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Civ5 Enhanced User Interface v1.30c

Reviews 4.68 star(s) 21 reviews

The single best UI mod that ever existed for Civ5. I cannot imagine playing the game without it.
I love the mod and the whole overview, but i have massive framedrops while rearranging citizens. Usually from 90 to lower 30/20.

And in combination with Lekmod, the "advanced game settings" screen is severly broken.
I have noticed that, in Spanish, there are certain options or lines that appear with lines like TXT_WORKER_FOCUS and things like that. Is that normal? I made a mistake? Because when I use the files in English I don't have that problem.
the translations kindly provided by other users like you are not up to date, please feel free to contribute
Works fine apart from a few random text strings in some unit's and Wonder's descriptions.
Perfect enhance of the Interface. I dont understand, why Fireaxis doesnt make the interface exactly like this.
Been using EUI for a while now and I couldn't imagine playing without it. Amazing that it works in multiplayer and with most other mods!
bugs with informations
A piece of art, love it
Thanks for effort in keeping the instructions and documentation updated. Easy to follow and provides info for Linux locations and install tweaks.
I don't know what bc1 did with the newest update, but for the first time I played Civ5 on Linux without experiencing any crash, That has never happened before, with or without EUI. Update 1.29a makes Civ5 playable on Linux, at least for me.
Thanks for the info! Glad the iterative efforts paid off at last!
Love it, thanks for all the work you have put into it!
A must-have for Civ V, keeps getting better.
On the Vox Populi planet, EUI is a VIM - Very Important Mod.
With sport cars, jets and many castels every where.
Looks awesome but the newest version v1.29beta44 is not compatible with the general quality of life modpack anymore:
Units are not able to be moved at all. Neither through clicking nor selecting M to move.
I trialled it down to an incompatibility between the two InGame.lua files between the modpack and this DLC but I don't know enough about lua to fix it myself. However version v1.28 works fine.
This is a great mod, much better than the vanilla UI in my opinion.
Oh boy, thanks a lot for your work! It really helps increase the game experience by so much! The other guy's comment is on point, this IS a must-have! Again, thank you for your work.
A must have, better than ever
Im so glad there are people that still love Civ V

Thank's for the amazing mod
A must have mod. Consistent updates and bug fixes. Immense improvement upon the user interface.
Nice to see, that this is still worked on. Thank you for your effort! <3
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