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  • hey; I hate to bother you but I have been trying to work on kailrics mod but seems to have pieces missing, also atomicgamer website is no more so i cant get any of the mod from them. perhaps you might still have the mods? would love to get the mod completed . also I can not seem to contact him as well to get it. if you have some suggestions I would love to hear them.

    capt jack
    Hey, what happened to the cyoa you were running a few months ago?
    It's more or less dead in the water barring a creative burst of energy so unlikely as to be indistinguishable from a miracle
    I'm not familiar with that thread so I cannot say if it fits the tone. It's up to you imo, if you think people who visit the thread care about fanfic then post in the existing thread, but a new thread is also fair. In my experience fanfic attracts a somewhat different audience than conventional literature, and is often driven by existing fandoms (while discovering new literature is about discovering new settings/premises), but do what you think is best.
    You can do one action each week, four weeks an update.
    If you fight one week, you can't do anything else that week.
    Combat is processed by me but you may give directions.
    Alas, most unfortunate. In any case, I would love to have your support in the Grand Alliance, if you'd like to take this to more private channels?
    Yo so something that's been helping me manage my food intake is I'll only eat something if that's *exactly* what I'm craving (or if it would be impolite to refuse cause I'm southron). If I go to the fridge just looking for food, nothing really in particular, I'll stop myself and go sit my ass back down.
    Busier then ever, man I'm struggling a lot to find time for anything. I hope that somewhen on the middle of the semester I can calm down everything that has been happening so I can resume my activities here, I really miss this place and you guys. For now I've only kept playing th C2C game, but even so I've been making the others wait sometime for my turns because I'm not always available to come here and play my turn. I hope that S&T is still like it was, or even better because I really intend to go back there ;)
    Sadly, it's been so long I probably need to re-read it to be conversant on the topic. Maybe it will be a post in the thread later on.

    Reminds me, we should ask Dachs about it.
    I read a book awhile back by Tamim Ansary called Destiny Disrupted, which purports to tell a history of the world through the eyes of the Islamic Middle East. Do you have an opinion on his work?
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