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  • The last pre-G&K version of VEM was v159, which you can find in the zip at the bottom of the Featured Game 5 thread:
    Hi Thal, I want to revisit this game but I only have Civ5 Vanilla sans the recent 674 patch which broke aspects of the VEM. I'd like to know where I can download (not via steam), previous versions of the VEM. Specifically I am looking for the most up to date pre-674 patch version of VEM, which I believe is v.161 (unless the patch came before this version). Thank you in advance!
    yep, I've checked and it's the same code :)

    is there a good gameplay motive to have those in GEM ( I guess Coal, Stone and Atolls ) ? I was considering removing that part of code to make it look more "consistent" , but maybe they're there for a good reason :D
    what does the "add islands" code from GEM's PW3 version do? I'd assume it adds some islands to the map like Plus scripts do?

    I've sent you an email "Random Events VEM build" at your hotmail account with some files as I can't include them in this message (shortened here because of text limit).

    I’ve been spending some time trying to get the random events mod we’ve talked about including in VEM to work. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to do this. I added the files in the project, set Import to VFS=false for four files that would otherwise give problems and set an Action and Entrypoint value for two of them like in the standalone mod

    Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work. It may be that saveutils.lua is causing the problem as this seems to be an outdated version compared to the one you include in your mod. Actually using the random events mod standalone works but you get warning that cache is not shared so this also points in that direction I guess…? I tried messing around with using your saveutils file in stead but I’m no modder and I haven’t been able to figure out what’s going wrong.
    The difference is in this table: Improvement_ResourceType_Yields
    In vanilla, coal, aluminum, and uranium each receive an extra +1 production boost from mines.
    There seems to be some discrepancy between the XML game files and what happens in game with the Coal and Aluminum resources. In the game files, the numbers for the production yield for the resources and improvements show Coal and Aluminum behaving exactly the same as Iron. However, in game, a mined hill with Iron yields 5 hammers and a mined hill with Coal or Aluminum yields 6. Why is this? Does it have something to do with the fact that the ResourceClassType for Iron is RESOURCECLASS_RUSH and the ResourceClassType for Coal and Aluminum is RESOURCECLASS_MODERN? There is no mention of this in the Civilopedia either. I have looked for an answer to this one in the forums, but I figured if anyone would be able to answer this it would be you.
    The details are described in the tooltip when you hover over the "Research Agreement" entry in the trade window.

    I am a massive fan of your Balance mods, but was wondering, do you have a single thread on the forum that lists all of the work you have done?

    I know there is a partially combined list in the Modpacks forum, but I can't seem to see a complete list of your works :)

    Cheers and keep up the great work
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