• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

discussion thread

  1. M

    What sets Alpha Centauri apart?

    Hello, I'm doing some research for a personal project, and I'm wondering what makes Alpha Centauri unique to y'all? Try to be precise, and don't just dump on other games please.
  2. H

    About policy tree-mixing strategies and means to improve them

    Hello everyone, I wanted to talk here about the current viability of tree-mixing policy strategies (meaning the idea of taking policies from several policy trees of the same era) and if additional elements could be added to make such strategies more viable at higher difficulties if people want...
  3. G

    Did Malala fund DreamWorks' aggressive expansion in children's television in the UK and threatened the BBC with violence repeatedly?

    When I learned that Gladiators is returning to free to air television since 2000, I was shocked and excited to the point where I was telling people about it's return. But, then I developed a theory of why it returned and yet anime is not on BBC 3 along with Robot Wars. This connected with the...
  4. Laurana Kanan

    [LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

    Please use this thread to discuss the new Civilization VI: Leader Pass. Curated list of new information & features can be found at this link - Civilization VI: Leader Pass Features Thread Announcement Trailer Overview Note: There are three separate areas of the Civilization site that...
  5. Thorvald of Lym

    The DYOS Consul

    Purpose: To oversee the DRAW Your Own Story thread, to make recommendations pertaining to the thread, and to uphold the quality of DYOS overall. Link to current thread Link to DYOS X, Part II WRITE Your Own Story! Indexes of broken images DYOS X DYOS X.ii Any forumer who posts a cartoon is...
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