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SCENARIO: Age of Imperialism; 1895-1924, Deluxe Version

Huascar... You are very Welcome... Go Get those Points :)
If you find more Bugs, let me know and I will try to correct them.

My pleasure.
Now, I have the whole of South America and the three south-most cities of Mexico (the Mexicans are gone). I have a huge army (+250 units) defending Mexico City from the endless waves of American units :). So many defenders, I cannot scroll down to the end of the city.

By the way, is the Siege Mortar supposedly not able to load on a transport? I see the other Siege mortars in the biq can.
By the way, is the Siege Mortar supposedly not able to load on a transport? I see the other Siege mortars in the biq can.
Huascar... You seem to be doing Very Well in your game :)
El Justo may have changed it, However I would also assume that it should be able to Load on a Transport.

When El Justo made the adjustments and additions, I did not know about them... so basically He would have to answer Questions concerning this Version.

That said, it would be an easy fix to allow the Siege Mortar to be able to Load on a Transport... a simple Biq adjustment.

That Units is set as Wheeled. IF it was a "Foot Unit" it would load but then it could also Capture a City, etc...

Again, El Justo will have to be the one to answer and or correct what he intended with this version.
Hi, I noticed that there has been some activity on this thread recently. I used to play the AoI mod a fair bit back in the days - it's still my favorite CIV mod of all time and would also be in the top ten of all games I ever played if this was a standalone game.

Anyway, I downloaded the new mod via the dropbox link two days ago and started a new game. Everything looks great and turn times seem much faster than in the past.

However, I came across one serious problem/bug, and was wondering whether anyone encountered the same issue. Basically what happens is that the program crashes every time I try to upgrade a (land-based) unit in one of the military academies. I can produce the same (new) units without any problems though. For context, I am playing Japan, it's around 1901, and I really would like to upgrade all my infantry to WWI standard.

Any advice anyone?
Chili mussel... What is the name of the Academies that are causing the problem?

I have no way of knowing what changes El Justo made other then to look in the Biq.

IF the Academies are suppose to allow Land Unit Upgrades, they should have "Veteran Ground Units" Flagged in the Editor for those Improvements.
Hi Vuldacon,
It seems the problem I was experiencing was caused by the panama canal wonder issue as well (discussed above). I have in the meantime fixed the name of the panama canal wonder in the folder and the upgrading of troops in the academies works is working fine now!
Chili mussel
Hi Vuldacon,
It seems the problem I was experiencing was caused by the panama canal wonder issue as well (discussed above). I have in the meantime fixed the name of the panama canal wonder in the folder and the upgrading of troops in the academies works is working fine now!
Chili mussel... Good, Glad it is working for you now. I believe most problems discovered in the Game can be corrected without too much trouble.
Also, the new text files seem to glitch up my game. I get weird messages like (for the intro), "It is Airfield."
Note: El Justo adjusted and added the things for this version so we will have to wait to see what he says.

I can help with some things by looking at the files and Game but because I did not adjust or add anything, I am in the same position as anyone else.

Between the loss of files and lack of being able to Update the game correctly, I am sure El Justo is beside himself knowing the amount of effort and work it will require just to have all functioning as he desired.

I hope to see El Justo Post here sometime soon regarding this Game and what needs correcting.

He must be VERY Busy with Life and other important issues for sure.

Trying my hand at New Granada and I have officially decided to go all or nothing against the USA. :p

The weak Navy and scarce workers wasn't as crippling as I thought it would be. After a campaign against Central America, I secured Manaus (that thick jungle is an excellent deterrent to aggressive South American powers), before kicking the British out of Guyana, Belize, and Jamaica, all while gobbling up the Antilles. Hispaniola was easy enough as a target (despite the fact it's much stronger in my personal file, as the island has steel). The United States started stampeding across Canada, so I started massing some spare troops in Mexico to protect them if they came under attack... all while waging a war of opportunity against Brazil (which was getting dogpiled by every other power courtesy of military alliances) that snagged me three more cities.

