Royal Tenenbaum
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  • Thanks for your comment! I'd certainly post more often if I actually had much experience with Dawn of Civilization. I've just finished a game as Tibet (UHV, Viceroy), in which my single source of Iron was choked and pillaged by Keshiks and assorted Koreans, but I managed to get a »Phoenician War Elephant« to the front just in time to dispel the crowd, reconnect the iron, and pump out infinite pikes for a free Tibet. :lol:
    Lol thank you, I appreciate it! Hopefully some changes get made, it's one of the things I love about other mods like FFH.
    I'll definitely check them out.

    Requiem for a Dream sounds more enticing at the moment, so I'll give that a go first.
    Fair enough, haha. Melancholia's pretty good as well. I only just saw it for the first time a couple months ago. I can see why it basically revived Kirsten Dunst's career.

    But yeah, I do tend to lean towards the artsy.
    It's part of the reason why I generally like most French New Wave and Italian Neorealist films.
    One of my own favorite directors is Lars Von Trier.
    Few directors can really push emotion on the screen as hard as he can.
    I can't remember a time I actually stood up and gaped while watching a film until I watched Antichrist.

    Agreed that The Last Airbender was a terrible movie.
    I actually signed the boycott for the film because of their poor casting decisions and how they butchered aspects of the source material.
    How they butchered the feel of all the Nations, particularly the Fire Nation, which is derived from heavy Han/Tang Dynasty/Imperial Japan influences was just saddening.

    Some of my own favorite films (In no particular order):
    1. Lucía (1968) (Solás)
    2. Woman In The Dunes (1964) (Teshigahara)
    3. Antichrist (2009) (von Trier)
    4. The Banquet (2006) (Feng)
    5. Une femme est une femme (1961) (Godard)
    The standard is basically -2 on Hurt and +1 on Heal from just a cursory search, or at least a higher hurt rate than heal rate; it's mostly to prevent the game from dragging on.
    I'm not too sure where the game originated on, but it's definitely been around for awhile;
    I've seen it played most on GameFAQs and serenesforest.
    I suppose the "wait for 5 posts" posting rule is good for expediting the game; also seeing as how there are fewer active participants.

    Also I notice from your sig that you enjoy the works of Gaspar Noe
    (I can't say the same about Kubrick or Tarantino :p, I've only seen Black Swan from Aronofsky as well).
    Loved his work so much, I even gave a presentation about Gaspar Noe and Irrevrsible for one of my film classes before.
    Have you seen Enter the Void? It's one of my favorite movies.
    Not at all. You and I must have incredibly different ideas about constitutes as "arrogant".
    In retrospect, the Tutorial would've probably been better served as a general purpose Civ4 tutorial as opposed to a DoC-specific one.
    That and I over-estimated how many people had access to a professional software suite or possessed the interest of documenting their own games.
    Heck, there's at least half a dozen people who either refuse to or don't understand how to upload their own in-game screenshots.

    Also, if you host another Hurt N Heal, you should probably alter the rules to be:
    1. -2 on Hurt, +1 on Heal.
    2. One post per 24 hours.
    It's currently okay for the first iteration but those are some of the more standard rulings.
    Interesting, which part? I don't know a whole lot about Japan but I assume Hokkaido and the northern areas would be colder, and Okinawa and the south to be similar to California.
    Thank you, I like this name too. don't know why did I change this name :D
    hehe, this is my original name. I changed to another, then, took my original name back :)
    I'm afraid I have no idea where that is. I live over by Corvallis & Albany, there aren't many spots for hiking. :o
    Heresy I say!

    Just kidding, although it certainly gives the impression we get a lot of rain. At least where I live.
    But right now there's not a cloud in the sky :D
    It's by Stanley L. Wood, depicting a Don Cossack - a unit I'm bringing considerable buffs to in RFC Europe, as it's one of my favorite units.
    You're welcome. I spent lots of hours playing warcraft III back at 2005-2006, and wintermaul TD was one of the maps I liked most but had some difficulties playing (there were easier TDs that I liked more because were easier to me). But I remember at that time that Wintermaul was like the father of Battle Net's TDs (at least for me and my friends), so I tried to understand the game. I think I found you once, I remember being so amazed: It's Duke Wintermaul, the real one! I can't believe I'm in the same room as him! I can't believe you were my age or younger, but you were a hero for me (I always wanted to learn how to mod games, but I never got far). I'm not sure if you know, but it was common for people to use bots to pretend to be you (not to use/hurt your image, but people loved to take modders names with those bots to play tricks on ppl like me). So I guess I met you once, but surely we never talked there because I honestly don't remember. Good old days I liked that Battle Net a lot.
    I was seeing the OMG! DoC thread, and then I've read in your signature the following:

    •Mapmaker Chris Yamaha/Duke Wintermaul of Warcraft III

    So does that mean you are Duke Wintermaul? The creator of that Wintermaul TD?

    If so I would like to thank you for hours of enjoyment back when I was 14-15 y.o. I never thought I would find such a personality so many years after that period in a forum of Civ IV
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