• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Recent content by platypuss

  1. P

    Discuss the New Leaders

    Agreed - Speaking as an Englishman, Washington and Adams mean very little to me as "English" leaders.
  2. P

    U.N. Bug - Resolution fails when it should succeed

    It is completely illogical to be penalised for defying a resolution which doesn't even pass. What, exactly, is being defied?
  3. P

    (NOT A BUG) Coastal cities on inland sea-lake unable to build water-units

    In the example given, if Braga were an enemy city, then it could produce sea units (or allow passage of sea units) into the inland sea which could then attack the other two cities. However, the two cities would not be able to defend themselves by building naval units. This does not seem fair.
  4. P

    Lowering Graphics Setting????

    I get this error on both my machines. Dropping graphics down to "medium" and disabling the movies seems to work, but this is issue is very annoying and needs fixing. I didn't have this issue with Vanilla and Warlords.
  5. P

    Crash when displaying some "Wonders Built Movies"

    I'm also getting a crash to desktop when starting a wonder movie (Stonehenge in my case). The error message refers to a texture memory problem, but I never got this before with vanilla. Vidcard is Nvidia FX5600 with 128Mb.
  6. P

    Submarines under ice flows

    Not under the South Pole, they don't. ;)
  7. P

    No Korean Civs??

    Surely, without survival, happiness is moot? Similarly, what use are aboriginal principles of "eco-friendly anticapitalism" when they are mostly not around to employ them?
  8. P

    A Clarification on Nukes and the suggestions people make.

    Sounds more like Cerenkov radiation to me.
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