anything as I can't check the files themselves, though.
You can always try, it is quite easy to install/uninstall Orbi anyway and it does not touch FfH directory.

Ok, I will check for anything that may behave strangely for animal units. Also, will double check the animal dens exploration
Good to hear AI is better with sea combat. I plan to add some fixes (snarko's come to mind) to make it even better.
I have no idea how to block woodsman on sea serpent. I guess it can get guerilla too, just as other beasts :)

By the way, any scenario experience? If any of you completed any without trouble/get any bugs, let me know. Every bit helps, and if you run Orbi, I am the one to report bugs, not Kael.
I attach the screenshot.

It was turn 1; my scout had just discovered a village, providing a map. Then game froze.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0000.JPG
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I do not have a clue what your actuall problem is, but I guess there is something wrong with the installation. I tried to reproduce it (did not happen), also played some games and it worked fine.
Were the models (at least warriors) "crucified" from the start or just after the python exception?

Just in case, make sure that:
- BtS is up to 3.17 (but I guess it is)
- you get FfH 2 installed (version 0.40) and updated it to version f - it should be a clean install
- You did a clean install of Orbis 0.20 in folder Orbis 020. Sorry, but I did some UI changes that require you to have this name or to manually change some paths. I really can't do anything about it short of removing guild screen.
Well, I began a new game, and it did not happen again.

Edit : on my fifth game now (monarch difficulty). Got everytime my ass kicked by monsters : pack leaders from lairs, Lizardmen, Twisted Treant, ... before turn 45. Ugh. Harder parameters from the last version ?

Edit again : I just noticed I was playing on FFH 0.34 patched to f for 0.40... reinstalling. Was working quite good in fact, until the moment i checked the scenario, and had a crash and a doubt.
Hi all!

I have several AI issues and balancing stuff.

1. I really like the idea of using quaries instead of mines but dwarfs should make an exception so that they can profit from +1Food (Runes of Kilmorph).
And even better: with Runes of Kilmoph generally it should be possible to build mines everywhere (and Dwarfs from the beginning - havent it been like this with orbi 015??)

2. The Elves are highly overpowered for humans and the AI does not use it: it should do everything to get Fellowship of the Leaves! But usually they dont.

3. The flavored start is not working in a proper way: Illians, dwarfs etc. usually get quite disadvantaged starting positions. If they get a terrain like this there should be added some equalizing. Of course illians get food from ice but only one, of course dwarfs have double walk on hills but without wood you loose any chop bonus and somethimes you start almost without food!

4. I played 4 games these days (Prince and Monarch; 2 times start with babarian, 2 times Erebus; else usual map). The AI does not work properly: they build toooo much troops but hardly settlers. Might be that they start extending after being attacked (enough money for more troops?) or something like this - or simlpy be chance Grigory worked one time.

5. It takes too long to devolop the wheel. As Elves or a Forester based strategy it might not be necesary to have agriculture ever - why are you forced to develop it.

6. Hansa and Three-Field-Order should be concurrent at least. On big maps even Hansa alone is overpowering your kingdom extremely (+10 food and +15 from Three-Field?).

Some of the before mentioned issues might be plain FFH 040 and 034 issues but there is notable difference between plain FFH 040 and if you play with Orbi. With 033 and its OrbiModMod the AI worked much better for me. Especially they hardly expand.

Apart from this I really like the new features and extensions!! If you can make it working like with 033 and add some balancing, perfect!

Some followups on arbor's comments:

FoL seems to spread rapidly, so the human advantage does not last.

Dwarves do OK, but letting them mine everywhere makes sense. The might also get some bonus on Prospecting.

I'm seeing AIs expanding at about the same rate as I am.

Agree about the Wheel. You need it early to hook up those happiness resources.

I'm going to say more about Corporations later.

BTW: I've had the no-outcome Lair result with human units so its not about animals. Had it three times in a row on a Barrow early in the game.
I think Kael is stuck with all the cold weather since he's cranky out patches left and right. FFH-2 is on Patch H. So I've never used this mod before: can I use it now that FfH-2 is now 2 patches past F? :confused:
1. I really like the idea of using quaries instead of mines but dwarfs should make an exception so that they can profit from +1Food (Runes of Kilmorph).
It is not easy to make an improvement buildable everywhere for just one civ and restricted to bonuses for other. I am not sure if it is even possible...
How about quarries geting bonus food from arete, too?

ad 2.
I changed AI so elves & dwarves will race to Fol or RoK only after they get ancient chants or tracking(FoL)/mining(RoK) to let them get some usefull techs first. They still race for religions, just a bit later and are not so much handicapped by this.

ad 3. Flavoured start do not create new starting locations, just redistribute them according to flavor, plus cuts some normalization. Also, Illians get +1 food & hammer, so they treat snow as plains. Not too bad...

ad 4. I was always annoyed by the AI: just building more cities with no regards for upkeep/defense. I have added xienwolf's tweak to make them defend better, nothing more.

ad. 5. I added agriculture prerequisite to pottery as it was reported that AI never discovers it. Now I think that it just prefers better techs. I will remove agricult req from pottery and maybe drop the cost of wheel a bit. How do you like it?