As soon as I had access to military alliances and a stack of troops in Mexico, I declared war, because America's growing power is unacceptable to a nation that is planning to rule Latin America. :p The Americans haven't been launching any real counterattacks, and my small ships are Zerging whatever battleships they send my way. We also kicked them out of Cuba in a single turn by combining Naval Infantry and some artillery in a massive invasion.

This game also has a rare trend: France ended up being the dominant colonial power. While Britain steamrolls Africa 90% of the time in my experience, every so often France ends up steamrolling them instead, likely due to better luck. France has devoured pretty much all of Northern Africa in one war after another. They're currently devouring Southeast Asia and I think only China (which has made off with most of the European concessions) can stop them there. As soon as I'm done with the United States, I may just begin a witchhunt against French territories, as I don't like their ability to bring firepower against me from Africa and Europe.

All the while, Britain's avoided losing too much of India (normally the Ottomans seize it), instead kicking the Turks out of Arabia and everything but Iraq and Syria. They did lose some of India to Tibet (lolwat) and Portugal (double lolwat), though.

In most games, I'm a major power who is able to rally everyone against Britain and then the United States. It appears in absence of my leadership, everyone's instead obtained catharsis by going to war with each other. I stopped keeping track, but the military alliances are flying everywhere left and right. Only France has really gained anything, having taken over most of Iberia. Both China and Britain have declared war on Tibet, so I assume that border guard is gone, and it won't be too long before China gains the ability to conquer India.

Africa's become a chaotic patchwork since former allies are turning on each other at a moment's notice. Everyone else is just aimlessly declaring war on each other, and there is bloodshed everywhere.

Most excellent. :p
I want to ask this question
When I end a turn,it says:Your program has already stopped working
How can i solve this problem?I do not know how to send photo
I want to ask this question
When I end a turn,it says:Your program has already stopped working
How can i solve this problem?I do not know how to send photo

The error note shouldn't disappear so write down exactly what it says. Normally it says that a file is not found.
Been awhile since I have visited the boards here. Good to see this masterpiece is still providing entertainment after all these years..
Folks, new in here...

need some help - cant find any AoI.biq file in the links of the main post of this thread. Where can I find it?

El Justo, just posted it in the previous page ;) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/7g2ij6tj1besj6y/AoI5.0.zip?dl=0

hello civers :) i have arisen from a long slumber and have here for everyone links for the most recent version of AoI. i set up a dropbox account to finally untangle myself from ftp torture and servers owned by other people. while folks have been kind enough to host my files for many years, i always wanted my own piece of digital space to house my stuff. and dropbox is a neat program that serves my purpose, free of charge of course.

so here are the links:

main large file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bh323xpcpqkk12s/AoI-new.rar?dl=0
biq file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7g2ij6tj1besj6y/AoI5.0.zip?dl=0

note that this version contains about 130 new sea units that Civinator added in for me. they are part of Delta_Strife's massive output of units. gameplay is not altered. it's purely aesthetic. it does NOT contain any update to the interface or the soundtrack. that part we are actually working on, still.

real life has sort of prevented me from putting civ time in over the last many months. i haven't forgotten this little gem of a scenario :cool: it's just been a matter of finding the time to get it all done. it's very time consuming. nonetheless, i hope to pick up the files again soon, once real life permits. Balthasar recently uploaded an interface pack that i asked him to make. so this will be part of any new version along with a new soundtrack which, believe it or not, i almost have completed (from the last time i worked on the files, last year). i am also trying to coax the venerable Vuldacon out of semi-retirement to take a look at some other possible things to add in, art-wise. so the wheels are spinning ever so slightly :) so hang in there with us and thanks for all the support over the years. it's encouraging!
I can't seem to find the .biq map file to download. I downloaded the main file and everything but I am not finding the map. Am I just missing it? Any help would be appreciated.
Check to see if the biq is inside a folder inside a folder.

If so, cut and paste it inside your scenario folder.

Due to testing and changing the Biq many times, El Justo separated it so he would not have to upload everything each time he changed the Biq.
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