- This is a quick fix for the following issue:
The workaround is simply a few edited .modinfo replacing the game's files, to manually set a load order of "2" for the files updating the DLCs for Rise and Fall. (A load order of "1" works too and is used in some other versions of this fix)
- IMPORTANT : this is not an universal fix, check your Modding.log before using it
[1994494.475] UpdateDatabase - Loading Data/Poland_Jadwiga_Expansion1.xml
[1994494.483] ERROR: Failed to release save point.
Note that if ANY of the "ERROR: Failed to release save point." in the log doesn't reference a file like this one (Data/[DLC]_Expansion1.xml), the fix won't work, the problem needs to be fixed elsewhere first (it should point you to a mod)
You can ignore the lines starting by "Warning", they are not relevant for the "return to main menu" issue, and Rise and Fall triggers a lot of those, even without any mods activated.
- Installation (PC)
2/ Extract to \Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\DLC\ folder, replacing the existing files
If you don't know the location of your Steam folder, you can go in "Your Library" on Steam, right click on Civilization VI then choose "properties", then "local files" then "browse local files"
- Installation (Mac)
- Uninstallation
- This fix won't help you when:
- The modding.log points to an error that is not related to a DLC file
- Other versions:
- Credits:
- Everyone on YnAMP thread for reports and tests
crash to desktop is another issue, not created by this.