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Random Rants LXVIII: Burn it all to the ground and start over!

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Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to tone it down a bit. That is just way too much happy for this den of negativity and misery.
Just look at my avatar…
Almost nothing on my PC works since the lates Windows update. Most programs won't launch because some dll "is not designed to work under windows or damaged", and replacing the dll doesn't help at all. Reinstalling software also doesn't help, and often it won't even install properly. Downloading something from GOG only gets me a message that the installation has failed due to network problems, after having downloaded the entire game.
I'm now doing a full scan for viruses/malware and if that doesn't help I'll probably reinstall Windows....
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What do you mean uninstall ? Uninstalled windows ? And then use Linux or something ? Doesn't really help with compatibility issues.
Anyway, I've resolved it by deleting EVERYTHING (except some important stuff I could fit on an USB stick) and resetting windows.
What Windows are you using?
Upgraded last year when the free upgrade offer was about to expire.
Ah. Well, here's hoping to your not needing to delete everything again.
I'm trying Windows 10 next week. It's a separate computer, though, so it's not a case of "if I never come back, that's why."

Rant: Big Fish Games has got to stop saying their games are XP-compatible. The older ones, sure. The latest edition of Fantasy Mosaics? Not in the slightest. Ditto the latest Park Rangers and Rescue Team games.

I have been looking over my old YouTube comments and I am not proud of myself. I have been a supreme jerk to a lot of people on there. I don't mean to be, but sometimes someone just says something so monumentally stupid that I just go into "drill sergeant mode" and lay into them. And since YouTube has no filters or moderation, I don't hold back.
When people say monumentally stupid things like "Canada has an abortion clinic on every street corner" I do tend to get mad enough to tell that person off. If she'd let it go at the first explanation that basically consisted of "WTF? Churches and gas stations and convenience stores and fast food places, sure. But for an abortion, you need to go to a hospital."

That explanation didn't register, though, and she kept on and on and on... so I told her off and didn't spare the vocabulary.
Well, if the current administration has its way the USA will soon have an abortion clinic on every street corner, and by abortion clinic I mean a shady guy with a rag, a bottle of ether and a coat hanger.
Windows is a virus in and of itself. No I am not being hyperbolic.

I had to act like a virus hunter to get it to knock off its asshattery, manually targeting and eliminating specific files under Windows folders.

I am referring primarily to the misbehaving Windows Defender, who will not stand down, who does not have the option to stand down. I am also referring to "Notifications" which likewise have no goddamn off button.
Are certain Democrats who tell progressives to go form their own 3rd party aware of the consequences of what they are asking for in a first-past the post system?
I broke a nail last night on my favourite finger. Havent broken a nail for some time which is welcome, yet its also annoying. I've just got to be mindful.
Man, I come here to cheer myself up, see all these miserable people complaining about their wretched lives . . .

And then all that happens is that i become aware of my own heretofore unknown wretchedness:

I don't even have a favorite finger!
I have fingers which are dedicated to certain tasks.

If my world suddenly demands a certain task from me requiring the use of a certain finger, that finger becomes my "favourite finger" of the moment.

It can, on occasion, I should add, even be a thumb. Possibly the right or left thumb.

Sometimes the whole hand, even.

Windows is a virus in and of itself. No I am not being hyperbolic.

I had to act like a virus hunter to get it to knock off its asshattery, manually targeting and eliminating specific files under Windows folders.

I am referring primarily to the misbehaving Windows Defender, who will not stand down, who does not have the option to stand down. I am also referring to "Notifications" which likewise have no goddamn off button.

Oh dear me!

This could be me talking.

It may even be me.

Are you me?
Man, I come here to cheer myself up, see all these miserable people complaining about their wretched lives . . .

And then all that happens is that i become aware of my own heretofore unknown wretchedness:

I don't even have a favorite finger!

Well, that's a problem that's easily resolved. Have your nose pick one.
Man, I come here to cheer myself up, see all these miserable people complaining about their wretched lives . . .

And then all that happens is that i become aware of my own heretofore unknown wretchedness:

I don't even have a favorite finger!
If the choice is not limited to your own fingers, how about this one?
Man, I come here to cheer myself up, see all these miserable people complaining about their wretched lives . . .

And then all that happens is that i become aware of my own heretofore unknown wretchedness:

I don't even have a favorite finger!
This should be a rave. It means you are a generous-hearted person who loves them all equally.
Well, that's a problem that's easily resolved. Have your nose pick one.

Oh, my nose always picks my right index finger. But I don't know why i would entrust such an important matter to my nose of all things.

If the choice is not limited to your own fingers, how about this one?

Limit this, buddy!

This should be a rave. It means you are a generous-hearted person who loves them all equally.

Sadly, I have to confess that the opposite is more nearly true: that I have maintained a depraved indifference to my fingers for nearly fifty two years.
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I've lost all enthusiasm for life.

I tried and it didn't work out.

I'm not looking for any encouragement, it's just the way it is. I have a very busy job (that I like) so that's the extent of my life now. And maybe I'll get demoted sometime in the future but it is unlikely I'll ever get fired.

So that's it. That's all I got. Cheers to 50 more years of this unless heath problems kick me out sooner.
In Paradise Lost, after Adam has eaten from the forbidden tree, he gets the punishment that we hear in the Genesis account: in the sweat of thy brow shall thou earn thy bread. Eve is condemned to pains in childbirth. After that, the two of them are trying to console one another, find some way to gather their resolve and carry on, and Adam says of his punishment "Idleness were worse."

Business and being able to take satisfaction in the work you do in the world are no meager blessings. A lot of people find their jobs to be drudgery. And a steady income means you can build other forms of satisfaction around those two.

Buck up, little soldier. (Sorry, can't help myself from trying to give encouragement)
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