After a 2 year break from coding, I discovered some serious problems with 1.05 and have now updated it to this file.
For details see
Included in the file are the following under Public Maps
The base Scenario to start the game in single player mode
- 1936 - Europe (Historical - 106)
Five Scenario files to start the game in Hot Seat Mode.
- The Road to War - ALLIES Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1936-January
- The Road to War - AXIS Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1936-January
- The Road to War - AXIS Team - Open, Random or Historical Events - You decide !!!
- The Road to War - SOVIET Team - Historical Hot Seat - 1936-January
and for those who want to get into the action sooner after my play-thru until 1939
- The Year of War - AXIS Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1939-January
I have decided to include only one advanced scenario as I feel the majority of the players will want to play the Germans.
I have played thru the scenario as Germans and Soviet single player campaigns in the play testing, and have determined that a skilled player can defeat the enemy, so long as they plan their attacking or defensive plans well.
NOTE: I have come to the conclusion that this project is a culmination of my life's research and direction. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I have in making it.