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[Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions

First off. Drooling hot mod. Nice job.
The Danes - YES! (Im Danish)

Could you increase the deficulty of the of highest levels even further to close to unplayable levels. It is still turning into a monopoly game rather easily when you just get a bunch of cannons.
Maybe an enemy king could come and kick you hard if your score reaches a certain level compared to the other Europeans or there could be other similar sanctions to prevent a monopoly.
Hi Ray,

OKay, first off I have to say kudos to you and the team, but mostly to you because you have inspired and led your team to make each version bigger / better / more fun than the last. All of this done over the net and with no pay! Hopefully, in your day job you get the recognition and pay for your leadership skills.

My only complaint, like many others I am sure, is that every time you release a new version I instantly drop whatever game I was playing and download the latest version. I have very good playble / winnable games going all the way back to TAC, that I have discarded because you have released a new update.

Could you increase the deficulty of the of highest levels even further to close to unplayable levels.

I don't want to do any serious changes to balancing before Release 1.5 if they are not absolutely necessary.
(Release 1.5 will probably be this weekend.)

We simply would not have enough time to test or get feedback from team and supporters that have access to SVN.

Also I don't like to have AI cheat too much or punish the player for successful playing.

But in CIV4HandicapInfo.xml and GlobalDefinesAlt.xml there are lots of possibilities for everybody to configure the game to his liking.
So if the mod is too easy for you, simply make it a bit harder in your private version. :thumbsup:
Congratulations R&R team for this new version of the mod. All the new features since version 1.3 seem fun. Pity that the Religion part (the Catholic and Protestant civs) couldn't make it into the mod.

Could it be possible to generate a R&R version with 1 plot city radius? I would do it myself if I had the skills, I only know very basic xml.

Thanks in advance.
Could it be possible to generate a R&R version with 1 plot city radius ?

I am sorry, I won't implement another version with 1 plot city radius.
Maybe somebody will do it in a modmod. :dunno:
Wow did you really get cities with 53 and 63 citizens ?

Yes, I currently have several cities of 50+ citizens.
A lot of medium size and small cities supplying them with goods and an incredibly huge transportation system with Wagon Trains and Ships.
(City to City Supplies, Domestic Markets, Trading with Natives, Moving Troops, Selling in Europe, ...)

Almost all my really big cities are on the coast.
The biggest part of the production capacity is there as well.
Some of the smaller inland cities do nothing else than supplying one of the big ones with one or two specific raw materials (e.g. with Stone, Cattle, ...).

Considering Food, in some places even cities of 80+ would theoretically be possible in late game.
(Livestock + Butchering, Hunting, Fishing Boats, Windmills / Watermills, Founding Fathers, Bonus from Liberty Bells ...)

I also really like how the 2 Plot City Radius looks on the map, with urban centers surrounded by rural areas. The vanilla cities sprawled over a large proportion of the area, this looks much more natural.

I fully agree. :thumbsup:

It also feels much better considering gameplay.
We should really have implemented that feature much earlier.
I would really love to see a story or a Let's Play video for Religion and Revolution (with Release 1.5).

Isn't there anybody in our community that would like to create one ?
(I am too lazy to create one myself and also not good at telling a story.)

You would be my personal hero. :)
I would really love to see a....Let's Play video for Religion and Revolution (with Release 1.5).

I was thinking of doing one after I finish the Wiki.
But would be great if someone else also did it.
An AAR would be a fantastic addition as well.

Been away for a while.
Just returned after a 3 week vacation in France - as an F1 fan it was amazing to finally attend the Monaco GP!! :D
Hello everyone,

I wanted to check if anyone was aware of an Americas map that had fixed starting locations for the natives (accurate placement, so that the Inca are on the West Coast of South America, the Aztecs in Mexico and the Huron in Canada). I have tried playing the maps that come with the mod and it seems that all of them place natives randomly throughout the world.

Is there something that I missed? Is there a way to play any of them with proper native placement?

Also, does anyone know of a map that has accurate European starting locations? For example, the French starting with a city at the location of Quebec City, the English in Jamestown, Virginia, the Portuguese in Brazil, the Dutch in New York, etc.?

One of the reasons I ask is also in case someone may have made one for their own use. I believe a long time ago, I modified one of the Age of Discovery maps to have roughly accurate native placement (not the correct cities, but at least the right tribes) and to give each of the Europeans a city in the New World, instead of a ship with two colonists that could settle anywhere.

I found this made playing on a historic "Americas" map a lot more interesting and enjoyable!

If no one is aware of something like this already existing, I would love to hear from anyone interested in making a map like this! If a few of us share the task, we may be able to modify one of the existing maps that are compatible with the mod to make this available to the community!
Having a smuggling ship is a great opportunity to refuse one of the more impudent tax hikes of the king. However, the bribe rate (as opposed to the tax rate) seems to be different for different goods. COlopedia says nothing about this. It only states that the bribe rate is lower than the tax rate.

