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Saph's Africa Plus: Humid Edition (TSL)

Saph's Africa Plus: Humid Edition (TSL) v1.2


Saph's Africa Plus: Humid Edition (TSL)

Welcome to the beautiful, glorious and now wetter dark continent!


Design Features

  • Sections of all sizes:
    The full map is Enormous, but if you are less ambitious, 16 sections of the map are available as smaller maps. The Africa section of the map is Huge-sized.
  • True Starting Locations (TSL):
    30 official civs, 27 city states and 11 natural wonders are placed at their real world locations.
  • Support for custom civs & city states:
    TSLs are included for 61 custom civs and 56 custom city states. Their locations are marked on this Google map. (If you would like any other modded civs to be added, please leave a comment!)
  • Support for custom natural wonders:
    8 Terra Mirabilis natural wonders, plus Sukritact's Ngorongoro Crater can be found at their TSL on this map.
  • Optional world wrap:
    World wrap is available as a set-up option, enabling you to sail west from Mali to reach Ethiopia.
  • Toggleable navigable rivers:
    Each of the rivers Rhine, Danube, Dnipro, Volga, Euphrates, Tigris, Nile, Niger, Congo and Zembezi can be individually turned from normal rivers to coast tiles during set-up, allowing naval units to traverse deeper into land while creating obstacles for land units. You also have a choice of having the Bosphorus Strait as either a land tile or a water tile.
  • Choke points:
    In addition to the presence of navigable rivers, choke points are also created by careful placement of mountain tiles on land, and island tiles at sea. Plan your tactical maneuvers carefully!
  • Accurate rivers:
    Hundreds of rivers and tributaries are placed according to their real life locations (as accurately as it can be done on a hex grid).
  • Accurate terrains:
    Mountains and hills are placed based on real elevation data, and grass/plains/desert are placed based on USDA soil quality data.
  • Map generated floodplains:
    This YnAMP-based map has map-generated river floodplains, so dam construction and flooding events are possible.


Map size: Full map is 82x124 Enormous. 16 sections of the map are available as smaller maps (with sizes from Duel to Huge).

Required Mod: Gedemon's Yet (not) Another Maps Pack

Recommended Mods:
  • Religion Expanded: This adds enough beliefs to vanilla's 20 so that you won't get locked if you are playing with more than 20 civs but haven't chosen a belief.
  • Prismatic - Color and Jersey Overhaul: This adds enough jersey colors so that you can play with more than 20 civs in one game. Otherwise some civs will get transparent colors.

TSL civs & city states

Official civs with TSL

  • Arabia (starts at Cairo, or Mecca is Egypt is present)
  • Babylon (X Sumer)
  • Byzantium
  • Egypt (Cleopatra AND Ramses II)
  • England (Victoria AND Eleanor)
  • Ethiopia
  • France (Catherine AND Eleanor)
  • Gaul
  • Georgia
  • Germany (starts at Aachen, or Berlin if another civ is too close)
  • Greece (Pericles OR Gorgo)
  • Hungary
  • Kongo (Mvemba a Nzinga AND Nzinga Mbande)
  • Macedon
  • Mali (Mansa Musa AND Sundiata Keita; Musa starts at Niani, or Timbuktu is Sundiata is present)
  • Mongolia (Genghis OR Kublai Khan; starts at Sarai)
  • Netherlands
  • Nubia
  • Ottomans (starts at Istanbul, or Söğüt if Byzantium is present)
  • Persia (Cyrus AND Nader Shah)
  • Phoenicia (starts at Tyre, or Carthage if Jerusalem is present)
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Rome (Trajan OR Julius Caesar)
  • Russia
  • Scythia
  • Spain
  • Sumer (X Babylon)
  • Zulu

Official city states with TSL

Anshan (X Persia), Brussels, Geneva, Hattusa, Jerusalem, Kumasi, Mogadishu, Preslav, Valletta, Venice (X Bologna), Yerevan, Zanzibar, Antananarivo, Armagh, Granada, Mucat, Akkad, Bologna (X Venice), Cardiff (X Victoria), Fez, Ngazargamu, Taruga, Vatican City (X Rome), Chinguetti, Johannesburg, Wolin

Note: Civs/City states with (X civ/leader) will not spawn if the civ/leader specified is present

Custom Civs & City States

61 custom civs and 56 custom city states have TSL on this map. See this Google map for their locations.

Game Set-up

To play with advanced YnAMP settings, you need to
  1. Have this mod and Yet (not) Another Map Pack installed and enabled ingame
  2. Single Player --> Create Game --> Load Database (next to the BACK button) and wait for the game to load
  3. Once loaded, you will be back to the main menu
  4. Single Player --> Create Game (You should see a tick next to CREATE GAME at the top.) --> Choose Map Type --> Saph's Africa Plus: Humid Edition (TSL) --> Advanced Setup

Recommended Settings
  1. Turn on Only Civilizations/City States with TSL (or Turn off if you want to play with custom city states)
  2. Adjust the number of civs, city states & religions in the game to your liking.
  3. Manually pick the civs to play as/against or leave them random.
  4. Map Section: Choose the map section that you want to play among the 17 available.
  5. Select Natural Wonders: Leave it at Everything / Uncheck the ones that you don't want to appear
  6. Coastal Lowland: Choose Map Generator for random placement / Matching flatlands for more dramatic flooding / Empty for no lowlands
  7. Rivers Flooding: Choose Map Generator / Empty for no floodplains & flooding (and hence no dams)
  8. Resource Quantity: Your own preference (Resources are map-generated; this map does not contain pre-placed resources.)
  9. Civilization Placement: Choose True Starting Locations for accurate historical placement / Map Generator for random placement
  10. Enforce TSL: AI if you don't want the AI to stray from their TSLs
  11. Use Leaders TSL when available & Use Alternative TSL if required and available: On
  12. Allow random placement for civs without TSL: Off (You can turn it on if you want random placement for civs not in the list above)
  13. World Wrap: Enable if you want to sail west from Nigeria to Ethiopia.
  14. Navigable Rivers: Select the rivers that you want to turn into coast tiles for naval units.
  15. Real City Naming: On (This is only for the capitals for several civs which do not start at their actual real life capitals e.g. Arabia at Mecca / Phoenicia at Carthage)

Special Thanks

This map is made possible by Gedemon's YnAMP & Zobtzler's YnABMC.
YNot1989's Seas of the Sahara is the inspiration behind this map.
Skylar Saphyr
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. v1.2

    v1.2 Added TSL for Nader Shah, Nzinga Mbande, and Ramses II Added alternate TSL for Mansa Musa...
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