Playing Hot Seat Multiplayer with a friend, and we occassionally set the AI civs to player to help them not be completely incompetent. Once such instance is when choosing dedications, because I have tested and proven that the AI does NOT in fact choose any golden age dedication other then Exodus...
Both in CIv 5 and 6 players could only play multiplayer games if they shared the same version of the game, meaning if you did not have all the DLCs you could only play base game even if the host had the full roster of content.
This in the past has caused a lot of issues for my friends and me in...
Hi, I recently made a mod for civ 4 bts that adds several civilizations and leaders. I tried to play it with someone else with a LAN game, but when I made it they couldn't connect to it and vice versa. We both are using the steam version of civ 4, and the exact same version of the mod, and...
Hey there!
I have played several single games of Realism Invictus and've had HUGE fun. :) Now I'd like to play multiplayer with my son — he grew interested while he wacthed me play :)
But, believe it or not, I can't figure out how to start a multiplayer game under Realism Invictus!
So, I...
I'm a bit curious, how do you suppose the Civ switching mechanic works in multiplayer? Say, if me and a friend both get a lot of horses to unlock Mongolia for the era transition: Who gets priority? Do we take take turns picking civs? Is there a tiebreaker? Are there going to be multiple...
Hey, we are trying to convert a working multiplayer game into play by cloud (PBC) game. Everyone manages to connect into the game and but one player, lets name him mr.X gets "The game was unable to process your turn due to an error. Check your internet connection and try again. Error code 17"...
Hello there! Update 3 with Build Number "1.0.34.F" is finally here. We have also updated the roadmap image to include some of the features confirmed for Update 4, which is currently scheduled for release during June. (The Open Beta is just around the corner!)
Update 3 Changelog
Hello, everyone. Ian Fischer of C Prompt Games here.
It somehow seems like it was a long, long time ago, but we launched Millennia just last week. It might feel more distant to C Prompt, as we had several weeks of the team testing the release build (and thanks again to everyone playing and...
Welcome to one of our final pre-launch Design Diaries. I am Robert “Xemu” Fermier, co-designer and lead programmer of Millennia. Today I would like to cover an area that is very near and dear to my heart, Achievements!
But before we dive into those, I also wanted to say a few words about the...
You can find modpacks for Vox Populi here!
-->To avoid Mutliplayer crashes, you need to empty the cache folder (Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache) on all PCs every time before launching the game !!!
Modpacks versions:
CP Only: (Link)
VP Only modpack...
'When Aahnacet Calls' (WAC) is a new wave-based defense mod that was first created in 2018. It tries to create a cooperative experience, with multiplayer in mind, between two civilizations and a much larger foe. The primary goal is to survive 10 waves of the enemy's forces. I originally posted...
Affinity (and hybrid affinity) units have lower affinity requirements and can be researched earlier so they appear earlier in game.
As this is intended mostly for multiplayer games, the download is provided like a DLC. (Because there is no support for mods in MP in Beyond Earth).
Hey all, I had a great Play by Cloud game going a few years ago and now that the Leaders pass is done I'd like to start another:
- Gathering Storm with NFP & Leaders pass
- Standard map, Continents & Islands
- Balanced start location
- Online speed
- All victory conditions
Join code: KbpXl
Hello, we are looking for fifth member to start play by cloud game. It is necesary to have all DLC installed. The party conditions: 5 human players, small map, maximum CC, all aditional modes activated, maximum difficulty, leaders by random selection from the last Leader Pack, Point Victory...
Hi there. So my friends and I have been playing a lot of CIV V lately, since it's our favorite of the civ games, but one thing we'd like to change in our sessions is the social policies with mods. I've been at it for the last couple hours trying to bake a specific mod, namely +Revamped Social...
Hi! After playing Vox Populi with friends since 2018, I find it difficult to play the new versions by myself. Unfortunately, my group has had issues with early crashes in newer versions using the "MP_MODPACK" method of playing online multiplayer. Crashes / desyncs have always been an issue, but...
Do I have to link on both devices the 2K Account?
Do I have to install some extension packs or deactivate some packs/mods?
Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose?
Thank you all for your answers!!!
Do I have to link on both devices the 2K Account?
Do I have to install some extension packs or deactivate some packs/mods?
Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose?
Thank you all for your answers!!!
Do I have to link on both devices the 2K Account?
Do I have to install some extension pack or deactivate some packs/mods?
Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose?
Thank you all for your answers!!!
Do I have to link on both the 2K Account?
Do I have to install some extension pack or deactivate some packs/mods?
Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose?
Thank you all for your answers!!!
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