Resource icon
Major Update!

First allow me to apologize I was writing up a formal description of all of the changes, but my computer ate it, so I will add it sometime tomorrow.

- Usable mountains are still in the game, but there are several areas where they do not function properly, most of these are annotated in the game.

- Added 3 mods: Additional Buildings, Wondrous Wonders, and we still have MOAR Units. Thank you to Horem, Magil, and Deliverator.

- Additionally, added 17 Technologies to fill out the Ancient era, things get a little wonky around where the new techs meet the old ones, but that is because the AI was beelining for things so I added some less than sensical prerequisites until I can fill it out more.

- Modified Many of the Wonders to not be their own district, removed a few of the terrain or feature requirements as well. the next version will see the Wonders that are still their own districts improved.

- There is now a power struggle between the slinger and the archer to represent the real struggle, until the composite bow settles that dispute (Added Composite Bowman as an upgrade to both).

- The early tech tree looks bare, but it is not. the technologies themselves provide the upgrades in most cases. I am adding more buildings in the future.

Issues of note:
- None of the new techs have proper icons/graphics or civilopedia entries, these are coming
- The composite bowman uses the Archer graphics until I can find more appropriate graphcis.
- Mountains still aren't fixed and I discovered that the modifiers that work on the rest of the terrain do not work on the mountains, this is annotated in the proper places to make sure you know during the game.
- I adjusted the start date to 12000 BCE but the date still shows 4000, this will throw off the scale of the turns.
- There are probably a few more, but it is late, and I already wrote this and my brain is refusing to cooperate.

If you discover something that you believe is a bug or that seems unbalanced, please let me know either here or on the Discord channel. Also if you would like to help in any way, even if it is just testing or brainstorming, please drop by the discord channel.

Special thanks to Horem for helping me get this far. And also to the testers and researchers who have been helping: They were named in the last one and I will make sure on the next one. Thank you and good night.
This is to fix the mistake I made with terrains last night. This should fix growth, and put usable mountains back in.
This address early growth a little and the tech and civic rates as well, especially the earlier ones.
This fixes the Base City Tile. It should now produce at least 10 food and 10 production regardless of terrain (though Mountain settlements have not been given this). Resources will raise this above the normal amount (perhaps flood plains too, as I haven't tested those yet).

*Special Thanks goes out to Horem, this wouldn't have been done or been done right without him.

This should help alot.

The next thing on the agenda is to add a starting era's amount of techs and civics, and perhaps add that era, though that might come later.

Feedback is always welcome.
This only updates the Petra wonder to add the Desert Mountains to its effect. Small update, however, it took a lot of effort. can't wait for that SDK.
Can't believe I did that.

I put 'AMOUNT' instead of 'Amount' in the .sql file for the ModifiersArguements.

Sorry about that. Looks like everything's working now. On to Petra
Fixed a few typos
Added Tundra Mountains to Russia's Trait

To Do: Add Petra's abilities to Desert Mountains.
This is a small update, but it will alter the game alot.

I essentially messed up the modifiers table, this fixes that, so it will fix 225 items that weren't working as intended.
Minor update to the StartEra file, it was giving the faith bonus for starting in the medieval era in the Ancient Era. So if you like founding a pantheon at the beginning of the game, go for it.

Otherwise, update if you like.
host of updates:
Version 0.17b Changes:
  • Added changes to the Science, Culture, and Faith income, costs, and expenses.
  • Lowered the values on Mountains for now, this is to address the issues with governors switching to mountains and starving the cities
  • Removed Resource from mountains, this is to address the inability of Builders building improvements on mountains
  • Added +6 Food to the Palace, this is to address the inability to modify the base city tile
  • Added all the adjacency bonuses, as I was missing most of them.
  • Added the Defense bonus to mountains, somehow I forgot to put it in, it is a 5, vs the hills 3
  • Added City State annex tiles with gold and such, hopefully this will help them expand
  • Removed Ice from being allowed on Coast, I think that was this version, but this is to address lots of maps being unable to circumnavigate the world
  • Fixed having more rivers, at least on my test maps so far it seems so
  • Changed the Aqueduct to require on 2 pop and grant 4 pop max, this is to address the aqueduct taking up an entire plot now.
  • Changed Boosts to only 25% for civics and technologies, wish I could make it change based on who many people has the tech/civic already
Okay, this version adds MOAR Units by Deliverator! I love it when a modder gives broad consent to other modders.

As such there are now additional instructions to see the graphics from the new units.

## Installation Instructions

1. Unzip the zip file to your Mods directory (.../Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods/).
2. The contents of the MOAR_Units_Assets subdirectory should be copied into your Civ VI game root directory (e.g. .../steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization VI) overwriting any existing files to add the new art references. You should probably backup these files first - use at your own risk! This is only necessary since we don't know how to release modified artdef files in mods yet - once we do it should be possible to repackage this as a proper mod.
3. Enable The Balancer via the checkbox under Additional Content.

If you don't see the new art assets in the game then you probably haven't copied the files from MOAR_Units_Assets correctly. The files that need to be in place within the game directory for the current version of Moar Units are:

../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/Civ6.dep (overwrite)
../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/ArtDefs/Units.artdef (overwrite)
../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/ArtDefs/Units_Moar.artdef (new)
../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/Assets/UI/Icons/Icons_Units.xml (overwrite)
../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/Assets/UI/Icons/Icons_UnitPortraits.xml (overwrite)
../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/Assets/UI/Icons/Icons_UnitFlags.xml (overwrite)
../Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Base/Assets/Text/en_US/MOAR_Units_GameplayText.xml (new)

Additional Known Issues
Due to the current incompleteness of mod support you will need to restart the game between each new game or reloaded savegame for game text to display correctly.
Forgot to include the removal of snow on the coast, allowing you to get around continents and islands, regardless of map settings.
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