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Rise in Gay suicides in Bachmann's district

Read this a few days ago. I made it to the 5th page before tearing up. That article was heartbreaking. Anyone make it all the way to the end without getting emotional?

For me it was the younger brother who tried to drown himself. That just did it. Damn I'm getting sad just thinking about it.
And how exactly does one go "gay"?

by declaring one is gay and openly having sexual relationships with other men, instead of sucking it up, marrying and making children and once a month having sex with a man at some public toilet which quite a few people actually know about, probably including your wife, but nobody ever talks about, like real men handle this gay thing.
by declaring one is gay and openly having sexual relationships with other men, instead of sucking it up, marrying and making children and once a month having sex with a man at some public toilet which quite a few people actually know about, probably including your wife, but nobody ever talks about, like real men handle this gay thing.

Why should they have to? Why not just allow them to be free?
^ Because of your socially conservative society which will ostracise you for being gay.
Then that socially conservative society is immoral and should be required to change.
Try telling conservative religious folk that they views they hold are immoral and the apocalypse will ensue, damning everyone to hell.
That article makes me want to hurt someone, very much, but that wouldn't be Christian. They wonder why church attendance is down if this is one of the resultant evils of organised religion.
It makes me wonder about people who claim gay is a disease and that bullying them is helping. Even if that were true, you don't bully cancer patients into treatment.

"Hey tumor! Hey tumor! Where's all your hair? Why don't you just go and die already? Hahaha! Up high, bro"
The problem is that suicide rates among Homosexuals in places where it is acceptable is just as high. In the Scandinavia region and other places we still see suicide rates higher that the rest of the population. So the problem is not unique to that district.

Citation please
...They wonder why church attendance is down if this is one of the resultant evils of organized religion.

Oddly, attendance is down in liberal churches - up in conservative.

It seems to me that while homosexuality is not widely approved of here in America, it is increasing tolerated. The military is ponderously moving in that direction - higher education already has. Gays work, preach in (liberal) churches, and walk around in broad daylight, just like real people (sarcasm). The President approves of Homosexuals, some members of Congress are, and even a Justice of the United States Supreme Court is. LGBTs are increasingly represented, explicitly or implicitly, in the movies and on television - even in the all-important commercials. This would be unimaginable just a couple of decades ago.

As Americans we must tolerate each other's differentness, individualism, preferences. This doesn't mean we have to approve or partake - just permit.

I do not personally approve of the Gay lifestyle (and who cares?!), but if I saw someone beaten, bashed or abused, I would defend him.

But then, as a conservative, studies show I have lower intelligence, so I may be wrong about all of this.
why what two consenting people do to each other would ever need my approval is beyond my comprehension.

i mean i can find it interesting, i can find it gross, i can find it actually pretty cool and would like to try it myself, but why would i feel the need to approve of something nobody ever asked me to approve of?

i, for one, if i see two people constructing a surrealistic looking kennel in their backyard dont walk over to them and tell them that i approve of this. or, if i wouldnt like surrealistic looking kennels (which absolutely isnt true, i love them) i wouldnt walk over and tell them i dont approve of this.

because what the hell, why would i need to approve of some kennel two random people are constructing?
because what the hell, why would i need to approve of some kennel two random people are constructing?

Because they may be decorating it with unseemly depictions of pasta, and you would then be obligated to cast them down into the pit, lest the wrath of the Flying Spaghetti Monster be unleashed also on the righteous, for verily they did suffer the sinners.

Yes, these are Lo ! times indeed.
why what two consenting people do to each other would ever need my approval is beyond my comprehension.
It is not unheard of that we prevent people from doing stuff which will only harm them self (if it all), because we deem it approval-worthy.
Like suicide. Or being eaten by some one else. Or being killed by some one else. Or doing drugs. Or selling fundamental rights of mine. Hell, when it comes to private contracts there are numerous ways we dictate what two consenting people may do with each other. Is that all really incomprehensible to you?
Just for you VR, I shall use the word "Heterosexist".

Is that okay with you now, VR?

And if the fact that i use the "Homophobe" word forces you to become sympathetic to the heterosexists, then i guess that's a shame VR.

Between this and the discussions you lost over the word mysogonist, why has the negative affect of using unjustified words on your positions not dawned?

You are again trying to use sinister words in an attempt to stiffle discussion. Nobody has said bulleying homosexuals is okay. Just like during that whole Minnesota (or was it Wisconson) bulley law discussion you can not legeslate requirements for people to like homosexuals, and simply voicing your opinion that you don't like them is not bulleying.

As to the case in the OP I am not sure if it us legit bulleying or not, primarily because it was impossible to get throught the "homophobe" or "BACHMANN IS A NAZI!!!" rehetoric. If it was bulleying, what a shame. Too bad the topic can't get a just discussion due to the OP.
Thank you for your comments, I acknowledge that that your comments exist.

Just like during that whole Minnesota (or was it Wisconson) bulley law discussion you can not legeslate requirements for people to like homosexuals, and simply voicing your opinion that you don't like them is not bulleying.

If I said to a black kid in highschool that I didn't like him because of his skin colour, that would be racism and it would be bullying if i pressed on about it.

But when someone picks on LGBT youths in school it's because they have a "different" view.


As to the case in the OP I am not sure if it us legit bulleying or not, primarily because it was impossible to get throught the "homophobe" or "BACHMANN IS A NAZI!!!" rehetoric. If it was bulleying, what a shame. Too bad the topic can't get a just discussion due to the OP.

So it's not bullying even though one of the kids was physically molested by a Heterosexist jock.

Welp, what can I say

And yes "What a shame" that gay kids are killing themselves because of bigots and society's dislike of them but whatever man
God saw fit to expose some people to extremely low/high levels of testosterone in the womb. Who dares question such divine wisdom?
Read this a few days ago. I made it to the 5th page before tearing up. That article was heartbreaking. Anyone make it all the way to the end without getting emotional?
I didn't read the whole article because I'm burned out on getting sad about sad stuff that happens to people. There is so much pain in the world, I can't get upset about it all or I'd be totally non-functional.
God saw fit to expose some people to extremely low/high levels of testosterone in the womb. Who dares question such divine wisdom?
Are you suggesting the cause is treatable by modern medicin, o Lord of Whiskey?
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