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[Warlords] Raze City Mod v1.0w 2016-10-05

Name : Raze City Mod
Version : v1.0w
Date : 27.04.2006
Author : 12monkeys (@civfanatics + @apolyton)
by : TheLopez

Motivation :
The motivation was born by the mod team of the "The Realism Mod". Their project leader "Houman" did ask me to help them by implementing an enhanced raze city function.

Features :
The city razing is changed, so that larger cities can not immediatly be razed. The razing process will now take several turns to be completed, where the number of turns is linked to the population size. A city could be re-conquered by another civ, while it is razed.

Here are some details :
If a city is conquered the player is still asked about "raze" or "keep". If you choose "raze", the population is checked. If it is smaller or equal than a certain value (-> INI file), the city is immediatly razed as before. If the population is larger, the city is set into "raze mode".

While a city is in raze mode the following happens EACH turn :
- the population is checked. if it is smaller the above mentioned limit the city is immediatly razed.
- the city is set to disorder. The length of the disorder (number of turns) is dependant eqaul the current population of the city.
- it is checked if there is a combat ground unit in the city. If not, the "raze mode" is set from "active" to "pause", which means that the razing is interrupted.
- the city population is decreased by a certain value (-> INI file)
- a certain number of buildings (-> INI file) in the city are destroyed.

Some more details about the razing :
- while a city is in "active raze mode" the city name gets a certain name suffix (-> INI file). The default suffix is "!R!".
- while a city is in "paused raze mode" the city name gets a certain name suffix (-> INI file). The default suffix is "?R?".
- the raze mode wents autimatically from "active" to "paused" when the last ground combat unit leaves the city.
- the raze mode wents autimatically from "paseu" to "active" when one ground combat unit enters the city.
- once the razing is initiated it couldn't be stopped, it could only be paused.
- if the city is conquered by another civ while it is in raze mode (paused or active) the raze mode is autmatically stopped (neither "active" nor "paused"). If the new conquerer decides to raze the city, the same procedure starts again. If he decides to keep the city, he can do so.

Remark :
during my tests the AI did recognize, that the city is not destroyed immediatly. It keep units in the city until the city is destroyed.

Requirements :
Warlords v2.0.0.0
This mod also contains another mod from me, which is not released yet. You can identify it by "Enhanced Game Utils". It is a small SDK adaption, which adds several C++ to Python loopbacks to the CvGameUtils.py. If you like to merge this in mod with another one, YOU MUST MERGE THIS ENHANCED GAME UTILS AS WELL!!!! The mod will not work without it!!!

Distribution :
Anybody who distributes this mod or uses parts of it in another mod, should always distribute it together with the c++ sources!

Installation :
All files have to be copied in there corresponding folders in the "My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\". Do not copy them into your game installation!!!
- copy the *.py file(s) into their corresponding folders in the "My Documents\\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets" or, if you use it as a mod, into the correspoding "Mod" folder.
- copy the *.ini file(s) into the your "My Documents\\My Games\Civilization 4" folder or, if you use it as a mod, into the correspoding "Mod" folder.
- copy the CvGameCoreDLL.dll file into the your "My Documents\\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets" folder or, if you use it as a mod, into the correspoding "Mod" folder.
- you don't need to install the *.cpp and *.h filesto somewhere, as long as you are not interrested to compile the DLL by your own.

Issues :
no known yet, so I count on you!

Ideas for future realeases :
Awaiting your comments and ideas.

- Replace the !R! and ?R? city tags with images displayed on the city billboard
- Add an action allowing for the cancelling the razing of a city being razed
- Add options allowing for gold pillaged per turn during the razing of a city
- Fix the text when a city is razed, the name still displays the !R!

Release Notes :
- Updated all code to be warlords compatible.

- initial release

Credits :
The team of The Realism Mod :
- for the idea of this mod

Dr. Elmar Jiggle :
- for the used INI Parser

Stone-D :
- for his SdToolkit

Teg Navanis
- for his improvements in the SdToolKit
First release
Last update


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