• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).


  1. I

    I need help with blender/nexusbuddy (beginner)

    My goal was to convert gr2 files into blender files and vice versa and i followed the instructions of Deliverator's guide STEP by STEP https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/extract-gr2-to-blender-with-mesh-and-skeleton-and-re-export-to-gr2.495207 I've downloaded and properly installed all the...
  2. Bangra 7

    [BTS] Unit export problems.

    So, I created a new unit for Civilization 4 using the navy SEAL animation as a base, and the Paratrooper skin and unit from Civilization 5 as the mesh, along with a custom helmet. I am having some trouble getting this model into the game using a custom idle and fidget animation. Heck, Blender...
  3. merijn_v1

    [TUTORIAL] Using Blender to create building art: From scratch to ingame buildings

    Some introduction text that I still have to write. Requirements - Blender (make sure you download 2.79. The niftools plugin doesn't work on newer versions) - niftools blender plugin - Nifskope - GIMP with DDS plugin (Or any other image editor which can edit dds files) 0. Installation -...
  4. A

    NAW - AV Units help wanted

    I am developing a mod based on SMAN1975 Napoleon at War, purely tactical battles. So far, I have created a number of units modifying the .dds and applying to existing units. But in some cases the correct image requires manipulation of the vertexs and correct reassignment to the dds. E.g., I...
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