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Topkapi Palace Wonder (XML+Python) 2016-10-05

There was a distinct lack of anything (trait, civic, wonder) etc. whose bonus was Vassal orientated so I figured I'd make one; the seat of the Ottoman Empire.

This is from recent code I wrote for my latest patch for Thomas' War simply adapted into Wonder form:

First, I wrote a bonus that if you have the wonder all your vassals will receive a gold and combat experience bonus every turn (this is based on percentages).

Second, I thought my second bonus was what Gir's Flavian wonder did (and I figured I could just adapt the code) but it turn's out it actually wasn't and instead that was just a general can build UU. So I had to write my own code so it only looked at your vassals and had a percentage chance. I mention this as I did look at some of Gir's Petra mod code and based some of mine off his so credit should go to him for that. But basically, for any vassal you have, if you're building a unit the same unit class as their UU you have a 20% chance to build their UU.

All the python is labeled with 'Topkapi' I recommend downloading winmerge to help merge python.

python, XML, button: me (tsentom1)
python advice: Gir, Dresden
Model: Taken from EE2 uploaded by Walter Hawkwood

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