6. I am not sure if I want any guild to compete. Guild bonuses scale to map size, but I may drop food bonus a little. Note that all bonuses & upkeep are lower than in BtS.

I have updated my files to h, just need some more time to decide what to with some changes. I do not like adding unique just to do not have training yard requirement. I will probable add doviello unique cheap training yard (bear totem...)
Also, I want to move ogres from mounted techs without removing higher tier orcs. Anyway, I will try to post patch a soon.
Ok, patch a is here

it is mostly an update to FfH 0.40 h.

Installation order:
Update FfH 0.40 to patch h
Install Orbis 0.20
Apply patch a

Reinstalling is required to get all the needed files in the right place - Orbis 020 does not provide all files from FfH 0.40 h, just the changed ones.
So, please do the reinstall.

Edit: Not much luck with patches for me recently. Just after the update, Kael posted patch i. I can't update before tuesday, so if you want to play Orbi, here is patch h for FfH.

Malakim are often the weakest player on the map, and often start very isolated from other players... (not always but in most of the cases)

Player Amurites are nearly unstoppable in the later stages of the game, just to much fireball's, and in the later game the can make 1 mage per turn per city with enough xp to have instant acces to fireball..... never had any problems with an AI amu...

guilds shouldn't compete, not in the way when you make one, you can't have the other. but perhap's you could add a income penalty

also i had a very anoying start, i started in a little valley, with just one exit, and that whas blocked of by a guardian vines... couldn't expand :(

ps: just saw kael is already working on patch k... perhaps you should wait for a while to save you some work ;)
Too bad that building mines everywhere cannot be connected to RoK :(. So it would be best to give quarries +1 food, too, by RoK.

I made 3 more games but the problem remains: most opponents build too much troops. In turn 100 (Erebus) they had 2 cities but more than 50 units? This is an financial desaster and it seems attacked AIs expand faster - that's why I suggested that they might have some money over (making the AI decide to build cities) after some troops got killed.
This problem seems to scale with babarian world, end of winter and the Erebus map - on a usual map compared to a standard BTS-game I just would say that the AI expands slower that it could/should but some races do almost ok (Cassiel).
Would it be possible to give them these necesary troops by difficulty level - so that at least on higher difficulty they expand as strong as in a standard BTS game?

Respective FoL its right, they get some Discipline anyway on research. However, shouldnt the Elves adopt FoL than? Its just the way they would profit most.

Yea its better now without agriculture req. and the sheeper wheel!

@Golden Dragon
Yea, actually it is right, guilds should not compete but an income penalty (for same bonuses) is a very good idea!

Finally, on thing: Already two times I got an 11-strong treant from some lair in the beginning that quickly destroyed me. The best would be to make such a strong unit only appear in the later game or it should not attack inside your borders.

@Tayschrenn: right! ;)
I confirm that the treant attack at early stage is deadly. And I had more than 6 barbarians units (trolls, griffons, skeletons) around my city at turn 25 at least on three games... a bit excessive.
@Golden Dragon
Yea, actually it is right, guilds should not compete but an income penalty (for same bonuses) is a very good idea!

Finally, on thing: Already two times I got an 11-strong treant from some lair in the beginning that quickly destroyed me. The best would be to make such a strong unit only appear in the later game or it should not attack inside your borders.

thnx :)

yeah noticed those treants too, in a hotseat my brother got destroyed in turn 5 :p

on your first problem...well, i haven't really noticed it, not that extreme anyways.... (they often have more units than me but, that's just me)

@zakouski: noticed those barbarian waves too, but a little risk in life is good, and wiht the palace guard promo i usually can handle them,just my oppinion... though sometimes my settlers need to be pretty heavy guarded
You can defend, yes ; but it makes expansion very risky. I had escorted settlers killed by giant spiders (invisible), making the start extremely difficult. But I love the general "ambient" of a dangerous world :)
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