
  1. Birdjaguar

    World Views--Rants and Raves: War, Politics, Government, Social Issues

    This is not a discussion thread. It is not News only thread. It is an opportunity for you to "go on about" things that might not have a proper home thread in Off Topic. It is a place to speak your mind, within the site rules, about the good the bad and the ugly side of the state of the world...
  2. MaryKB

    Random Rants 92 - Not Enough Snerk

    My rant is that I couldn't come up with a better title and I was afraid of losing my privilege to make the new thread. But I felt I needed to pay homage to Element #92 because I'm a hopeless nerd. Most recent: Random Rants 91 - Semiprimal Rage
  3. amadeus

    Random Rants 91 - Semiprimal Rage

    The Patron Saint of Rants, Dennis Miller. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiprime The next prime thread will be 97. Don't forget, babe. Beh beh beh. Most recent: Random Rants Q': I protest against subtitles
  4. aimeeandbeatles

    Random Rants #88: [incoherent screaming]

    [obligatory complaints about thread title]
  5. Arakhor

    Random Rants OA - I Have 71 Problems, But This Thread Ain't One

    After over four years of remaining in the cold, I make my triumphant return to the serial thread throne room! I pre-emptively apologise to the author of the 99th thread. :jesus: Old threads:
  6. T

    Thoughts on Civ 6 from a Civ 1 Player

    Hi all, I have to agree that with that Civ 6 just might be the worst Civ game ever created. I have been playing Civilization since it first came out on the SNES. I was around 8 years old at the time. I have played every Civilization game when they come out and have been hooked on every single...
  7. Valka D'Ur

    Random Rants LXX: CFCOT's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

    Old threads: My rant: My XP computer no longer accesses the internet. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but the last tech guy I spoke to told me that Firefox doesn't work on XPs anymore, and neither does IE. I don't have any other browsers downloaded on that computer. This means everything...
  8. Synobun

    Random Rants LXIX: Life is a Dismal Chore

    Nothing matters. Old threads:
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