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Rise of Mankind 2.9 feedback and bug reports

If you look at the hover info you can see that they are pleased with you so the smileys are correct.

I hear ya but it just seems silly, to be at war then have them smiling:p at you?

OK i have a couple of minor errors:

1. Had a Widget error, see attachment (WIDGET_LEADERHEAD_RELATIONS info type)

2. WARN : EventSigns.addSign() was passed an invalid plot: <CvPythonExtensions.CyPlot object at 0x16C73C70> (Dont know what its about cause it wasnt my civ that had it?) This might be an AND problem?)
I'll try to get small 2.92 patch ready some time soonish™. There will be couple ctd fixes and some small tweaks

Any updated on 2.92 patch? "soonish™ " leaves me wondering if I should start a new game or wait for the patch (in case it's not save compatible)...
I have a real problem with RoM. The AI always start with 2 units no matter what difficulty I chose. Further more I don't see any difference between the difficulty levels and it seems I always play on the default difficulty when I actually choose Immortal or Deity ... its always the same easy AI...its like the Noble difficulty! What is your suggestion? Reinstall the game or just the RoM files? I saw RoM on the PC of my friend and it was veeery different...
Any updated on 2.92 patch? "soonish™ " leaves me wondering if I should start a new game or wait for the patch (in case it's not save compatible)...
Well, I thought I could spend this whole weekend on modding but now it's sunday evening and I haven't got a chance to even start it - real life stuff took all my time and plus it has been +29 celsius degrees here for several days so staying inside is not an option... ;)

I got to go through lot of forum posts and check lot of stuff for the patch still and since this weekend didn't have time for it, it'll be the next weekend (working in another city has cut my time from modding during weekdays).
I can't get the mod to load a new game at all, I'm on BTS patch 3.19 with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, quad core 2.5ghz intel with 4 gig of ram. Any ideas!?


  • error.jpg
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ah ok sorry just takes around 15 mins to load a gigantic map... and I thought my computer was overkill for all games!
Well, I thought I could spend this whole weekend on modding but now it's sunday evening and I haven't got a chance to even start it - real life stuff took all my time and plus it has been +29 celsius degrees here for several days so staying inside is not an option... ;)

I got to go through lot of forum posts and check lot of stuff for the patch still and since this weekend didn't have time for it, it'll be the next weekend (working in another city has cut my time from modding during weekdays).

No worries! Just curious on the timeline...but more importantly, enjoy the weather :)
ah ok sorry just takes around 15 mins to load a gigantic map... and I thought my computer was overkill for all games!

<---overkill computer:
Core i7 920 OC'd to 3.8GHz
12GB DDR3 RAM OC'd to 1600Mhz
1.8TB RAID 10 (4x750GB, 7200rpm)
ATI Radeon 5870

And still the biggest improvement when over my old computer was those darn speed tweaks Afforess made :lol:
I think I found a bug. But I didn't read here, wheter it is already posted.

The promotion for the Greek religion do not neet a Great General, it need a Special Promotion. All other religion-promotion need "only" a General to activate.

This mod looks great but I cant get it to play, so Im hoping to find some help here

-running on win 7, system requirments shouldnt be a problem
-patched the game to 3.19
-unzipped the mod in the right folder
-when I start the mod it goes back to desktop as it should, but after a while a error comes (bts has stopped working)

have turned of uac
redownloaded and reinstalled the mod multiple times
other mods work fine
ran as administrator

So what am I doing wrong?
Not so urgent but very curious question for Zappara:

There is presently a thread discussing a validity of unhappiness for the shaft mine. So, Zappara, can you give your reasoning behind the unhappiness of shaft mine, and not the first mine? I think I may agree with KillTech about the unhappiness being a little out of rhythm, so to speak, with the game. I checked the vanilla BtS mine system and it doesn't have shaft mine or modern mine. It also doesn't have unhappiness anywhere. I think it is better off to add unhappiness to shaft mines with civics or with buildings, but that is for AND team to figure out first and test out before you go ahead adding this with 3.0, if you even bother with it :). That way, you don't feel pressured or anything because I understand that 3.0 is just final retouchings and rebalancings version before you say bye-bye to RoM in Civ4 :).
Not so urgent but very curious question for Zappara:

There is presently a thread discussing a validity of unhappiness for the shaft mine. So, Zappara, can you give your reasoning behind the unhappiness of shaft mine, and not the first mine? I think I may agree with KillTech about the unhappiness being a little out of rhythm, so to speak, with the game. I checked the vanilla BtS mine system and it doesn't have shaft mine or modern mine. It also doesn't have unhappiness anywhere. I think it is better off to add unhappiness to shaft mines with civics or with buildings, but that is for AND team to figure out first and test out before you go ahead adding this with 3.0, if you even bother with it :). That way, you don't feel pressured or anything because I understand that 3.0 is just final retouchings and rebalancings version before you say bye-bye to RoM in Civ4 :).

