• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Recent content by Axeman89

  1. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

    Is there a way to make a building available only from a certain year? I mean, I would like to have trainstations available from year 1750, for example.
  2. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions

    Is it possible to increase cities defense strengh by editing xml files? I don't find much difference between attacking enemies with cannons either in cities or in open terrain (of course, there is a difference, I just want to make cities harder to take). Thanks in advance.
  3. A

    Number of Colonization players

    Playing RAR. And ocasionally TAC.
  4. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions

    Congratulations R&R team for this new version of the mod. All the new features since version 1.3 seem fun. Pity that the Religion part (the Catholic and Protestant civs) couldn't make it into the mod. Could it be possible to generate a R&R version with 1 plot city radius? I would do it myself...
  5. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

    Wow! All of these are great features! Good to see the R&R mod is still being in development. I just hope to see these improvements in a future public version of the R&R mod, I'm currently playing version 1.3 and loving it.
  6. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

    Great! Will download right away. Congratulations R&R team for the effort and the good work!
  7. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

    During my last game, I found the following issues I'd like to report: 1) Iroquois offer me to buy native mercs for 2800 gold. I have 3000 gold. I should have 3 options: a) Buy for 3000, b) That's too expensive, we give you half of that, c) No thanks. I only have options b) and c) available...
  8. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Discussions on Strategies

    I've played a game in which I Had over 30 cities. But I couldn't reach WOI because the game started to be very unstable, with constants CTD, and had to drop it. I'd like to understand how are the mechanics when dealing with indians. In a couple of games in which I never attacked them, stole...
  9. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

    Wow I didn't knew that! Thanks! And yes, my mistake, I've been playing releases 1.0 and 1.1.
  10. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

    Ray thanks por considering the whales issue. I have another issue. I am currently attacking the english in a game and finding that the tiles with Hills/Prairie can have sheeps as a resource, and the ones with prairie can have cattle. But only the ones that are occupied by them! I never saw...
  11. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

    Hello to all. I don't know if this is a bug or its a feature working as intended. I've already played two games with release 1.2, in standard maps. In none of them i had available more than one whale resource in the whole map. In one of the games I was lucky; I had the whales just in front of...
  12. A

    [Religion and Revolution]: Drop in and say hallo ...

    Hello to all. Great mod. It makes the CivCol game really worth playing, with lots of bugs and improvements. Miles away from the vanilla game. I like the actual features and looking forward to the new ones. Specially all the new yields and resources; I always try to play as a peaceful player...
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