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The Test of Time 1003

Assets folder:
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Or where ever you installed the game).
There you will see a “Base” Folder. You can simply right click the “Base” Folder in the Assets folder that came with the mod and choose copy, then paste in the directory listed above.
It will ask you if you would like to replace these files, click yes to all.
This will replace serval Icon.xml and artdef files as well as add in new files to the base game.

This must be done for now untill we can get the SDK.

Second add the “Test of Time” folder to the mod folder found here:-
C:\Users\****\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
*** Mac user may very***

Horem for the many Buildings, Districts and the endless brain racking of Modifiers and Building/District/Landmark ArtDefs. His will to start this project and build it in to something special .
DrityFace83 for the new Icons, which btw way came out wonderful as well as the many creative imput and design.
Hajee for the Tech and Civic tree design
Deliverator for the wonderful new units and the will to go through the artdefs to make them unique looking
Lord Olleus for the 8 Ages of War Mod.

Version 1001

*55 new buildings with new modifiers associated to them.
- These New buildings affect everything from gold, culture to bonus combat strength.
- Serval New buildings also will assist with housing and growth

2 new districts

- Merchant Quarter - Available in Early Empire, and holds many of the new buildings.
- The Commercial Hub is now a Financial district
- The Souq, unique to the Egypt, and replaces the Merchant Quarter.

46 new Technologies 6 new Civics
- Reworked Tech Tree to have two paths to research from. The top of the tree is set for more passive inward building of ones empire vs the bottom part of the tree is geared towards those wish the fight and conquer.
- Boost for each new Tech is tied to new Great Scientist, 16 in all with of course the great modern Scientist of all Neil Degrasse Tyson.
- 6 new civics as also brings the civic tree in line with the theory of the tech. Top for inward building and bottom for outward. New Policies to go along with the new civics, from plus food in all cities to bonus combat vs city states.

New Game speeds
- 4 new game speeds with a tier system for the tech/civic tree. Each tier of the tree gets more costly instead of by era.

Reworked Resources and Improvements
- Resources that take a mine should now only spawn on hills, and no more ivory on tundra, or niter in a flood plain
- Unique Improvements have been updated so they cannot be built next to each other, thus help limit the spam. Looking at you Tomyris

Moar Unit
- Many new units for each Civ.
- New Basic Naval Units
- Updated Upgrade paths
- New Setting Settler called the Nomadic Settler. This unit can never be built, and has more sight and movement than the normal settler.

General new Rules

- Adjusted cost of Great people and projects to fit in line with the new pace of the game
- Adjusted cost of units and buildings to balance out the new buildings to insure GPT is a challenge to manage
- Updated Crater Lake and Dead Sea to add more food to make them more viable settling spot.
- Updated the range of the slinger and machine gunner to range 2
- Adjusted the embarkment place for builders and settler to fit in with the new tech tree.
- Adjusted city growth mechanic to feel more in line with history. Growth is slower, untill the industrial revolution, thus district choosing for each city is more important
- Adjusted War Weariness for more likely war throughout each era.

* New Icons
- All new Techs and Civics have their own custom Icons to add personal flavor and eye candy!
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4.20 star(s) 5 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1003 Update

    Updated for the Winter Patch. The mod is now completely stand alone, no longer need to replace...
  2. 1002 Update

    Great Person Points increased, cumulative 50% per Era. Increased max lake size from 9 to 14...

Latest reviews

Does not work with Civ 6 Improvements Patch. This WAS a great mod when it worked, but author doesn't care to update it so it will function.
Currently playing with AI+ v9. Gives you that Civ 4 feeling all over again. It does run -long- even on slug speed. Good for an epic game, not a quick one. Highly recommend.
Солидная работа.
Wonderful! Nice! Cool!
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