The Hundred Years War, a scenario for MEM II

Anyone that enjoys this scenario will probably be happy to hear that testing on the Crusader States have started. You can check out the three new screenshots by following the link in my sig. :)

shameless advertising bump
Hope to get to this scenario this weekend Yoda Power. From reviewing the .biq, looks very interesting!

I just completed a victory as the English (would you even think of playing any other civ?) The French were destroyed very early on as it was silly easy to get the other civs to form alliances against them. Perhaps the French need to be in a permanent alliance with someone, too?

Everything worked properly. No errors or CTD's. Appreciate that. But, the tech tree progresses fairly slowly. I only just completed the 3rd era when time ran out. I would suggest either a reworking of the timeline, or a decreasing of the cost of techs, or an increasing of the ability to create wealth & research. Or some combination thereof.

My last suggestion would be to work on making the scenario more unique somehow, more Hundred Years Warish, if you know what I mean. As it is, it's just MEM on a smaller map. Not that that's bad mind you. I play MEM only now. Haven't played the regular Civ since. But, if there were something that set it more apart, something more flavorful. The trade chests to get victory points is a nice touch, but I'm wanting something more; always wanting more. Ah, perhaps my appetite has been too whetted.

Anyway, a very good scenario. I would strongly urge a fixing of the tech tree as outlined above.
I totally agree with everything you mentioned. :)

I can't figure out why tech progressing is so slow, it should be speeded up, but somehow it seems it isn't.

The main problem concerning this scenario is that both England and France are pretty easy to play. England can with the help of military alliances make veryone go to war with France, and France can quickly reconquer the English territories on the mainland, and thus more or less stop them from being a real challenge.

It all boils down to AI performance, and when I'm done with Crusader States (which I think at this early stage already seems to be much better than HYW), I have to make an update for this scenario.
Yoda Power, my good Danish friend, You have done it again. I wonder if you have played Age of Empires II? Well it was nice, I did not play it Yoda Power because what if it has technical difficulties. Well I do hope England is at a locked alliance against France with Burgundy as Britain's ally.
Well I have tried AoE2 at my friends house, though never owned it, why?

As long as you have MEMII installed there shouldn't be any technical difficulties. And yes England and France are in locked war. ;)
MEMII?? What is that and how can one install it?
I was hoping they would be at war. HAHAHAHA!!! Anyways my good Danish friend do make another scenario. Good Job!!!
There is a link to the mod in both the first post and in my signature. :)
Just started a game as France last night. Emperor level. Let me tell ya, hadn't it been for my cunning diplomacy and shameless bribery (I convinced Ireland to join me in my just war against the English, and I convinced the Germans to punish the Burgundians for taking Calais from me), France would now be a dominion of the English crown. 15 turns into the game and Aquitaine is French (well, Aragon who joined the fight on their own, took Bordeaux) and I am ready to throw my Chevaliers at the Duchy of Burgundy. Soon, France will be a "Grande Nation"! BTW, great scenario! :thumbsup:
Playing a game as Ireland.

The brave Irish warriors have expelled the English robbers, and exploiters from their fair green isle.

In my opinion the English are far to weak in Ireland. I declared war on the second turn, expecting to be hard pressed to defend my city's. Instead I took two of England's on the next turn, and soon seized all the all the rest without losing more then two units.
What level are you playing on? I really don't want to make England any stronger as they are already the strongest civ.
I noticed when playing on duke that the english got beaten up by both the irish and scots:lol:
Quick update: France is united, except for a few fringe holdings (Brest, Bordeaux, Dijon), which were mopped up by my allies. Burgundy is defeated and England is under heavy assault by the Scots, Portuguese and Aragonese. They're way too busy defending their homeland to even venture into France at this point. Hence, I'm looking for new challenges: Maybe assist the Spanish in their Reconquista? Or break a lance with the Holy Roman Empire? BTW, it's AD 1450.
Beat up the HRE, they are really easy in that scenario in my experience:)
Gah. I was playing as Scotland, had just declared on England and took two cities, when my supply of Iron ran out!

:cry: :cry:
Once my units ran out, I got steamrolled.
I want to try as Angland but if it is too predictable
maybe as Highlander or Irelander instead
and try to send those angled saxons back to the continent,
where they belong with all those other frankish types.

No higher than duke or king though....
Why is the HRE not playable? Too powerful and unbalancing maybe?

I think this is my favourite MEM scenario! Are there any others in store?

Btw, not to wrong the great wikipedia, but the quote "The first standing armies in Western Europe since the time of the Western Roman Empire were introduced for the war" from the first post is not true. Off the top of my head I can think of the standing armies in Britain during the anglo-saxon period..
Geez, I've played this one twice already, once as Aragon and again as Ireland.
I did not win either time but it was really fun play.
It was much easier trying to keep up as Aragon.

In Aragon game, England took just about all of France.
In Ireland game France kicked English out of Europe.
I wonder if it was because the Irish almost immediately attacked them
in Ireland and got the Scots to join in as a distraction. The west and North
was freed but having no defenses had to sue for peace as soon as a few
cogs were seen off the coast. I can't believe England agreed so quickly.

Ireland did not have any quarry and Scotland had an extra, unconnected.
I sent workers to Scotland to build a road to the extra quarry and
then the Scots would not trade it!!!!!!! So after finally securing the whole
of Ireland, I was forced to plan an invasion of Chester. It was surprisingly easy. I went all the way to York.
I guess the English were too distracted by the problems on the continent.

France by that time was too far ahead in points and Ireland
too far behind in tech to ever be able to make a difference.
But we were free......

Geez, I've played this one twice already, once as Aragon and again as Ireland.
I did not win either time but it was really fun play.
It was much easier trying to keep up as Aragon.

In Aragon game, England took just about all of France.
In Ireland game France kicked English out of Europe.
I wonder if it was because the Irish almost immediately attacked them
in Ireland and got the Scots to join in as a distraction. The west and North
was freed but having no defenses had to sue for peace as soon as a few
cogs were seen off the coast. I can't believe England agreed so quickly.

Ireland did not have any quarry and Scotland had an extra, unconnected.
I sent workers to Scotland to build a road to the extra quarry and
then the Scots would not trade it!!!!!!! So after finally securing the whole
of Ireland, I was forced to plan an invasion of Chester. It was surprisingly easy. I went all the way to York.
I guess the English were too distracted by the problems on the continent.

France by that time was too far ahead in points and Ireland
too far behind in tech to ever be able to make a difference.
But we were free......


Oh My God. I am playing the Irish to, and the same things happened, almost word for word. The AI seems to be repeating itself.
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