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Workaround when returning to main menu with R&F and some mods 2018-02-10

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 9 reviews

This is nice, but i dont know if its working or not. It's only showing the error message for DLC's but it's not working for TSL earth map as i hoped it would. any thing im doing wrong?
Generaly all is good. Recently game back to main menu but now I can start map and there is a new problem with city states. If I run game with CS after the next turn game crashed to desktop. But when I turn off all DLC or CS all is right. Where is the problem? :)
Since R&F I was having epic problems with mods - I even unsubscribed from all I had, then only resubscribed to ones that had been proven working, but still no good! Tech support couldn't help. But this... brilliant!!! Thank you so damned much =D
I didn't have crash to desktop before, after installing this happens all the time :(
And before downloading I checked my log and it matched all your requirment :( now I'm having XML issues after downloading this
xml warnings are present with the base R&F DLC.
crash to desktop is another issue, not created by this.
Well done! Now I'm able to run Rise and Fall on the earth
Yea I'm getting the same problem as Jackdaw900 and Naterrama, it crashes after loading the game and it says the reason (in the modding log) has to do with loading the XML. Any fixes?
the fix won't work for "crash to desktop", only for some of the "return to main menu" cases.
thanks , but in my case , the error is not in the ""save point release", it is "Warning: LocalizedText - Error Loading XML". i still tried to replace the files in CIV IV/DLC/ folder. when i lauched the game, it didnt send me to the main menu. it was loading with sean bean indtroducing the Civ so i was full of hope, and then the game crashed and sent me directly to the desktop :(
I am getting the same error as Jackdaw900.
Thanks for this. I thought my mod wasn't working. But this fix it.
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