"Merlin" is the project name for a Scenario Management Engine (SME) that adjusts Civ5 performance and behavior, altering the game so that it performs like it was designed to fight a 50-100 turn war/deathmatch, instead of building a civ that goes from stones to stars over 6000 years.
It really...
Adjusts how you get science from campus buildings. Eliminates "free" science just for building the building.
Campus - +1 science for being adjacent to a river. No other adjacency bonuses from terrain (Still get +1 science if adjacent to two other districts)
Library - Adds +1 science for each...
I built the Great Library in Athens, and didnt recognise the icon on the map.
I thought it was somehow a lumbermill, but I didnt have Replaceable Parts yet, nor a bonus hammer on the tile and were confused for some time trying to figure out what it was. Then I realisd, it is a Great Library...
The builders of this library must be brilliant. They've not only built it partially inside the mountain, but the part of it that's sticking out of the mountain somehow manages to defy gravity and not tilt over! And that's not even as weird as the walls going up the mountain, cutting the drydock...
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