In my game Silver and Tobacco are boycotted. When I sell them through a smuggler I get 70% of the gross value on tobacco, which is already a bit lower than an 'official' deal would net (current tax rate is 29%), but only 30% on silver .

Is it a bug or a feature, I wonder?

PS I am playing the last version with a one tile city radius, 1.4 I believe.
PS I am playing the last version with a one tile city radius, 1.4 I believe.

I think it would be 1.3 then and as far as I remember in that version there were still some bugs in the smuggling ship.
That is correct. :thumbsup:

The last version with 1-Plot-City-Radius was Release 1.3.

And yes, I think it still had a but considering smuggling.
(I know that I had fixed something there, but I am not completely sure when I did that.)

It does not make that much sense to report bugs on a Release that is more than a half year old.
I don't believe that anybody will try to analyze or even fix a bug in such an old release.

I would really suggest to switch to Release 1.5.
(Unless of course you absolutely do not like the new features ...)
I wouldn't dare to report a bug in an old version. I was merely asking whether this behaviour is a feature or a bug.
I wouldn't dare to to report a bug in the newest version either, as you, Ray, have retired from modding and the mod is now final, no?

And, no, I will not try newer versions. I don't think railroads and a two tile radius will add anything to the game. 1.3 is imbalanced enough as it is. But as most of the issues I have with that version have already been posted by other people I won't bother to go into details (also it wouldn't "make much sense...").

Still, R&R is a fine effort. :goodjob:
All due respect to Ray and the others involved. The mod is just not heading the way I would prefer.
... as you, Ray, have retired from modding ...

Yes, my modding times for Civ4Col are over.

... the mod is now final, no?

I do not know. :dunno:
Maybe some other team member(s) will pick up the project again sometime in the future.

I wouldn't dare to to report a bug in the newest version either ...

Actually, if people reported bugs they find in Release 1.5 it would be a good thing.
Mainly because modmods based on RaR would surely be interested to know (and maybe fix) these bugs in their releases.
But, if you don't like those features I think you could deactivate them by setting their build cost to -1 in the XML files.

Hi Orlanth.

I'm with you on Trains and Railways, a complete anachronism for Colonization unless the game was expanded into the 19th century.

I too would like to deactivate this feature, but my modding/tech knowledge is woefully lacking. Could you possibly let me know what specific lines and in what specific XML files would I need to alter.

Many thanks.

Hi colonialfan,

I actually didn't oppose those features as such, especially as they could be good for modmodders. I haven't done this myself but if you'd want to inactivate them the steps I'd suggest are (using a text editor like Textpad or Notepad to edit the below XML files found in your Mods/Religion_and_Revolution/Assets subfolders):

in Assets/XML/Units/CIV4UnitInfos.xml, edit both the <iCost> lines in the section under UNIT_TRAIN to <iCost>-1</iCost>
in Assets/XML/Units/CIV4BuildInfos.xml , edit the <iCost> line in the section under BUILD_RAILROAD to <iCost>-1</iCost>
in Assets/XML/Buildings/CIV4BuildingInfos.xml , edit both the <iCost> lines in the section under BUILDING_TRAIN_STATION to <iCost>-1</iCost>

I'm not certain that will work but think in most cases the game treats anything with negative iCost as unbuildable. You could try removing their XML entries entirely but I'm not sure if there are hardcoded references in the DLL that could cause problems when doing that. (Actually the easiest of all would be to simply not use those items when you play! I'm not sure if the AI player even uses them, it often has problems building things with lots of requirements and it would seem quite a hard task to train it to build and use rail networks. But maybe Ray managed it somehow!:science:)

If you have problems or want to learn more about modding try looking over the Civ4 Modiki and XML reference as well as Civ4Col-specific tutorials here. It takes some trying but is pretty easy to grasp if youre motivated.
Do not try to delete the complete XML entries.
This will cause the mod to crash.

There is special logic involved for this feature.
(e.g. Trains only allowed to travel on Railroads.)

But deactivating the feature as orlanth suggests should work. :thumbsup:
Do not try to delete the complete XML entries.
This will cause the mod to crash.

There is special logic involved for this feature.
(e.g. Trains only allowed to travel on Railroads.)

But deactivating the feature as orlanth suggests should work. :thumbsup:

Thanks guys, I appreciate the help.:) I'll let you know if the deactivation works.
Ray, I 've been meaning to ask this for a while, but never got around to it - where did you get the painting for the R&R opening screen and who was the painter and does it have a name. Certainly quite dramatic and must be from the Peidmont region of Virginia.

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