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  • Hello, you're a great leader in civ4! Can you give me a mandukhai without a hat? Thank you very much. For convenience, please send it to 453149994@qq.com. Thank you very much!
    Hi, I am one of the developers for the revival project of Fictionalization I am quite a fan of your work, and I have a question for you. As you know, amazons have played a large role in fiction, and we were wondering if we could adapt your Amazon civ as part of our mod. We'd be doing edits on top of it, specifically adding a legendary unit and national hero, along with any mechanical edits needed to keep it in line with rest of the mod.
    Hi, i noticed you have created female units for Civ 4. Can you convert it to CIV 5, please?
    dear saibotlieh, thank you so much for your artwork . . . i can't imagine if Bunny Girl is going to be used a lot, but i will be creating a civ specially, if it helps
    Hey there! Would you like to take a look at my newest leaderhead? (ludwig van beethoven)
    Howdy! You've been posting some fantastic units. I'm working on an all-female mod for BtS and these units have been a immensly helpful. I was wondering if you were also working on a similar mod.

    (aka kid anubis)
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