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  • I'd like permission to use some of your code in a mod for a new civilization, the Svear (early Swedes). Specifically, some of the combat- and building-related data for the Germanic civ looks import-worthy to me.
    Hi "ambrox62",
    Generally I like really your work, but –Sorry- your nice project of road does not work on my TAM. I followed nevertheless accurately your instructions …
    I imagine that it would be necessary to modify for it the "XML file" who Art-Defines of Roads, but I do not find it anywhere! Have you some suggestions? Thank you!!!
    "The mod still doesn't contain 3D building arts"
    I have some of this wonders in gr2 format.
    So If you want I can send them to you.
    hey was just about to post something on google. the first game i loaded to test loaded as an 18civ map instead of 24. do you know if this was intentional or a glitch with the new civcore.dll? gray
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