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  • You were playing in SprylliNES when I last updated and you quit, but that was quite a while ago; feel free to return if you like. :) Your house is increasingly important and I could do with a player.
    totaled my car and was hurt fairly badly, nothing life endangering, but still couldn't walk by myself for a couple of days.
    Why am I still having to dodge the sword when i succeeded in getting to attack Dom instead?!?
    Its nothing to do with Star Trek. "Caprine" means goatlike.. an a Synesthesist is someone who "see's" smells, "tastes" numbers etc...
    Well, what's done's done. Never mind that now… but play my other game or you risk…


    *ominous organ music and thunder sounds*
    :rolleyes: Indeed. But you'd have saved me trouble if you'd said RL was busy at the beginning and I'd have replaced you earlier.
    If you don't make an appearance in the Mars Attacks! Game and really participate I'm having you replaced. It's been two weeks since your last post.
    Hey, the Mars Attacks! Mafia game is going on, and you haven't poasted for three days…
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