Wasn't this issue discussed to death in 2.7 or earlier.
Go ask a modern day coal miner if his job makes him happy. Mining is still the most statistically dangerous job in the US, and thats with modern mining techniques! Old timey shaft mines were death traps
Go ask a modern day coal miner if his job makes him happy. Mining is still the most statistically dangerous job in the US, and thats with modern mining techniques! Old timey shaft mines were death traps

and regular even more old timey non shaft mines weren't?
I have tried various tweaks and I'm on a machine that's more than capable and can't seem to get past 642 AD on the largest map. I haven't explored that much of the map and this is really early in the game so it shouldn't be crashing this early.

Getting the standard CTD.

Machine I'm running
Alienware Aurora ALX
12 GB DDR3
128 GB SSD
Win7 64bit
Radeon 5870

I've been playing Civ IV + ROM through various versions over the past year or so and have consistently had this problem (crashing late game) on almost every instance across multiple PC's. In every case I play the largest maps with lots of civilizations so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

Is it ever possible to go to an earlier save and do something to avoid the CTD?


  • Wil AD-0642a.rar
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Got an error plus a couple of requests:rolleyes:

Error 1st: See attachment when i tried to look at Demographics:confused:

2nd: Is there anyway (since BUG) to get rid of the Regular Sentry button now, it makes no sense to have two action buttons doing the same thing? (2nd pic)

3rd: Is there anyway you can reduce the Wardogs and Guard Dogs to just two(2), i have really never even seen or heard of anyone having more than one dog with them to "explore" (except FOX hunting) having just a total of Group to 3, thx.:p
I hear ya but it just seems silly, to be at war then have them smiling:p at you?

OK i have a couple of minor errors:

1. Had a Widget error, see attachment (WIDGET_LEADERHEAD_RELATIONS info type)

2. WARN : EventSigns.addSign() was passed an invalid plot: <CvPythonExtensions.CyPlot object at 0x16C73C70> (Dont know what its about cause it wasnt my civ that had it?) This might be an AND problem?)
Looks like those are BUG mod bugs... I'll look into it (read: I'll go through BUG's SVN files for fixes).

I think I found a bug. But I didn't read here, wheter it is already posted.

The promotion for the Greek religion do not neet a Great General, it need a Special Promotion. All other religion-promotion need "only" a General to activate.
Not a bug - religions work differently in RoM, some religious promotions require Great General, some require buildings/wonders in your city.

This mod looks great but I cant get it to play, so Im hoping to find some help here

-running on win 7, system requirments shouldnt be a problem
-patched the game to 3.19
-unzipped the mod in the right folder
-when I start the mod it goes back to desktop as it should, but after a while a error comes (bts has stopped working)

have turned of uac
redownloaded and reinstalled the mod multiple times
other mods work fine
ran as administrator

So what am I doing wrong?
Hmm, it should work. If you could post logs from your game, I might see from them what went wrong (python logs especially). See 1st post in this thread for logging instructions.

Not so urgent but very curious question for Zappara:

There is presently a thread discussing a validity of unhappiness for the shaft mine. So, Zappara, can you give your reasoning behind the unhappiness of shaft mine, and not the first mine? I think I may agree with KillTech about the unhappiness being a little out of rhythm, so to speak, with the game. I checked the vanilla BtS mine system and it doesn't have shaft mine or modern mine. It also doesn't have unhappiness anywhere. I think it is better off to add unhappiness to shaft mines with civics or with buildings, but that is for AND team to figure out first and test out before you go ahead adding this with 3.0, if you even bother with it :). That way, you don't feel pressured or anything because I understand that 3.0 is just final retouchings and rebalancings version before you say bye-bye to RoM in Civ4 :).
Reasoning: happiness/unhappiness balance - there was a need for counterbalance for the excess happiness and this was one of the easiest ways to implement it (and it kind of makes sense too) :lol: With the amount of stuff in RoM, it's been difficult to get things balanced...

Go ask a modern day coal miner if his job makes him happy. Mining is still the most statistically dangerous job in the US, and thats with modern mining techniques! Old timey shaft mines were death traps
Modern mining techniques are also safer than the techniques we had in use 100 years ago. Accidents do happen and it wasn't long ago when there was news about some chinese coal mine accident... in game these kinds of events can be made with random events and there's already mine accident events (though not sure if they applies to Modern Mine, will check them).

