
  1. F

    How can I play with my friend between Switch and PC

    Do I have to link on both devices the 2K Account? Do I have to install some extension packs or deactivate some packs/mods? Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose? Thank you all for your answers!!!
  2. F

    How can I play with my friend between Switch and PC

    Do I have to link on both devices the 2K Account? Do I have to install some extension packs or deactivate some packs/mods? Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose? Thank you all for your answers!!!
  3. F

    How can I play with my friend between Switch and PC

    Do I have to link on both devices the 2K Account? Do I have to install some extension pack or deactivate some packs/mods? Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose? Thank you all for your answers!!!
  4. F

    How can I play with my friend between Switch and PC

    Do I have to link on both the 2K Account? Do I have to install some extension pack or deactivate some packs/mods? Which Multiplayer mode do I have to choose? Thank you all for your answers!!!
  5. Tasunke

    FFH Multiplayer! (Yes, Again!) :)

    Hey my dudes and dudettes! I've just begun re-exploring FFH2 bc I saw that Magister Cultuum released his newest version, and its quite fun! First I tried out Judecca and Hyborem, then the Hippus. Would be fun to try out some other factions and what not haha! I'm down for some FFH2 multiplayer...
  6. J

    Looking for somebody to "play by cloud" game.

    Hi. I'm looking for people to play civ 6 play by cloud game. I require both Rise and Fall and Gathering storm DLCs, I personally have a new frontier pass. Skill level: I'm not a pro but the minimum skill would be to win on Deity level without big problems. Frequency: around 1-2 turns daily...
  7. LyarSoft

    CIV5MPDLL: dll for solving multiplayer sync problems

    This is based on whoward's DLLVMCv97. When executing custom UI functions, call instance:SendAndExecuteLuaFunction("CvLuaUnit::l#FunctionName#", Arguments) instead of calling the function itself to execute that function on all the clients in a multiplayer game, which will not cause re-sync. Usage...
  8. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 404: Podcast Not Found

    The four-hundred-and-fourth episode of PolyCast, “Podcast Not Found“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Phil "TheMeInTeam". Topics for this episode include: Community 00h02m00s | DanQ is Now a Father...
  9. LyarSoft

    Non-host player calling InitUnit() and kill() lua functions causing re-sync in multiplayer game

    When playing with a mod giving player a button to transform a unit into other civil's unique unit (by calling lua function InitUnit() and kill() to replace the original one) in multiplayer game, the game automatically reloads whenever a non-host player press that button and end his turn, and the...
  10. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 399: We Play Other Games, Too

    The three hundred-and-ninety-ninth episode of PolyCast, “We Play Other Games, Too“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include: News 00h02m11s |...
  11. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 398: Scouts Don't Count as Military

    The three hundred-and-ninety-eighth episode of PolyCast, “Scouts Don't Count as Military“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include...
  12. L

    Looking for 1v1 players

    I am a veteran Civ 6 player. I am looking for new partners for 1v1 games over multiple sessions. My steam ID is: lc (That's a lower case L, lower case C)
  13. P

    [GS] Not showing numbers in the world ranking screen

    is it possible to only show the circle graphic which is filled up more ore less. And not show the exact numer of the f.e military strengh and the other winning conditions?
  14. T

    [BNW] Premade Modpack for Linux Users (compatible with flatpak Steam too)

    What I share with you is a modpack that I have been using and maintaining under Linux for quite some time. It significantly improves gameplay without severely changing the base game, and it should be compatible with Enhanced UI. All you need is Brave New World, and this will work OOTB (it even...
  15. HorseshoeHermit

    Let's Vox Populi! (#3)

    The third time! Except it's still the first time since it hasn't happened yet! I want to begin a bold, large, immersive game of Civilization: Vox Populi, at the latest and greatest, very stable version, to compete for the distinction of the Greatest Civilization to Stand the Test of Time...
  16. R

    [NFP] Sudden, inexplicable client crashes upon joining map

    I have a debilitating issue that really needs resolving After quite some time in MP, the game will inexplicably error out. Me as host would be fine, but the client will simply crash. Once this happens, literally each and every single save of that map will cause the client to crash upon loading...
  17. M

    [BNW] Multiplayer occasionally lags, not allowing anyone to input commands

    Hey all. Effectively, at seemingly random times, a multiplayer game with friends (4 players lan, one player internet) will hang, not allowing any players to move units, choose productions, or any actions whatsoever. The "loading" globe doesn't appear, and everyone can still move their views...
  18. F

    Multiplayer doesn’t work

    In a multiplayer game around the turn 70 you get kicked out and have to load every turn
  19. H

    Community Patch Only Multiplayer

    Hello, I am looking to play a mostly vanilla BNW game with my friends using CP Only for AI. The game resyncs very frequently, is there any advice for CP Only? Everything I could find is talking about the whole vox populi pack and not just the community patch base. I generated the modpack using...
  20. Iconian

    Multiplayer question

    If two players both replace their XML files, such that they both have the same set of XML's, even though the XML's have been modified from the base game, can they play multiplayer with each other?
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