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  • Hello Gedemon!, I like your YnAMP - Yet not Another Map Pack, but I have a few thoughts on this mod. Could you add a smaller world map for users like me who do not have expensive computers? also, I beg you to as the TSL position as soon as possible. Thanks....
    I'd suggest creating a topic in the Civ5 - Creation & Customization forum describing what the civ4 mod does and asking if it would be difficult to convert it to convert it to civ5.

    I'm sorry I can't help more directly on that, as I don't even have enough time to update some of my most important mods.
    Hi Gedemon,
    Sorry to reach out directly, but was very keen to see if you could help with a Civ 5 Mod. I have noticed your very active across Civ Fanatics, Steam and other Forums so had hoped you would be a good person to speak too.

    I am essentially wanting to build a MOD combining the Terrorist & Spy mod from Civ 4 as a unit in Civ 5. I have some great idea's for the mod, but even replicating the basics of the Civ 4 mods would be amazing.

    Think the game needs it for realism on modern day maps, as war is often fought in "the grey" as they say.

    Any help in this would be appreciated, and of course if anything exists please let me know

    Hey man thank for your mod man its damn awesome!!!!
    Recently I have been facing a error "ERROR: Custom DLL not found !"
    Can you help me out

    Been a long time follower of your mods. You helped add 500+ hours to my steam civ 5 games.
    im at 1300 hours thanks to you.

    I saw R.E.D. Xtended mod. looks really nice. But it seams that you knocked off some technology when you added your custom once. Example there is no temples to build now plus many others. was that your intention? Is this mod intended to start out in later time lines vs ancient?

    never mind im blind.
    How to add 43 Civs in SDK World Builder???I load your 43 Civs DLL mod but I cant add more than 22 Civs in World Builder ???

    Is there any way to get a message to or from Marcus Beutel? I'm aware I'm being a pest, but it'd be nice to know if the Brave New World 'Nights' mod has been abandoned entirely as a project... the waiting is killing me!

    Thanks for all your hard work keeping a fantastic forum going.

    I have an enquiry about the necessities of changing a sub-forum's name to reflect the change in direstion it now is going.

    The Communitas Expansion Project was started by Thalassicus and I am assuming he probably has a measure of control over the naming of it. Is this a fair assumption?
    However as it appears he is now AWOL, at least for the foreseeable future, the rest of the Communitas team would like to know if we can rename it to "Communitas Redux" to reflect the new focus it has without his input.

    Any direction you can provide in this matter would be appreciated.
    Hi, I wanted to change the title of my thread from Myrrh Resource Art to Resource Reskins, and I was told to go to a moderator for help. Can you help me?
    What did you think of my comments on your RED WWII scenario? Your euro map was good and stable but I wish there was a playable whole Earth map so that America and Japan are also playable.
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