I have tried various tweaks and I'm on a machine that's more than capable and can't seem to get past 642 AD on the largest map. I haven't explored that much of the map and this is really early in the game so it shouldn't be crashing this early.

Getting the standard CTD.

Machine I'm running
Alienware Aurora ALX
12 GB DDR3
128 GB SSD
Win7 64bit
Radeon 5870

I've been playing Civ IV + ROM through various versions over the past year or so and have consistently had this problem (crashing late game) on almost every instance across multiple PC's. In every case I play the largest maps with lots of civilizations so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

Is it ever possible to go to an earlier save and do something to avoid the CTD?
I'll test your saved game...

Got an error plus a couple of requests:rolleyes:

Error 1st: See attachment when i tried to look at Demographics:confused:

2nd: Is there anyway (since BUG) to get rid of the Regular Sentry button now, it makes no sense to have two action buttons doing the same thing? (2nd pic)

3rd: Is there anyway you can reduce the Wardogs and Guard Dogs to just two(2), i have really never even seen or heard of anyone having more than one dog with them to "explore" (except FOX hunting) having just a total of Group to 3, thx.:p
1) I'll try to figure it out ;)

2) no idea

3) the units represent usually troop amounts of 10 000 men (or in this case dogs), which was the reason why there's more dogs than one.

Here is a hilarious bug (more of a typo):

Semi-automatic Weapons tech requires



Military Science


(Rifling OR Steel)

Notice anything yet?
Look at the word(s) Rifling? Yes! It is repeated :lol:. Not game breaking but should be fixed for next version :).
Not a bug, there's a reason why it was implemented this way - can you figure it out? Think about it bit more... ;)

Hi all, been playing the 2.91 version and have noticed a couple of things.
1. When one of my vassals takes out a Barbarian city it tells me that i have taken and razed the city.
2. First GG was generated correctly but when i earned my second GG i got a warlord instead.
3. Silk resource wasn't generated anywhere on the map. I know i can WBer this in but doing that can sometimes cause my game to crash so i try not to use it.
Other than these problems i haven't noticed anything else that could be a problem (yet).
1) not sure what game part causes this bug - ie. is it dll or python bug...

2) This was a bug with Vincentz' Warlords modules. Thought it had been fixed - I'll have to take another look on those files...

3) The problem is that with the amount of resources in RoM and the available map plots, there just won't be ever enough room for all the resources on certain map sizes. I wish in Civ 5 we could place several resources on same map plot... like in Colonization.

OK one more question(hopfully) I put the Expansion and Holy War files into the module file and its not working what idiotic mistake or obvious screw-up did I make this time?
Don't use Expansion modules - it wasn't supposed to go to live version... :lol: Those modules won't work correctly in current RoM version. Holy Wars modules should work alright.

There are two things that I wonder if it's bug or just the game I am having. I have the latest BtS with RoM 2.91. I am playing with the map "Earth 23 preset civs Standard".

1) It seems that storms keep building up, but never go away. This causes most of the oceans covered by storm. Is it suppose to be that way, or storms suppose to come and go?

2) What is the purpose of "Navigation II"? It says "Double movement in Coast" and "Double movement in Ocean". When I promoted one of my trireme or war galley, I was expecting that it could travel roughly twice as far as before. However, I don't see that happening. It's as if that promotion doesn't do anything. Am I expecting the wrong thing?

Thanks for the great mod.
1) Storms should come and go but given the random factors in this feature there's a chance that they'll build up indefinately. With the current settings in RoM there should be slightly higher chance for storms to disappear than appear (and random events should add storms if the map runs out of them totally).

2) These promotions have been changed for v2.92...

I'm playing a multiplayer game with one other human player on Direct IP connection. We've been playing for a few hundred turns with no serious problems. However, suddenly we have started getting an "out of sync" error. Saving and reloading from the same turn clears the error, but appears again the next turn. I have yet to try loading from a previous save. The error text says:

error found in gameUpdate event handler < bound method RoM EventManager . on GameUpdate of < RoM EventManager RoM EventManager instance at 0x4867C648 >>

We're playing a Europe map scenario on snail, with Revolutions mod not enabled. Can anyone tell me why this is happening or what I can do to resolve it and salvage the game? Will reloading from an autosave potentially resolve the issue?
Which RoM version are you using? For RoM 2.91 I tried to fix this issue - the onGameUpdate calls OOSLogger whenever OOS occurs in game and OOSLogger wasn't functioning properly in RoM 2.9 so I had to make fixes for it in v2.91. If it still doesn't work in v2.91, I'll have to tweak it more...
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