World Views--Rants and Raves: War, Politics, Government, Social Issues


Super Moderator
Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM
  • This is not a discussion thread.
  • It is not News only thread.
  • It is an opportunity for you to "go on about" things that might not have a proper home thread in Off Topic.
  • It is a place to speak your mind, within the site rules, about the good the bad and the ugly side of the state of the world, your nation, some other nation or world leaders.

It is not a place bicker or atttack others.
No sources or links are required, but they can be included for background.
It is not a place to complain about getting a parking ticket or that your stove broke.

It is a place to express your disappointment in big picture situations without having to defend them. You may comment on the posts of others, but this is not meant to be a place to dicuss rants and raves.
I liked something Ezra Klein said in a podcast I was listening to this morning: "The world is still living in the wreckage of the George W. Bush administration."
I honestly don't get the overhand toilet paper thing. For me, it's easier to rip it if hung underhand, but I guess you could just karate-chop it the other way, too.
Perhaps you can do better than this in future posts. :p
OK. I'll bite.

I think automation has devalued labor to the point that the nuclear family model is unsustainable. We have totally failed to adapt culturally. The best time to revert to the extended family model employed historically was 40 years ago. Our failure to do so is putting tremendous strain on the culture.

Since the 70s, it has become increasingly impractical. Wages have not kept up with production. The sons and daughters of the 80s were pushed out of the family home for 3 different landlords to take a cut, while the nursing home took ownership upon the owners death.

Maybe they earned enough to buy a home. But the process continues - at 18, they throw their sons and daughters out to the mercy of landlords. Without meaningful improvement in labors position, as productivity increases, wealthy capitalist, as sole beneficiaries of this inequality, are increasingly better positioned to buy homes, wildly driving up housing costs.

The social consequences are devastating. People live alone, have no reliable emotional support in times of difficulty, and little hope for their situation to improve materially or socially. For millions, the American dream is beyond them, and they know it. It's past time to redefine it. Individualist thinking has gotta stop - it has reached the ceiling of what it can achieve, and upon a real analysis, it's actually shockingly low.
I too want to rant about individualism and fragmented society :thumbsdown:

Here's for the hope young generations manage to bring back harmony in this world of chaos :rolleyes:
@Birdjaguar: It looks like we have a candidate for an individual thread, because I have LOTS to say about the topic @Voidwalkin has brought up. It's worth discussing, given the variety of family backgrounds and situations the CFCOT people have.
So we had a change of government last year. Labour was a bit useless and online you had people pushing the "theyre both the same type narrative".

Soon as they got elected slash and burn austerity type measures. Officially in a recession.

They're "both the same" the big bald leader referred to the poor as bottom feeders.

Then started cutting the public service. Tax cuts for landlords (they did campaign on tax cuts tbf). As per usual very top health. And promptly eaten up by increases to services. Eg you will have to pay for prescriptions again.

Cuts to public service has tanked the local economy in the capital. Sone business leaders were seentalking with the leader of the opposition. He referred to them as tag a longs and C list.

Their polls are tanking in 6 months. Usually you get a honeymoon period or easy first term.

Hence why I push back on "theyre both the same type narratives. Personally it's either bad faith or a troll actively pushing right wing agenda.

Current clowns liked Liz Truss and austerity measures. Minor parties coalitions (that got 3rd and 4th place) are running rings around them. One doubled down on anti woke the other dog whistled around anti Vax and guns. Yay Murica.
@Birdjaguar: It looks like we have a candidate for an individual thread, because I have LOTS to say about the topic @Voidwalkin has brought up. It's worth discussing, given the variety of family backgrounds and situations the CFCOT people have.
Start one and I can then copy his post toit.
Good lord but European gen Z boys have become a pack of little fascist freaks haven't they
OK my new complaint is people atting me with their usual tedium in the explicit "don't at me" thread
@Zardnaar Moderator Action: This thread is designed to focus on big picture rantingand not about getting into discussions about the rants. commenting to agree or add to a rant is fine. If you want to discuss what someone has said, then start a new thread on that topic. Your posts above have been removed. Thanks.
The hard right are jumping on the Labour bandwagon

One of my current rants: There's been a major water main break in Calgary, and a significant portion of the city has been affected. Everyone there (Calgary is a city of approximately 1.5 million people) has been put on water restrictions - no laundry, no lawn watering, use less water for showers, cooking, and toilet flushing...

So what's my issue? I don't live in Calgary and this doesn't affect me at all. The issue is that in spite of so many people having to worry about enough water for the basics, the city council there decided to go ahead with the Calgary Stampede.

This is a situation that's going to take over a month to fix, and the Stampede starts during the first week of July. It runs for 10 days, and includes a major rodeo and midway. Hotels get full up there and in surrounding towns and cities. A LOT of people are going to be there, above those who normally live there.

This all means major water usage. You can't short the rodeo animals and the petting zoo animals on water. Tourists aren't going to appreciate being told to take ultra-short showers and not to expect laundry services. The race tracks where the chuckwagon races and barrel races happen need to be wetted down from time to time because of all the dust that gets churned up.

And on and on and on. There's not enough water for normal usage for the regular residents. Yet they claim that putting on a major 10-day rodeo and midway won't be any problem at all.

That's insane. Of course it's going to be a problem. It's already a problem, and that's with cool weather (there was a frost advisory a couple of days ago). By mid-July, temperatures can be in the high 30s and more. People and animals will have to stay hydrated. Cooling stations have to be open.

And yet the politicians think it's a good idea to waste limited water on a rodeo.

Politically, it's a mess. The premier is being two-faced about it. She has a pathological hatred for the mayors of both Edmonton and Calgary, and pushed through legislation that allows her to remove any elected municipal politician that she thinks isn't acting in "the public interest" (no matter that they were elected by the voters in the municipality, which is a different level of government). "The public interest" really means "the UCP's interest."

The Stampede is one of the major political events of the year, as well. So many of our provincial representatives are going to be there, taking part in pancake breakfast events, showing off their brand-new fake cowboy costumes in a failed attempt to look like a "typical Westerner", and spinning their party lines to the public who comes for free pancakes that were flipped by their MLAs.

That's the real reason the Stampede is going ahead despite the water shortage. The provincial politicians want their pancake and barbecue photo-ops. The mayor of Calgary is looking at the tourist dollars that come into the city during those 10 days, because the province has been offloading a lot of things onto the municipalities and they cost $$$$$$$$.

For those of us who don't live or work in Calgary, we're mostly okay for water (there's drought in the southern region of the province so they're not okay). But everyone but the premier and her loyal sycophants is just so utterly disgusted.

And of course they're blaming the mayor of Calgary (who happens to be a non-white woman, so she's a target), as though she personally laid the pipes decades ago, and even Justin Trudeau, because of course he hates Alberta and breaking Calgary's water mains is the sort of thing he'd do to "control" Alberta.

I'm living in a loony bin here.
The AITAH commentariat on reddit are a good example of how people who presume themselves to be emotionally intelligent and empathetic are most typically spiteful people who lack good nature.

Sometimes I wonder how any human relationship lasts more than 6 months if nearly anything can be considered a good grounds for separation.
The AITAH commentariat on reddit are a good example of how people who presume themselves to be emotionally intelligent and empathetic are most typically spiteful people who lack good nature.

Sometimes I wonder how any human relationship lasts more than 6 months if nearly anything can be considered a good grounds for separation.

A good chunk of them are probably fake.

I (45M) dislike the worst of the worst. Communists, fascists, tankies, used car salesmen, lawyers, morris dancers, the French, iPhone owners and vegans. AITAH?
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