Recent content by VirtuallyJesse

  1. VirtuallyJesse

    Do you always build stables instead of barracks?

    Melee units are simply too slow with the new movement rules. If I ever have the choice, I always go Stables. Of course, you don't always have the choice. Still not sure if I like the new movement rules.
  2. VirtuallyJesse


    Just wanted to provide some feedback. As a few others have said AI seems to ignore religion a little too much, this game was 4/5 religions founded until turn 150~. I'm sure theres a good middleground to be found. I'm also having issues with AI settlers, the French have been dancing 3 settlers...
  3. VirtuallyJesse

    What AI combat bonus would be necessary to make Domination Victory hard?

    Bonuses and modifiers are nothing but surface band-aids, if you want the game to be properly challenging you need to fix the more deep fundamental issues of AI unit handling and decision making.
  4. VirtuallyJesse

    Fall patch discussion thread

    I've made it 250 turns on a new game, some thoughts.. AI Diplomacy wise it seems better. I was even able to make a friend/alliance, first time in 60 hours played! Warmonger penalties still seem too severe in the midgame, I took 3 cities around turn ~120 and I'm still being denounced by everyone...
  5. VirtuallyJesse

    Fall patch discussion thread

    Great patch, lots of welcomed fixes. But now I'm getting crazy shadow flickering, anyone else experiencing this? Edit: Updated my Nvidia drivers to 375.86 and that fixed the issue.
  6. VirtuallyJesse

    Apostle Promotions

    They are limited in promotions, intentionally, though the game tells you this nowhere. I also thought they were bugged when I went for a religion victory. Just another part of the game rushed and/or broken.
  7. VirtuallyJesse

    Science was king in Civ 5. So what is king in Civ 6?

    Everyone seems to be in agreeance that production rules. I would argue that trade (commerce/harbor) is second over science. In my latest game I had 18 internal trade routes all providing massive food, hammers, and gold. This leads to more production and population, which then can be used for an...
  8. VirtuallyJesse

    Poor interface

    I wouldn't expect them to make any changes outside of the next expansion. Instead, look for modding news and hope we can fix it ourselves. Steam store still lists Workshop as a feature, so we know its coming.. just a matter of when.
  9. VirtuallyJesse

    Poor interface

    I've played for 6 hours, and I'm still having issues adapting. All of the points you mentioned are similar to my own opinion. Simple things such as menus having different positioning - having to click bottom left to continue and then top right to exit.. Don't make back-to-back screens with...
  10. VirtuallyJesse

    Auto Unit Cycle Option Please

    Is there still a way to cycle through units who require an action? I believe the default key is "W" in Civ 5. I heard this was removed, anyone know if there is truth to that? Edit: It doesn't appear to be under the Keybindings section in the OP's video. Hope mods can fix that. :shake:
  11. VirtuallyJesse

    Leader and Diplomacy Art Style

    I remember reading an interview about how the leader screens in Civilization V take an abundance of time/resources to develop. (Leader and room being 3D) This was in response to DLCs after Brave New World and if we could potentially see more leaders. I would be okay for less impressive leader...
  12. VirtuallyJesse

    The district system

    Cities still have the same 3-from-center hexagon size they do now in Civilization 5. But visually, yes it will look rather different than what we are used to I'd imagine.. Source:
  13. VirtuallyJesse

    Enhanced User Interface

    Thank you for this mod. It is really useful and well done. I am just now discovering it but I can see it is very popular with good reason. :goodjob:
  14. VirtuallyJesse

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Can anyone tell me what the keybind for cycle through units awaiting action is? It is "W" in Civ 5 but it isn't working for me in this game.
  15. VirtuallyJesse

    0.1% have the apollo achivement

    Just echoing I have beaten the game on Apollo twice and haven't gotten it either time. Just imagine how high the real % is.
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