• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • Say, orlanth. I know you worked on the Betray Colony mod with TC01 about 10 years ago or so. I'm trying to create an event where the player and the player's king declare war on another player and their king, and cause the king to send their REF units like in a WOI. I'm having trouble finding what files contain the info about giving the king the units of the REF list.
    Hey man, I sent you a request on what I think is your Steam account, your a modder from what it seems and I'm having a hard time navigating my way around this site and your the only one that I see active, and I need your or Dwolf's help but he's not active anyways if I got your Steam right when I added you please accept?
    Great to hear :). The update comes quite right, the next update will be in 1 or 2 weeks :).
    But for the graphics you have to credit someone else, they are all not mine, but from the artists around.
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