• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Civilization III Conquests Plus 2.04 Update
- Added the burial mound
- Made teching faster by adding the philosophy techs, free tech bonus to physics, atomic theory and miniaturization
- Also did some bug fixes, Balance changes and Civilopedia improvements.
Civilization III Conquests Plus 2.03 Update
- Fixed the temple of kukulkan, wonder splash crash
- Also did some bug fixes, Balance changes and Civilopedia improvements.
Fixed the palace not spawning in the capital.
As well as some building balance tweaks.
Civilization III Conquests Plus 2.01 Update
- 3 new Buildings Improvements added (Codex, Cultural Preservation Bureau and Han school)
- 3 new Wonders added (Temple of the Moon, Temple of the Sun and Palace of the Masks)
- Did some bug fixes, Balance changes and Civilopedia improvements.

All the Conquests scenarios buildings are added now.

Enjoy the Update !
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