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Rise in Gay suicides in Bachmann's district

No true Christian could be a bully to anyone, including homosexuals.

What's your basis for saying this? It sure as hell (ha! ha!) isn't the Bible.
Did I say it's OK to kill homosexuals? Anyway as for bullying, I myself have never bullied anyone over sexual habits. I have stood up for my beliefs on homosexuality a couple times in the past. No true Christian could be a bully to anyone, including homosexuals.

Whilst I tend to agree with you on that point, can we avoid that particular fallacy?
To say "no true Christian" is something I am trying to avoid myself, though easy to use... it means you are judging them, and we shouldn't judge.

It would be better worded to say, "that goes against the teachings of Christ"...

We all sin, after all.
Okay, so what if it is a choice only sometimes? Do we subject people who claim to be gay to some sort of test? If they are natural, then they're free to go. If it's a choice, then let the beatings commence. That sort of thing? I'm not the one pulling my morality from some rambling ex-Pharisee here, so I think it's up to the Xtians to justify their absurd beliefs on the subject.
That was my point. The idea that it matters at all is absurd.
I only corrected your claims for mockery of Christians, which you have backed down from now. I'm not sure who you're now trying to argue against.

It's a lot of ramblings with little substance. Is it bullying you're against or the freedom to believe that some actions are sinful according to a belief-system?
"love one another as you would love yourself" (I'm paraphrasing it, but that basically is the greatest commandment.

Which commandment is that? :huh:

To say "no true Christian" is something I am trying to avoid myself, though easy to use... it means you are judging them, and we shouldn't judge.

It would be better worded to say, "that goes against the teachings of Christ"...

We all sin, after all.

But it does not go against the teachings of Paul or the Bible. Which are both part of being Christian as it has been generally understood for the past 2000-some years.

Hence why some skepticism of claims like "no true Christian would murder" is warranted.
You should avoid saying "No true Christian ..." because it sounds awfully similar to "No true Scotsman ..." ;)
Which commandment is that? :huh:

But it does not go against the teachings of Paul or the Bible. Which are both part of being Christian as it has been generally understood for the past 2000-some years.

Hence why some skepticism of claims like "no true Christian would murder" is warranted.
That's what the organized church says...
No what Christ said.

Can you quote what Paul said? I'm not familiar with it. I'd like to see it and see what the context is, etc.
Which commandment is that? :huh:

But it does not go against the teachings of Paul or the Bible. Which are both part of being Christian as it has been generally understood for the past 2000-some years.

Hence why some skepticism of claims like "no true Christian would murder" is warranted.

The Bible is pretty clear all throughout that murder is evil.
It's not very clear about what "murder" is, though. It doesn't even encompass genocide as a firm rule.
I only corrected your claims for mockery of Christians, which you have backed down from now. I'm not sure who you're now trying to argue against.

It's a lot of ramblings with little substance. Is it bullying you're against or the freedom to believe that some actions are sinful according to a belief-system?

How about this: bullying is wrong, and the belief that homosexuality is wrong is absurd.
Which commandment is that? :huh:
The second one.
Jesus said:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
I appprove of what Jesus said. xD

I suppose you guys remember this one quiz when an average American was asked if he has read Bible from cover to cover and if he can logically consistently deduce if a quotation is from Bible or not.
I do not recall that quiz. It sounds intriguing.
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